Prayers To Destroy Witchcraft Expectations And Evil Today, she lives in Santa Clarita, CA happily married to her husband with three kids. Gary. Every satanic program emanating from the caldron of darkness, be reversed, in the name of Jesus. Destroy Witchcraft: 12 Steps to Uproot Prayer of Activation 1. I ordain the tempest of God against every witchcraft transportation systems designed against my life in Jesus name. Gideon not only stopped the enemy but the enemy was destroyed, and he delivered the children of Israel out of the hands of the enemy. spiritual weapons (anti-witchcraft prayers recorded into my mobile phone) and I had about 120 prayers recorded. PRAYER I worship and adore You in Jesus name. d) a gust of air or wind inside moving around your body Let the eyes of witches assigned against me be darkened, in Jesus Name. 120 PRAYERS TO CRUSH WITCHCRAFT by These 11 lines are what all Christians should hold in their hearts and minds in the face of fear and adversity. Refuse to carry out the instructions of witch-doctors assigned against me, in Jesus Name. I withdraw my blessings from every bank or strongroom of the enemy, in the name of Jesus. I decree that no witch or wizard shall prosper in my environment, in Jesus name. Every agenda of witchcraft over my family, I cut you off by the Blood of Jesus,in Jesus Name. Witchcraft and feminism go hand in hand as witches are becoming a symbol of freedom the patriarchy that has long condemned the role of women since the fall of Adam and Eve. Prayer To Destroy All Evil Attachments these prayer points are powerful prayers to destroy witchcraft that is attacking you. Today I claim victory over Satan by putting on the whole armor of God! Many believers assume the reasons for their disappointment, depression, losing their job, etc. Water spirits networking with witchcraft spirit against my life, I judge you by fire, in Jesus Name. The prayer points below will guide us on how to pray effectively for God to destroy the operations of witchcraft networks in our lives. Powerful spiritual warfare prayers (words of GOD) is the sword of the spirit to slay to death any evil spirit(s) of witchcraft sent over by the evil sender. I pray to you to make me stronger and wiser to recognize the evil. DESTROYING THE TRAVELING ROUTES OF WITCHCRAFT. BREAKING DOWN THE TRANSPORTATION OF WITCHCRAFT, Let the terrible fire of God consume the transportation of my household witchcraft in Jesus name. e) some victims may also hearing voices whisper into their ear. I am the LORD your God., Using Prayer to Destroy Witchcraft and asking for wisdom and mercy for those doing it makes you a wonderful human being. Before we go to the main topic, Its crucial to understand the true meaning of Witchcraft or unethical activities. Praying to Lord and having faith that He will protect you from evils is the only way to move forward. Every pregnancy of sorrow assigned against my breakthroughs by witchcraft powers, I abort you now, in Jesus Name. Remember, if someone is blessed with such a gift and using it to harm somebody, they will pay in the end. (Repeat) Let the tables of witchcraft become their snares, in Jesus Name. I disgrace every altar of iniquity in my life by the blood of Jesus. Every evil spirit that hears my voice, I command you to tell the truth in the name of Jesus. I break down and burn to ashes, every seat of witchcraft stronghold that I have built by my own mouth and I cancel their effects upon my life, in the name of Jesus. 14. Come upon my hand,in Jesus Name! Then place the hand upon your head and pray aggressively, Identification mark of witchcraft upon my life, backfire, in Jesus Name! My Father! Pray against witchcraft identification mark like this Raise your right hand up and cry to the heavens, Blood of Jesus! 5: How to Pray to Destroy the Power of Witchcraft and Release Your Blessings. Such attack may strike you anytime (daytime and/or night time) when you are in the subway, shopping mall, office, restaurant etc.and the scripture said Prayers Home; Tag "prayer to destroy witchcraft in marriage" Order By. No need to panic when God is on your side. thought that you are listening to music. c) letting go of gases (farting) Father, I decree that every legislation of witchcraft attack fashioned against my advancement in life and destiny be abolished by the blood of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus. Anything in me supporting witchcraft embargo on my finances, come out with all your roots, in Jesus name. WebAnything I owe to evil powers, blood of Jesus, pay for me now, in the name of Jesus. Whatever has been done against me using the ground, be neutralized in the name of Jesus. Let the angel of destruction continually minister on any route of witchcraft that is fashioned against me, in Jesus name. Every chain of inherited witchcraft in my family, break, in Jesus Name. Fire from head to toe! And bring down upon the army of witchcraft their day of disaster, in Jesus Name, Every spell and enchantment of witchcraft, clear off, in the Name of Jesus. Father, let my head, eyes, hands, legs and internal organs be lost from witchcraft, bewitchment and bondage, in Jesus name. I command all demons not to transfer, go exactly where Jesus wants you to go and do not come back. Father, let every witchcraft network calling my name into any caldron fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. My advice to you is to record your own warfare prayers onto your mobile phone and play it through earpieces once you have sensed the witchcraft attack. DISMANTLING WITCHCRAFT EMBARGO ON FINANCES. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. Every monthly monitoring of my womb by witchcraft power be dissolved by fire. It is usually hard to treat a victim under the negative influence of satanic food poisoning. Father, I curse every operation of the wicked in my family. I dont know who is doing it, but I pray to you to strengthen me to deal with this evil energy. WebIn the name of Jesus, I break and cancel witchcraft control, spirits that block you from exercising your free will, destruction, lust, perversion, grief, bitterness, hate, rebellion, rejection, schizophrenia, deception, doubt and unbelief, passivity, false humility, anti-Christ, religious error and command you to come out in Jesus name. And I am thankful that you continue to love, cherish, and protect me in this sometimes dark and scary world. I use the keys of heaven to lockout problems from my life, in the name of Jesus. A family member came to spend Christmas with us in 2014 from she left my home its been a lot of problem l find a lot of marks and lines ,x all over my bed ,on the walls ,floor all over my home .with fasting and prayer these prayer works .please help me pray. This demon had been secretly ruining my life relationship s money No job will call me anything. 0 Lord, let Your thunder and fire locate all covens of witches and wizards established against me for total destruction. The penalty for practicing witchcraft was death under the Mosaic law (Exodus 22:18, 1 Chronicles 10:13, Leviticus 20:27) because at the heart of witchcraft is the same ploy Satan used in the garden of Eden when he said to Eve: You can be like God, (Genesis 3:5). Midnight Prayer Points Against Witchcraft Powers This woman has purchased a home now but in her name but with our money. They are individuals who consult tarot cards, use palm readings, and hold seances. I blind the eyes of envious witchcraft monitoring my life, in the name of Jesus. Remind us, today Lord, that the battle belongs to you, and whatever were up against can be taken down in one fell swoop by your mighty hand. Katie thackery. I upset every witchcraft set-up against my life, in Jesus Name. As the angel of God obstructed Balaam let every witchcraft transportation be destroyed in Jesus name. May God help your Ministry. So it is absolutely clear what God says about the operation of witchcraft warfare and how we should handle them. He sits in the lurking places of the villages; In the secret places he murders the innocent; His eyes are secretly fixed on the helpless. Let the fire of God fall down and consume every altar of false religion in this country in the name of Jesus. We got married on June 15,1996. I shut down all witchcraft buildings with the key of David that shuts and no one can open, in Jesus Name. Dolores. Destroy your own kingdom. I speak destruction to the root of any infirmity planted by witchcraft powers in my life, in the name of Jesus. Prayer of Activation 1. Heavenly Father, holy is Your name and greatly to be praised. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break witchcraft, mind-bending spirits, spirits that block and bind will. now he is not at all talking to me. Every household witchcraft power assigned to waste my life, be wasted, in Jesus Name. Father, I thank you for your love and the gift of life which none other can give, in the name of Jesus. The answer is yes, prayer is the answer as Jesus Himself taught that when we clearly understand who He is and what our prayers are, prayer consistentlydestroys all evil. Father, let every limitation placed upon my life by the coven of witchcraft be destroyed, in Jesus name. Father in heaven, please send your Holy Spirit to fill us up in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 8:19 says, When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Published date; Views; Like; Comments; Ratings; Title I AM BEING BEAT DOWN BY THE EVIL IN THIS WORD I AK WHY BUT THERE IS NO ANSWER IN RETURN GOD IS MY SAVIOUR I KNOW THAT HE WILL NEVER LEAVE ME A LONE, Stay with me; dont be afraid. I repent of all rebellion, and I ask to be covered in the wings of my heavenly father and in the blood of Christ Jesus. Evil withcraft can attack anyone day and night and at any place in the world. I put on the Helmet of Salvation! 4: How to Know if You Are Under a Witchcraft Attack. I cut every foul spirit from me with the sword of the spirit. Now, before sharing my prayer against Witchcraft, you must understand the signs of a witchcraft attack, for real. Arrow of fire, pluck out the eyes of every monitoring agent over the affairs of my life, in the name of Jesus. Witchcraft initiation, melt by fire, in Jesus Name. We are under constant attack with health finances and people turning against us for no reason. Evil altars, the day of your judgment has come by fire, in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft padlock hanging against me, lock your owner, in Jesus Name. O Lord, I cover the following prayers in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Repeat each command as directed by the Holy Spirit. CommentThanks Mrs Fern for the spiritual warfare weapons you have supplied to the world. me during Sunday church services so that I am unable to receive God words. Fasting and prayer to deal with we wrestle not against flesh and blood Ephesians 6 says. We can protect ourselves and others through prayer when we understand that infinite Spirit, God, is present everywhere, filling all space. At first, I thought by leaving the country God has promised to cut off the witchcraft network from the midst of us, and that he will do so. prayer to destroy witchcraft The word of God says that the enemies of God would be broken into pieces. Horsemen charge with bright sword and glittering spear. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Until today, we are still fighting and he had lost the spiritual battle two years ago but stubbornly Father, let witchcraft covens melt away like wax before the fire, in Jesus Name. Every witchcraft/herbalist coven harboring my womb receive the fire of God and be roasted, in Jesus name. Let the ground open and swallow every witchcraft throne hiding in the body of Christ, in the name of Jesus. I bind and break all rebellion, rejection, anger, hatred, bitterness, malice, slander, resentment, pride, dissension, distraction, perversion, and deception. Father, by your authority, I command every foundational witchcraft attack against my life and destiny to be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. Let the thunder of God scatter beyond redemption, the foundation of witchcraft in my household in Jesus name. Prayers We would also do well to understand why more individuals are enchanted with the witch lifestyle. God not only protects you from your enemies, witchcraft activities but strengthens your aura to protect yourself. God, being All-in-all, is omnipotent. refused to give up due to his pride and arrogance. I call for the fear of the Lord upon the persons praying this prayer and the persons being prayed for. May I keep my mind focused on You so Satan will not have a stronghold on my thoughts. Many humanoids had already infiltrated my base. God and Satan hold sources of spiritual power. Come upon my hand,in Jesus Name! Then place the hand upon your head and pray aggressively, Identification mark of witchcraft upon my life, backfire, in Jesus Name! My Father! Every witchcraft coven calling my name for evil be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft padlock, fashioned against me, break by fire, in Jesus name. I work at a restaurant where i am being constsntly harrassed and there are 2witches who are working to break up my engagement,one of the witches has even been placing evil spirits on anyone who becomes close to me so that they may carry out gathering information on me and my life,took me a long time to get my high school diploma. He left me and our daughter in a house in foreclosure and moved in with this woman(Jezebel Spirit) and her child. Never waste your time searching for help; instead, remember, God is always beside you. We have been separated and the divorce hearing is on 3rd December. Let every witchcraft communication gadget delegated against my life be destroyed by fire in Jesus name. (Repeat) Olukoya of Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries. Every witchcraft pot cooking my glory, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. Every inherited sickness from my family lineage, dry to your roots, in the name of Jesus. Let the sun go down on witchcraft powers, in Jesus Name. I am very surprised that you (bloggers) exist. My Father! God has given us that power to trample on them and destroy them, but we must exercise that authority in faith and fervent prayer. Every witchcraft network working against my prosperity be dismantled by fire in the name of Jesus. I break the backbone of every marine witchcraft militating against my life with the hands of fire, in Jesus name. I love it and Im sure I will use it to over turn the the kingdom of darkness in my life. PRAYER TO DEFEAT WITCHCRAFT POWER In Jesus name,AMEN!! Father, I destroy every witchcraft pot over my life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus. Let every finished work of the devil be broken tonight in Jesus name. To Whom It May Concern 4/4/14 I Deseri Burrell like to thank you very much for theses prayers in theses last days I have been experiencing much problems from the dark kingdom and thoses who are servants to it disrupting my dream life with an lot of garbage harrassment about my past of what they thinks of me or would like to see be the case even to the church which i would call my church home there spirits also have sign onto me not all saints sharing the same views of brotherly love but cursing me with words uttered out there mouths concerning me yet at times i help to support the congregation of Sister and Brothers my church family or hell hens but my services isnt to them but GOD not he is the one where my help and blessings come from through my worship there with them no help from the elders prayers if there laying on of hands bring me sickness instead of healing yet its all in GODs hands he see and know of just what there actions has been towards me whether it has been of good or evil the story behind them thoses others sign on demonically oppressioning me he have them as well into his hands there corrupted activitied to bait the holy spirit with sexual favors or subjecting to get to heaven remembering fun times of seducing pushups seeking entertainment with sex crime ect if not looking into my life for what ever male who tries to enter it that they seek themout to as there mate in some form or fashion degrading my character trying to win that man over boasting about there abilities evil deeds dealt to me or outside appearances of light skin that jesus preference over any believer your prayer posting gives me that edge of spiritual weapon thank you so much may you continue to reach out the capitive of strongholds GOD bless you .Thankyou.Deseri PS my email address need updating but you can text me at 4438022358 for further response. O God! Warrior angels, hook into the demons and rip them apart. I value your guidance, my savior. WebThe Spirit of Peace. I deal with witchcraft from family, church, witches, warlocks and others that dib and dab in the occult. Prayers To Destroy Witchcraft Attacks In My WebPOWERFUL PRAYER TO BREAK WITCHCRAFT POWER (Against Curses, Spells, Black Magic). Let the sun smite them by day and the moon smite them by night, in Jesus Name. Father, I decree an end to every heavy witchcraft manipulation in my life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus. Go to the pit! b) sneezing (ahhh chooo) This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Powerful Prayer To Destroy Witchcraft I take the Shield of Faith! The work of my hands, reject evil deposit and attachments, in Jesus name. I send Holy Spirit fire to burn you 1,000 times hotter than hell in the name of Jesus. Amen. Thunder fire of God, destroy every seat of witchcraft stronghold that I inherited, in the name of Jesus. They are people who worship the created instead of the Creator. Father in heaven, I ask for legions upon legions of angels from heaven in the name of Jesus to station around us. I break every witchcraft pot over my life, in the name of Jesus. PRAYERS FOR BREAKING WITCHCRAFT Evil mirrors used to monitor my life break to pieces, in the name of Jesus I take authority over witches, sorcerers and all other form of evildoers in the mighty name of Jesus. Every evil deposit from the sun against my life, the Lord rebukes you. Today I claim victory over Satan by putting on the whole armor of God! Send the demons to the pit in Jesus name. If you are going through a challenging time, Use the below-shared prayer to destroy Witchcraft. I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness! Please help me :,-(. Every verdict of witchcraft is nullified, in the name of Jesus. WebLet every witchcraft attack against me be destroyed by fire, in Jesus name. I was a victim of witchcraft even though the Devil is still using his agents to carried out witchcraft attacks against my life i choose to use the word was because once you have committed your life to Jesus you are no more a victim they will send there spell against you but it will be of no effect the fire of God will cancel it,with my experience the holy spirit always reveal to me whenever an attack is coming does this happen because i am the most perfect christian not at all but brothers and sisters when you truly committed and surrender your all to God you have nothing to fear God has given us authority over unclean spirits yes the battle might be long but if you sincerely surrender your all to God sold out for Christ your are coming out victorious without a doubt because i have experience it the very same thing the agents of the devil done to me the mighty hand of God justify me it return back on them i never i hide from the enemy my facebook picture is there for them to see, a warrior of of God dont hide remember Gideon and all the other children of Israel never get the break through against the enemy until they came out of hidig in the cave and dens, fear is a weapon of the enemy rebuke it God gives us a spirit of power, obedience to the words of God is the greatest weapon against the enemy Satan tremble when you obey God honor God with your tithes remember God will honor those who honor him, high level of witchcraft came against me to kill me and i am still standing not by my strength but by the strength of the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob our God is mighty, ruler of the universe a consuming fire when you give all yourself to God and seek his precious holy spirit to come and live inside of you oh my brothers and sisters you will be on fire head to toes witchcraft will flee, attend a church that is preaching God truth and casting out demons, this life is a battle we are in a continuous warfare no time to rest because the devil doesnt rest neither should we, Satan only have power over us if we allow him to but if you are sold out for Christ he cant even look at you because the light of Christ in you is blinding for him to look at, if God fight my battles against the wicked he can and will do the same for you but you must surrender your all to God walk in total obedience do not give the Devil nothing to accuse you of leave no gap for him to come in your life we have the greatest weapon the blood of Jesus, have no fear God doesnt work with fear if you call youself a child of God and fear youre only underestimating God power remember he created us with a spirit of power, the Devil himself know the power of a true child of God dont let him and his agents scared you our God over come this world the Devil his defeated and will always remain defeated Jesus his the winner man all the time (Amen). This is causing me spiritual griefhe no longer goes to church and all that I ever wanted was for our household to serve the Lord. When I was younger and didnt know what was going on they used my hair to burn the inside of my head and my ex girlfriend to do a psychic heart attack (Without exceptional help you will not survive the heart attack , it is a living darkness put inside you.)
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prayers to destroy witchcraft 2023