Not tobacco from Esoterica, nor the offerings of Samuel Gawith. I like to handle tobacco, and this one is delightful. Do you prefer Joe DiMaggio or Ted Williams, really no wrong answer. Once again fill and level dont pack down. I know some love it so that they have named their children after it. Trust me , it's not worth it. There is something about it that is just magical. If all this sounds gimmicky or too much, somehow it is NOT, at all, and I say this as a confirmed hater of "aromatics" and additive-forward blends of all descriptions. Penzance should be the very best tobacco in the world, but it isn't. But that's it ! I have attempted to produce such a blend a few times myself. exclusively for Butera Pipe Company using only the finest quality whole Nice! I recommend that anyone who likes English mixtures should try this at some point in their lives. Virginia and Latakia are the players. bag. The room note is by far the most perfumed smell of ANY blend. PLEASE READ QUANTITY LIMITS BELOW! As I smoked, the orientals started to appear with some spice but just a bit, completing the taste. My first bowl had me puzzled, It was pretty much a non-entity for me. I've either traded or sold all of my Penzance, and will not be acquiring any more. This blend seems to find a great happy medium by having great latikia and oriental flavors but without being overly smoky tasting from excessive latikia. The smoke is not overly smooth, but it certainly isn't harsh or biting. And aside from being fairly moist, it is relatively user friendly. It never wears my mouth out yet has a great taste. (Josh was exceptionally good at answering questions without actually answering any of the questions). A wonderful Oriental forward blend, and worth keeping a number of tins cellared. I am not shure Is the tabacco in the Tin diffent than the big bulk?? In any case, I was enjoying Nightcap and Old Ironsides and those were excellent blends that I didn't find fussy, so Penzance became a distant memory. As a deep, relaxing blend after a big meal, it has few equals; it's especially good in a very large pipe. I find this stuff really starts to sing at mid-bowl, where the flavors harmonize to produce a very organic earthy flavor. However prepared, topping the bowl with a bit of kindling is strongly recommended for a quick and even light. Its a great smoke, but there are a lot of English blends out there that are great smokes. Esoterica Penzance tobacco | Badger & Blade The tobacco is wonderfully smoky and smooth. Hence, the name. Puff it slowly and enjoy the medium to full taste of smoked spices. This is just a very strong blend with no subtle tastes or palate textures. If youve ever been inside of an old tack room in a stable, you know what I mean. I air out a few slices at a time in order to keep the rest fresh. Very highly recommended. . This tobacco flake nearly falls apart upon handling. Margate, a classical English mixture of choice Orientals and generous Its near impossible to just fold this as you would a more leathery slice. The Latakia builds to fill it out to a stern medium. For some, this is a negative. I find myself having to try to like this flake and to me if I have to try to like a tobacco, it's just not worth it. Charring light, Tobacco resists the flame. In the end I decided that crumbling it up just so slightly is the best method. I am mostly an aromatic smoker but had to try this to see what all the chirping was about. It has it's complexities, and sweetness, and there's definitely an exotic tobacco in there that I haven't quite gotten the hang of identifying, but it's very nice. Esoterica: Penzance 2oz Pipe Tobacco - Takes awhile to air out a room after smoking this stuff and will linger on your taste buds for a while and leave a pretty ?turd like? It packed better than most flakes lit easily but needed a few light tampings and relights.especially toward the end, but I didn't mind at all. Similar Blends: Dunhill - Standard Mixture, Esoterica Tobacciana - Margate. I wondered if this flake would have some type of dressing on it. It seems like the blend may have lost some of its vigor after 6 years. I would like to keep some on hand, but I didn't find it miraculous enough to scour the deepest ends of the Earth just to pay $50 for an 8 oz. (226.8 Grams) Packaging: Bag Good but not great, I will smoke this again in the future, but when this tin is gone it will be some time before I return. It's definitely recommendable, if nothing else the crumble cake form is fun to try out but I would strongly suggest smoking it while it's fresh. But it's almost as good as it's reputation promises. Entirely made, blended, and aged in the UK British Isles, I need to update and upgrade this tobacco a couple of stars. Latakia is right behind and tasty . So delicate, it was impossible to remove a single flake without it breaking apart so I simply began removing crumbled sections of several flakes from one end of the tin and spread the the array of various pieces out on paper to dry overnight. I asked the owner to put me down on the waiting list for an eight oz. I do however strongly recommend this weed. One is Blue Mountain and the other is Three Oaks Syrian. Tin aroma is latakia, like any other, great but nothing special. I'm mot going to get into the appearance, tin note, moistness or anything other than smoking it. It seems to me that the essential alchemy of Penzance is perceived not so much on the tongue or in the nose as deep in the far reaches of the sinuses, at the back of the head. Not a good bitter some Turkish leaves have, but a something is in this bitter. I agree with the general good opinions expressed about Penzance;it is one of my staples and the one tobacco that I would choose if I could only have one. While it can leave behind a rather tenacious ghost, and while it will do reasonably well just about anywhere, for those who wish to really explore its depths it is well worth the time and effort to audition a number of pipes until just the right one is found. The latakia was definitely present, but I couldn't quite discern anything else in the mixture. Dont pass this one up. This is not a bad blend by any means. A crumble cake / flake hybrid that just looks like a lot of time and thought was put in to it. $32 for each eight oz. The Latakia is just right, and you can taste the Virginia. What is there to say, simply an amazing smoke and a must try for every pipe smoker out there. $17.80 - $44.20. Packed the bowl and lit up BAMMMM! Similar to Gaslight, but much more balanced, smoother, and not as strong in the nic or latakia (campfire smokiness). The tobacco was and still is very, very moist, even after all this time. Probably not. You've guided me (More often than not!) Stock Price. It's incredibly smokey and lush, and completely unique in the world of pipe tobacco. To put a finer point on it they are almost delicate, and would be, were it not for the touches of Perique. It's very easy on the palate, always a cool & dry smoke that burns beautifully into a very tidy, fine grey ash. But it just didn't do it for me. Almost too easily. The only drawback to this tobacco is perhaps that it is a little wet, and smokes a little hot as a result. Talking about the bowl, I discovered that this tobacco tasted the best in a somewhat larger, relatively shallow bowl. But anyway, bravo Esoterica Tobacciana, because of the experience of Penzance I do not regret ordering various other blends from this blender. 08/01/15 Come on guys, the problem is the lack of business sense of esoterica. As odd as it sounds, I prefer using a filter at this one. A wonderful, complex secret recipe of the finest Virginias, choice Turkish and Orientals and Cyprian Latakia, all hand blended together, hard pressed and broad cut into thick flakes. The Orientals are the stars, and are very pleasing to my palate, definetly the most complex and rich Orientals I got to enjoy so far - love 'em and would love to now which varietal(s) were used, yet I suspect a mild casing/topping being present. A bit grassy, but not too sweet. I remember! I hadn't touched Penzance until now. While Penzance is basically an "Oriental-forward English blend", this characterization falls well short of a complete description. This is a balkan style English with Turkish tobaccos front and center . I have my turns with Latakia, during some periods I am not particularly fond of smoking it, and it was at such a time when I first smoked Penzance. Margate is better. Enjoli' !!! Penzance, of course, is not. Not really . Bulk is far worse. In conclusion: A good to almost very good blend, but its definitely not the greatest of english or balkan blends. This is a great tobacco and I think it fitting of its demand. The taste is similar, but with something else I can't quite pinpoint (I've never had Laphroaig, but maybe that's the best comparison). Well-balanced, but the Latakia is the showcase. The Latakia is minimal and squarely in a support role. Tongue bit is minimal and this is a very easy blend to smoke. My wife, when I smoked it for the very first time, thought that there was a fire in the neighborhood. Therefore, IMHO, Penzance merits only three stars. I will be making quite a few trips to my tobacco shop to stock up on Penzance. Taste remains fairly consistent. Esoterica: Penzance 2oz Pipe Tobacco Product Number: 003-024-0020 A wonderful, complex secret recipe of the finest Virginias, choice Turkish and Orientals and Cyprian Latakia, all hand blended together, hard pressed and broad cut into thick flakes. This smell, which reminds me of iodine, carries over into the smoke and is largely responsible for the absolutely unique flavor and texture of this blend. This tobacco is not worth the fuss. Enough has been said about this well crafted english! Penzance is without a doubt another fabulous blend by Esoterica. This one would have to be the foundation of my cellar, as was twin brother ?Krumble Kake? Disclaimer: I have bought all of my Penzance at a mom and pop shop and paid no more than retail for a bag or tin. Smoked summer sausage also comes to mind. But what difference does it make? I guess I'll go out and grab a bagfull tomorrow. Its a great one. Overall Penzance strikes a nice balance between savoury and sweet flavors. Penzance has few if any equals as a medium-full English smoke even among the most vaunted historic blends that I recall smoking. I personally taste the orientals over the latakia. This is still a great Oriental-forward English blend, but it lacks the magic of tins I've breached that were younger, albeit this could be just a matter of the seal. This slight drying seems to help keep the tobacco from clumping in the bowl and I find I relight less often. In testament that this blend is unusual and can take some getting used to and that perseverance reaps rewards. I am finishing first "tin-full" of that bag-10 months later. Latakia blends in flake form are a rarity, and welcome. Dislikes: Too many relights near the end and got a little hot. As I moved around to other types of blends and backed away from the lat/oriental forward stuff, I sort o f forgot about Penzance. For me Penzance is milder, mellower, and more refined. The tin description above says, "A wonderful complex secret recipe .". Like other blends, the strength of smoke getting stronger till the end. Good solid English. After three days there was no difference in the intensity , when you walked into the room, you were hit by a scent from eight feet away. Easily one of the finest tobaccoes I've smoked. Did I do certain things with my girlfriend? Hope anyone who's having trouble obtaining this blend and is curious as to whether it's actually worth the hassle, finds this review helpful. If it isn't for you, you may want to save your time/money. Germain have produced an excellent tobacco and simply won't market it fairly even in the USA. edit: this is still, by far, my favorite latakia. Roomnote: Too bad the tin is so small. The smoke is soft and cool with flavors of malt and a tinge of saltiness. It's like Guinness. I didnt quite crumble up enough for a full bowl, so I did a modified three-step gravity fill. A couple puffs in, I was hit with something, only momentarily, that reminded me of caramel pecans: it hate the bitter, oiliness of the pecan, but the sweet, caramelized sugar with it. It's a pity it's gotten so hard to come by, but I suppose that is the way it goes when the supply of something so good is limited. I could smell this blend through the packaging. I get another 5/10 min or so of smoking. But I don't consider this an overdoing of flavours. I wanted to try it, but not badly enough to wait around my phone or inbox to spend $40+ per bag. Maybe if I was awash in money, who knows but even then, I am not so sure. Or maybe I'm just burned out on it. In particular, the Virginias used here appear aged or pressed or otherwise reduced in acidity, and the Latakia has been restrained from its pine-smoke extremes. A great creamy smoke that had a nice kick to it. Opening the tin revealed a waxed paper lining dotted with oil from the leaves. My wife hates it when I smoke this because she knows I'll be outside for like 2 hours instead of helping her in the house with the kids. I am restoring its rightful 4 stars with this caveat. Very savory never acrid, but sure to be appreciated only by connoisseurs. I've found I enjoy it most when I can smoke slowly and take time to appreciate it - smoked quickly or on a windy day the Latakia seems to overwhelm the other flavors, making it very good instead of great tasting. Curiously they have a fair amount of Iodine that occurs naturally. I paid way too much for an 8 ounce bag of this because of the insane hype surrounding it. I threw out the rest of the jar, and did my best to remove the oily residue it left inside one of my better pipes reserved for Latakia blends. I can totally see why people will sell their kids/cars/& wives to try and get this stuff. The flavour of the virginias,turkish,orientals and cyprian latakia,are perfectly synchronised. It seemed to have lost its flavor & became rather bland after about 1/3 of the bowl is smoked down. It starts out super weak and lacking flavor. Rubbing out into small pieces yields a more satisfying smoke for me, and I do not mind that a few pieces escape out of the mouthpiece on test draws. It is good a panacea for tobacco hunger. The hype is true. Then come the Orientals; a bit of mustiness; some earthiness. I doubt I'll be trying this one again from a fresh or aged tin! The blended components joined very well with each other and this is and has been my favorite blend for some time. I sure am happy I did because this is my favorite Balkan and #2 overall with the mellow wood smoke aroma that softens the edges. The smoking flavor is on the medium to full side. Delicious crumble kake flakes. This is good evening or before bed smoke. The flaked tobacco crumbled with ease and packed evenly with simple gravity and a light tamp. 03/06/2009 Penzance is one of the finest blends I have ever tried. There is a reason that people buy it out as soon as a shop gets any on its shelves. Even this confirmed Virginia smoker must make room in the rotation for Penzance! Quiet Nights is very pliable and soft but does not fall apart as easily as Penzance. When the tin gets low, I just re-load it with the bulk. No too strong, not too weak, just right for me. Presents itself as jet black with just a few dark brown leaves. Highly recommeded. I really wanted to enjoy this tobacco as much a SL but the flavour just never really developed for me. It is a hell of a lot harder to get now. The chocolate, nut, earth, and smokey flavors carried through until the final relight. Early bowls were in factbalkan heaven in a tin. This renowned ingredient also imbues this tobacco with a deep smoky aroma, not so much campfire as other english blends but something much deeper and darker. The second occurrence was yesterday,when I received an 8 oz.bag from the States. I've found it's best not to let it get too dry even though it always seems wetter than I prefer my tobacco. I rarely smoke full English blends, but when I do I expect more complexity than this, and I think the latakia dominates the flavor a bit more than I prefer. Ramsgate's select dark and Golden Virginias are hot pressed until It remained until the end of the bowl and was accompanied by a wisp of leather and earth while holding on to the ever subtle presence of latakia. It finishes soapy where it used to finish clean. [[[ UPDATE ]]] I changed my recommendation from to =. This reminds me of Westminster in many ways. I like the ritual of flakes. So far it is flying right up there for me. of STC Holdings LLC. I showed restraint, and did not get overly excited. Great all day smoke and I tend to enjoy it while reading a good book. If you are too heavy handed with the tobacco, you get a wet lump at the bottom of the bowl. Beyond that, this is now one of my regulars, and is especially perfect after dinner. Mississippi Mud is similar, stronger & tasted so much better to me right from a new tin. This is, along with Legends, Durbar, Nightcap and Aperitif, the best Latakia offering I have ever tried in my 15 years as a pipe smoker. She isn't particularly impressed with the vaper flakes I favor. I find this one difficult to smoke without crumbling it up, but when I do the result is a mouthful of dust. Penzance alone is now down to zero, though to my good luck I socked away a bit. 10+ out of 10. This is most assuredly a gourmet tobacco, hands down. The sourness upon relighting has mostly faded, and the Latakia mingles well with the lesser tobaccos also present. Fully rubbed out; dried for 5-10 minutes (per my tobacconist's advice), it lit quite easily. With all characteristics being considered, this tobacco blend?s flavor can be summarized as a rich leathery English taste with interplaying between sweet and bitter/nutty tastes. A very high quality tobacco. The tabac loads easily and smokes amazingly cool. But there is nothing else that looks like Penzance, crumbles like Penzance, smokes like Penzance or tastes like Penzance. The Latakia Flake is comparable and all right, I suppose, but that's about all you can say. I gravity fed larger chunks first and then topped these off with finer crumbs with one very light tamp. I got it in almost perfect humidity level, still let it dry for about 1hr. It then burns evenly and completely to a fine ash, often without any relight. It's high quality stuff, but I just don't think it's worth the effort you have to put into aquiring it. I think it must have very little virginia in it.Nice tobacco, I think just not tuned to my tastebuds. At first the note is boldly phenolic, reminding me very much of an islay scotch, particularly laphroaig. As for now, I find Penzance too pricey and too high maintenance,,, but would like to revisit it if the artificial shortage and price gouging would stop,,, I mean Really Esoterica?? Still a good tasting tobacco most of the time. Update - Moved to two stars, I got rid of all of my Penzance. It was rather moist and much milder than the other reviewers had led me to expect. One of my new favorites. I could compare it to rotting leaves, pencil shavings, Sharpie markers and tar, all blended together and hard pressed and cut into thick flakes. I find it really does not need to be rubbed out at all, since it is not too hard pressed. A must Tin to tuck away. Esoterica Cardiff Pipe Tobacco . They are the base on which the dominating and full-bodied aroma of some very fine Orientals can shine.
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