You can squeeze out a little more gain by filtering just the frequencies that feed back, but if you keep going up it wont take long at all before there are too many to filter. This is the only study I know that has actually measured autism rates in the general public. And how come its so inconsistent, and many people have naturally high intelligence but arent autistic at all? The reality is that weight training only increases strength in the motion of the lifts that you do. If were gonna sit down and make Smores, we need marshmallows, chocolate, graham crackers, and a crackling fire. And her failure to understand social cues lets her be taken advantage of by lower-quality men, who have sexually abused her on multiple occasions. Is there anything you can do in terms of testing or practice to reduce your risk? Awareness of it? One of our children is an Asperger (labelled as high functioning autistic in the DSM). (And maybe theres some kind of subtype of autism > size of correlation thing happening, too. If so, wed expect a much higher rate of female-to-male transgender identity among people on the autism spectrum who, ah, lack that Y chromosome. Theres probably not anyone working in math right now who is any smarter than Gauss was. Except that from the sound of it, the IQ/autism risk genes are. If the g factor and IQ gains from the Flynn Effect are negatively correlated, then does that mean that IQ tests are gradually being more and more poorly designed over time? Its similar with hearing. Ok, I just got to the end of the comments and no-one else has brought this up yet: Isnt the finding that For another (Ravens), its a bunch of iterations of the same basic task (a kind of visual puzzle with one piece missing), described here. Ill share some info that might or might be helpful, since its just an anecdote. But every so often, somebody tries to do . also, i just read through the swedish study cited in the post. According to the most recent findings on the subject, its not many developed countries, its only Scandinavia. I really like this change. Maybe I just dont understand what you mean by normal. Given the numerous different genetic correlates to autism, if one wants to preserve the diagnostic validity of autism by finding a single etiology, one might hypothesize that all of these genes affect a narrow set of brain circuitry in a similar way, but as discussed in the Waterhouse paper people have tried to do this and (per her lit review) failed to do so. Only 3% of autistic people were found to have IQs above 115, even though 15% of the population should be at this level. This has nothing to do with the OP, but I will definitely comment on your wrestling example, as a wrestler. Im skeptical of the extreme male brain hypothesis for autism. r/slatestarcodex Did recent AI . Giftedness makes people more idiosyncratic. I dont think its quite that and even if it were, it would be really mysterious if double sickle cell genes caused more malaria! Causation not detected through a randomized controlled trial. For one thing, the same studies that found that relatives of autistic patients had higher IQs find that the autistic patients themselves have much lower ones. I favour the Maxander description of the genetic defect in autism, too much brain development can be bad. The post is laden with unsaid assumptions that do not make sense to me. So it may not just be something like too much of a good thing but the relationship between the seed parameters (genes) and the result (brain architecture/intelligence) is something thats chaotic rather than simple. Autistic people have weird developmental trajectories. n=1 description of autism and speculation on etiology. My vague mental model is that there are a bunch of different parameters that have to be within a certain range to get good performance from your brain. Epistemic status: not too bad, certainly good enough to have my old head of department, a grand old neurogeneticist interested in this if still maintaining healthy scientific skepticism. And at least a few of them were probably just lying outright. Higher IQ people have lower infant mortality rates than lower IQ people. Lazy googling yields claims around 80% narrow-sense (additive) heritability for height which is comparable to the total heritability of IQ. What is going on? This can coexist with a loss in the number of people with the highest potential intelligenceif were building sewers and safe water supplies at the same time were convincing our smartest 5% of people to take a vow of celibacy, well get that pattern. But if you pile on enough of the genes that increase IQ by increasing your head circumference, you will get a kid with such a huge head that his neck wont support it and his heart and lungs cant keep his giant brain in oxygenated blood, and hell die as a baby. That figure seems very low to me, though it depends what exactly you define as incredibly smart and incredibly charismatic. If we take incredibly to be synonymous with top percentile, there would be 75 million people in the world who are incredibly intelligent. For example, girls were much less likely to receive an Aspergers diagnosis than boys, and girls were more likely to be diagnosed at an older agea disparity that points to bias. Virtually everything has a failure mode. Plausibly, a certain amount of narrowness and rigidity of focus will improve cognitive performance, whereas too much will cause impairment by making it too hard to get the big picture, switch attention and deal with competing stimuli etc. We had children at around 30. I have not read the other comments, so maybe someone already pointed this out, but I wish to file a complaint. Yes, of course. If we got 10/10, wed get a gold star, and, if 9/10, a silver star. paternal IQ/ autism seems pretty much decorrelated, which is strange given the 100% confidence that autism genes are IQ boosting. (Then also add to that the fact that people making a big deal out of Wow you can do this thing! can be super unpleasant).,, Arizone State University Autism symptoms reduced nearly 50% two years after fecal transplant, The Economist More evidence that autism is linked to gut bacteria, Maybe Your Zoloft Stopped Working Because A Liver Fluke Tried To Turn Your Nth-Great-Grandmother Into A Zombie,,,,, If we take the Ronemus and Gardner studies seriously, the answer seems to be yes. This fits with my observations of my family (parents, siblings, kids) and other science majors in college. Research suggests that there is an ongoing reversed Flynn effect, i.e. So in that sense, maybe its just a phrasing problem. The high end should stay the same, in much the way that the high end of human lifespan is only a little longer now than in 1800its just that a lot more people make it to 90 or 100 with modern medical care. Increased parental age correlates with autism risk, AIUI. My 3rd child, a girl, is much lower functioning. Suppose the only study on age-related mortality shows that people older than 30 are 1.2x more likely to die in a given year than people younger than 30, but does not give any other information. Guys autism is not a thing. Yes indeed. Heres a study that claims Few adults with autism have intellectual disability; however, autism is more prevalent in this population. I was getting my disorders mixed up, yes, but this is the one I was thinking of. Agreed. The mothers of red-green colorblind individuals are frequently tetrachromats. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for AUCHAN RETAIL INTERNATIONAL of CROIX, HAUTS DE FRANCE. (Which isnt the same as saying its bimodal; the distribution still peaks in the middle, but its wider and flatter.). Within our filter bubble, people have similar levels of status, so they can be smart but not charismatic or charismatic but not smart. This seems like circular logic to me. Struggling to describe this. Most cases of autism involve all three of these factors; that is, your overall autisticness is a combination of your familial genes, mutations, and environmental risk factors. How much do we know about how intelligence develops and what might impact it? They all share the same hunger for mathematics, and if you get to know those who seem normal on the surface, you find out that they have some interesting hobbies as well. Agree with your post, and especially with this part. Further (indirect) confirmation of the autism-IQ link comes from evolutionary investigations. Im pretty sure that at some point the emulation efficiency hits diminishing returns- that its not emulations all the way up, in other words. Its a small sample (156) and its 10-14 year olds, not adults. If you mean extraverted, no small number. If we take the Ronemus and Gardner studies seriously, the answer seems to be yes. Is it the reverse of that? Couldnt this all be the result of several essentailly different things being lumped together under the label autism spectrum? Indeed, higher survival rates over time might also explain why were seeing a real increase in the number of autistic children over time more of them are living long enough to be diagnosed with autism in the first place. He has the making of a superb engineer. I am not, but we both initially bonded over (I dont know a way to put this delicately or more exactly) being objectively very smart people that dont perform intelligence very well, albeit different ways. Autism-risk genes may just be plumping up the middle tiers, those who are noticeably intelligent but not staggering one-in-a-million test cases. Slate Star Codex was a blog by Scott Alexander about human cognition, politics, and medicine. There are plenty of incredibly smart and simultaneously charismatic people out there. * Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it. Giving What We Can is a charitable movement promoting giving some of your money to the developing world or other worthy causes. These questions interest me because I know a lot of people who are bright nerdy programmers married to other bright nerdy programmers, and sometimes they ask me if their children are at higher risk for autism. This is just the cystic fibrosis thing again, isnt it? 1. My stats-fu isnt strong enough to know if this actually pencils out, though. IQb medium genetic load : high intelligence, autistic highly functional autist or autistic tendencies, strongly tenchnically inclined They propose that the reason evolution favors autism genes is that they generally increase intelligence. Hard to specify. Check out their free anti-anxiety guide here. On that and other evidence, its pretty clear the above article isnt talking about autistics like me. If I personally were one of these hypothetical genius scientists in possession of technology that could reshape the world, I think that the most optimal strategy for me would be to offer this technology to the U.S. in exchange for a large sum of money say, $50 million. Why is this the case? Pure speculation on my part, but I wonder if part of the link between autism and high intelligence mightnt be explained by a non-linear relationship akin to that between arousal and performance. Maintaining or constructing rigorous social boundaries would be the only thing that would protect a human with IQ300 from a human with IQ400 (or a seed AI). Or rather, that the concept of Asperger autism is more related to giftedness, and not to autism. My outside view intuition is that gut bacteria are the new priming and also literally HTTLPR. This could also tie back in to socioeconomic status better off parents may be more likely to have kids diagnosed as having autism instead of some other less acceptable mental disability, which could also potentially explain the racial disparities. Increasingly smart people at the high end, as the smart people tend to meet in college/at work and pair off and have super-smart kids. Umm, what? completely unfalsifiable, and 2.) Also, if we do get to a bold new future of hyper-intelligent unilaterism, would the hyper-intelligent even want to sign up for it? A couple of property developers Ive worked with. Or maybe not, because the researchers just act like they are cognitively distinct subtypes anyway, so it might not make much difference in practice. I hesitate to make anything out of this, but whenever theres a study that links pre-natal stress to autism, my ears perk up a little. a sort of arrangement where if you pick up to four of them you get enhanced intelligence, five or six and you get high-functioning intelligent autism, and seven or more and your brain crashes on boot-up and the autism stops you from functioning. In sum, the heterogeneity of risk factors, brain impairments, and non-diagnostic symptoms in an ASD-defined sample blocks valid scientific inference.
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