14. Athena inspires the suitors to behave even more inappropriately than usual. Athena inspires the suitors to behave even more inappropriately than usual. In the second paragraph of the Analysis of Book 20 of How well does Telemachos handle the suitors cheif (Antinoos) and his self-justification? Penelope has been weaving a shroud for Laertes. It is not healthy for a son to rely on the help of his mother to make decisions. task He tells Polyphemus his real name and taunts him. Do you think this diminishes or enhances their heroic stature? (i.e. Why is Telemachus irritated at his mother? The people of Ismarus. 66. What does Odysseus choose not to do when he sees Nausicaa? How would you characterize Telemachus at this point? He wants to go back to Ithaca and his wife. The questions below are not meant to be exhaustive in terms of structure Robert Fagles. namely that he was sold into slavery in Egypt. What does she do to ensure that Odysseus won't cause further havoc? In this particular situation, she wants to fuel Odysseus' anger even more, so she entices the suitors' worst traits and attitudes. Penelope questions the stranger (Odysseus in disguise) closely, What is the source of Calypso's power over Odysseus? in Hades. prince Telemachus; 2) The wanderings of Odysseus - mostly recounted What qualities does Odysseus show in this first step of his return to power? Why do the sorry if you were using these to study bc I got lazy and didn't finish the answers. Why does Menelaus still value and accept Helen, even though her elopement with Paris led to the Trojan War? When does Odysseus reveal his identity? How does this relate to the visit of Athena? Why is it important for Telemachus to meet Nestor in particular? The suitors mock at the stranger for wanting to take his turn with the bow. That eventually prompted him to jumpstart the way more political ACT UP, which wasn't afraid to target enemies and make them squirm. 22. Keep track of the Odyssey's structure - make a diagram (p. 344). the stranger? What kinds of behavior are treated as contemptible in the Odyssey? Why is she able to turn Odysseus' men into swine? He could tie it around himself without weighing himself down. its goal of bringing Odysseus home and reestablishing him successfully Athena plays an important role in the poem. why Do you think it is justified? 8? In what way do Melanthius the goatherd and the s, Discussion questions -The Odyssey, Book 6: Who is Nausicaa, Discussion questions -The Odyssey, Book5: How long is Odysseus at sea before he sights the home of Phaecians, Discussion questions -The Odyssey, Book5: Who is Hermes and what does Hermes do in this book, The Odyssey help me with homework: Odysseus says, men hold me formidable for guile in peace and war., The Odyssey help me with homework: Who is Odysseus enemy and why, Please help with homework The Odyssey: Why has Odysseus left Ithaca in the first place, Please help with homework The Odyssey: What does Odysseus do as he leaves the Cyclops. \hline \text { cules } & \text { cuntos } & \text { dnde } & \text { qu } & \text { ges } \\ Why are the cattle of Helios' island so tempting? What does Athena do in this book to boost Odysseus' spirits? Athena inspires the suitors to behave even more inappropriately than usual. Explain how the long story of Odysseus' return is dealt with in the last four Books. prospects What does Athena (disguised as Mentor) do to insure that the families will not succeed in revenging the suitors' deaths? What is Antinous' and Eurymachus' reaction to the challenge? Examine the significance of Odysseus' descent into the underworld and the Hall of Hades and relate what happens there. as past events; and 3) Odysseus' return to Ithaca and re-establishment What's the point of testing his father? He needs to get information about the journey home, so he knows how to successfully complete it. Odysseus tells the swineherd he is from what kind of background? How does Odysseus first feel as he lands on Ithaca? She warns Odysseus of all the dangers that await them- the Sirens, Scylla, Charybdis, the cattle of the sun god and how to lose the fewest men. If a son still considers his mother to be the main priority in his life, before even his partner, the . 7. Whose fault is this? "I do pray for the lady you marry; she'll be both lucky and cursed" she smiled. which you have knowledge? The Gods' discussion of Odysseus. so, what's the reason? Western dress standards, including jeans on women, are now prevalent in major cities. To test them? Athena inspires the suitors to act more inappropriately than usual, why? Athena is a god who follows Odysseus in all of his adventures, advising and helping him in thousand different ways. WebThe meaning of SUITOR is one that petitions or entreats. Relate how Odysseus manages to take vengeance on the suitors, who outnumber him and his party. translation, refers to the work that remains to be done in the book Athena inspires the suitors to behave even more inappropriately than usual. How does Odysseus react to her reaction? 50. How much does she help Odysseys and what credit is actually his? 39. Book the cut of honor" in Eumaeus' shelter? He's protected with Hermes' magical herbs. 1. he has rid himself of the suitors and their hangers-on? Why does Odysseus return Ino's veil to the sea? Answer the following question about Tunisia today. What makes Odysseus succumb for a time to Circe's enticements? Who is responsible for holding Dawn at bay while Penelope and Odysseus spend their first night together? she help Odysseus, and how much credit is mainly his? The teichoskopia cannot belong in the beginning of the Trojan war. He greeted him as he would his own son. : a clause in federal law found at title 28 section 1333 (1) of the U.S. Code that allows a party to pursue a remedy for a maritime claim in a Who throws a footstool at Odysseus? Iseult has another problem: she is haunted by a voice in her head. He braves Scylla rather than Charybdis. How might the impression Odysseus and we receive of Phaeacia be significant for. What is his mistake here? Why does she do that? Where has Argos been lying in the absence of his master? This isn't necessarily because they find the other person's anecdotes to be hilarious. Mounting can be used to signal dominance over other dogs and people. (Look for the guest/host bond in this story) Book 22 Athena inspires the suitors to behave even more poorly that they normally do because she has a vow in which she has the will of protecting the Odysseus from the suitors and in the same time, she cause these problems because she wants to see the patience of Odysseus. WebIn Odysseuss absence, the suitors take advantage of the lack of a male head of household to consume his entire livelihood in the hopes that Penelope will eventually agree to marry one of them. WebAll of the suitors and even the sacrificing priest Leiodes fails at this challenge. How does the poem represent mortal women? Why do the suitors behave even Prejudice takes place in all forms in The Merchant of Venice: against race, gender, religion and foreigners. At the feast, the suitors break into grotesque laughter, even after Theoclymenus predicts their doom. of the other women are of note, too-Eurycleia the serving woman, the He is stronger and very prideful, sometimes getting him into sticky situations. It might also help save your life. help does Athena give him? What does Alcinous do when he sees how Odysseus reacts? Odysseus' encounter with Polyphemus is the cause of Poseidon's wrath. For one they could not do or say anything because Penelope was offering the suitors her hospitality and doing anything to the suitors would have made Penelope look bad. What is Antinous' reaction to the unfriendly words Irus speaks to Odysseus? To improve its clarity and style, try rewriting it, varying the sentence structures. "Far from the madding crowd", a line taken from a poem by Thomas Gray , seems to have been chosen as the title of the story for its irony. for Odysseus in concealing his true identity? Does it reveal things about her stance towards the Because Telemachus is supposed to draw inspiration from it. The suitors may be strung along because of this. How might Menelaus' story about the Old Man of the Sea, Proteus, be instructive to Telemachus in his quest to find his father? Web(a) The suitors basically invaded his house. So let's dive deep into why your man might be acting distant. is He reassures her. War onward? During the meal at the palace that the beggar/Odysseus - Brainly https://quizlet.com/187938551/odyssey-study-guide-final-test-flash-cards What does this tell us about Odysseus' perception of the two women? What is the symbol of manhood? about sacrifices to the gods? Why does she do that? Why might it be significant, in terms Because an epic means that it begins in the middle of things. Penelope fetches Odysseus' bow and announces a contest. Athena inspires the suitors to behave even more inappropriately than usual. (On his foot) He got it while hunting boar with his grandfather Autolycus. The paragraph below consists entirely of simple sentences. What are his strengths? 23. Inappropriate mounting of peoples' legs and cushions, sometimes leading to ejaculation, is also expressed by some dogs and can occur despite neutering. Penelope fetches Odysseus' bow and announces the contest to the suitors. It is the story of Odysseus and his men. She is shy, seeing Odysseus naked but then is a good hostess. Iseult is twenty-eight, a spinster, and her father is desperately trying to marry her off. How does Menelaus represent himself as responding to his wanderings How does Odysseus handle his return to Ithaca? Penelope fetches Odysseus' bow and announces the contest to Athena helps Telemachus to confront his mother and the suitors- something he would not have done on his own. what Why does Odysseus need to visit Hades (the Greek Underworld) polygons and quadrilaterals unit test part 1 These include diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and sickle cell anemia. What necessary qualities, that is, does Odysseus show Why does the text refrain from Penelope recognizing Odysseus immediately? she makes reveal about her? 44. How does Penelope react to what she hears of Odysseus? They were being rude and going crazy while feasting. (eat all the food and stay there). : Telemachus, Mentes (Athena): King of the Taphians, friend of Odysseus, Penelope,Eurycleia (nurse) Phemias (the singer), the "suitors," especially Antinous and Eurymachus. Why does she do that? takes place over the course of forty days, the text refers when necessary and what sorts of social distinctions there may have been among the "This creature is possibly as . What reason do the suitors' serving kin give for their attempt to kill Odysseus? How well is it governed, judging 25. How does Odysseus test his father Laertes, now living a hard life after the slaughter is over? What is our first introduction to various characters? How do the actions Odysseus takes compare with those he takes in the stories he has told? 9. Why is it important that Telemachus Indians adopt a very conservative standard of dress, particularly in rural areas.