In urban and rural areas alike, stray animals, unwary pedestrians and bicyclists, and numerous large potholes (or missing manhole covers) make driving particularly dangerous and hazardous at night. costs. The PDDH also received 62 complaints of mistreatment and disproportionate use of force by the PNC and seven by the armed forces, compared with 55 and four complaints, respectively, as of August 2020. The Ministry of Defense is responsible for maintaining national security. The Organization of Salvadoran Women for Peace (ORMUSA) reported that the Ministry of Health registered 6,938 pregnant girls or adolescents in the first six months of the year, including 156 girls ages 10 and 11 who were raped and became pregnant. (Closed on U.S. and Salvadoran holidays. Nonetheless, media documented cases of transgender persons who faced harassment while voting in the municipal elections during the year because their name and photograph on their national identification document did not match their expression of gender identity. El Salvador suffers a major earthquake approximately every ten In November several members of NGOs, civil society organizations and journalists received an alert on their cellphones from Apple saying they may have been the target of state-sponsored espionage. pharmaceuticals may affect quality and availability of certain medicines. In urban and rural In 2020 the Bukele administration eliminated five presidential secretariats created under the previous administration, including the Secretariat of Inclusion. Arbitrary Arrest:As of August 31, the PDDH reported 25 complaints of arbitrary detention or illegal detention, compared with 22 from January to August 2020. Public buses are often in poor Your session will expire soon and log you out. murder rate in the United States. causing moderate damage and killing one person. Among the recipients of the alert were members of the Institute of Human Rights of the Central American University, Cristosal, and the Democracy, Transparency and Justice Foundation as well as journalists fromEl Faro,LaPrensa Grafica,El Diario de Hoy,Disruptiva Magazine,Gato Encerradomagazine,Diario El Mundo, and independent journalists. (medevac). robberies have occurred in neighboring countries. Ombudsman has proactively condemned attacks against the LGBTI+ community. Females accounted for 11% of all homicide victims in 2018. Chacon said the government did not have updated statistics on access to government services and resources for persons with disabilities. Although the constitution separates public security and military functions, it allows the president to use the armed forces in exceptional circumstances to maintain internal peace and public security when all other measures have been exhausted. The military is responsible for securing international borders and conducting joint patrols with the civilian police. Vulnerable Populations; this agency employs prosecutors specially trained to The dismissed staff members had worked in the communications, radio, and television units as well as the Access to Public Information Office. Of these, simple theft, including burglary, accounted for 63% of all reported Courts also may impose additional fines in cases in which the perpetrator held a position of trust or authority over the victim. The policy specifically addresses geographical indications (GIs), with an eye toward the promotion of Salvadoran products. crime incidents in El Salvador in 2019. The responsibilities of the secretariat moved to the Gender and Diversity Office in the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, which has no authority to influence policy and insufficient support to implement programs. exist to protect privacy, enforcement of those laws remains difficult. and kidnapping. between the police, prosecutors, and corrections. El Salvador does not appear to be a terrorist safe haven. Review OSACs report, The Water?, Shaken: The Donts of Embassy Discover our results UNICEF Annual Report Domestic court orders generally were enforced. While laws exist to protect privacy, enforcement of those laws remains difficult. The Overseas Travelers Guide to ATM Skimmers & Fraud. The law prohibits domestic violence and generally provides for sentences for conviction ranging from one to three years in prison, although some forms of domestic violence carry higher penalties. He was fired from the National Police force 15 years ago after he was convicted of raping a woman and an underage girl, crimes for which he was sentenced to five years in jail, El Salvador's National Police Chief Mauricio Arriaza, said in a May 21 press conference. Recent Elections:The most recent legislative and municipal elections occurred in February. Find contact information for available medical services and available only one national police service: The Policia In Many are seeking missing mothers, sisters and daughters. I would argue you should exercise caution no matter where in the world you travel. As a practical matter, however, the Attorney Their resources are drivers commonly disregard traffic rules. Political, Economic, Religious, Unions reported that their members frequently faced violence or threats of violence and that viable legal recourse against such violence was unavailable. Burglaries during daylight hours occur in residential neighborhoods throughout San Salvador. There is minimal risk from terrorism in San Salvador. investigate crimes against the LGBTI community. Violence and Harassment:On June 6, Minister of Justice and Public Security Gustavo Villatoro confirmed during a radio interview that the government was investigating and monitoring many journalists for what he alleged was their irresponsible coverage of crime. On May 8, the PNC found more than a dozen bodies, most of them girls and women, buried in the house of former police officer Hugo Ernesto Chavez Osorio, who was arrested on May 6 for the murders of two women. Of these, simple theft, including burglary, accounted for 28% of all reported property crimes. News media occasionally Police holding facilities were equally crowded. The judiciary, due to the lack of familiarity with densely populated country in Central America, with more than six million people, For more information, refer to OSACs report, The CDC offers additional information on vaccines and health guidance for, There is no Country Council in San Salvador. Patricia Manca traveled from Ciudad Delgado, part of metro San Salvador, clutching a photo of her 17-year-old granddaughter, Camilia Rivas, who has been missing since April 2020. assess the standards of these hospitals to be less than those of the United Carry or the United States Government, except as otherwise noted (e.g., travel advisories, public statements). Police generally treat arrested or otherwise detained foreigners well. On September 19,El Faroreported that the Attorney Generals Office under former attorney general Melara found evidence that Bureau of Prisons Director Osiris Luna embezzled $1.6 million worth of food between September and November 2020 from the Public Health Emergency Program, a government food program assisting families during the pandemic. Public protests and strikes Impunity persisted in the security forces, executive branch, and justice system. There were reports, however, of security force involvement in extrajudicial killings of suspected gang members. Salvadoran The The law also permits restraining orders against offenders. password. There is only one national police service: The Policia Nacional Civil (PNC). and IPR by conducting raids against distributors and manufacturers of pirated Child, Early, and Forced Marriage:The legal minimum age for marriage is 18. Among these were physical aggression, digital harassment, blocking access to public information, intimidation, and sexual harassment. On June 17,La Prensa Graficareported that relatives of an inmate who died inside Mariona Prison in San Salvador Department on June 7 learned of the death through Facebook. Webpebble hills high school news. Review Minister of Labor Rolando Castro stated the delays were due to incorrect or incomplete information in their paperwork. Lifeguards are not present While the government generally respected court orders, some agencies ignored or minimally complied with orders. at the date of this reports publication assesses El Salvador at Level 3, indicating travelers should. during the rainy season or following a tropical storm. Employers who violate labor laws may be penalized, but penalties were not commensurate with those for other similar crimes; some companies reportedly found it more cost effective to pay the fines than to comply with the law. Find contact information for available medical services and available Check with insurance providers to ensure you have adequate medical insurance valid for El Salvador, including coverage for medical evacuation (medevac). the U.S., especially among children. Although prison regulations require prisoner access to medical care, the standard of care varies widely. police in 2019, up 2% from 2018. The law promotes occupational safety awareness, training, and worker participation in OSH matters. including domestic violence accounted for 16%. News media occasionally report that Salvadoran authorities have detected and deported persons attempting to enter El Salvador with skimming equipment. report that Salvadoran authorities have detected and deported persons In-country Movement:The major gangs controlled access to their specific territories. According to a video widely circulated on social media, PNC officers Cristian Neftali Franco Vasquez, Elvis Alirio Montenegro Beltran, Omar Alexander Pineda Chevez, and Mario Enrique Perez Chavez beat the minor to force him to reveal the hiding location of drugs and weapons. Municipalities were not able to pay their employees and their bills and provided only limited services to residents. Airplanes, Public Transport, and Overnights. Security in Transit: Airplanes, Public Transport, and Overnights, Central America Natural Disaster Emergency Planning: OSAC Guidance and Resources. In addition some academic institutions did not accept children with disabilities. The law mandates that employers take measures against sexual harassment and create and implement preventive programs. It is characterized by The U.S. Since July, 2021 the United States has shared 3,188,570 safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine doses with the people of El Salvador free of cost. Sexual Harassment:The law prohibits sexual harassment and establishes sentences if convicted of five to eight years imprisonment. crimes (e.g. recreational opportunities. Analysts and media reported that CICIES was investigating Bukele administration officials and speculated that the president used the Muyshondt issue as a pretense to terminate the CICIES agreement to stymie the investigations into his administration. According to the PNC investigation, Chavez Osorio raped his victims and then killed them before burying their bodies in his house. Workers in the textile industry reportedly experienced violations of wage, hour, and safety laws. The president claimed the termination was in response to the OAS announcing the hiring of former San Salvador mayor Ernesto Muyshondt as an advisor to the OAS. Avoid public transportation, especially local buses. For more information, review OSACs Report, Security in Transit: Airplanes, Public Transport, and Overnights. Use only taxis you can call via telephone or that Sixty-two people were killed, seemingly by gangs, on March 26 in El Salvador, the highest daily homicide rate in several years, according to official records. The PDDH regularly issued advisory opinions, reports, and press releases on prominent human rights cases. only one national police service: The, There are The PNC also has a number of specialized units that investigate specific crimes and traffic enforcement, anti-gang, civil disturbance, VIP protection, and other special operations units. These cases took place next to residential areas known for their affluence. Unions experienced lengthy delays by the Ministry of Labor in processing their credentials, some facing up to eight months when it previously took a maximum of two months. There is no Country Council in San Salvador. The Legislative Assembly used police to escort the dismissed employees out of their workplace. State Departments webpage on, There is LGBTI+ Many prisons and detention facilities supply only the bare minimum of basic necessities. Violent, well-armed street gangs 18th Street (Barrio 18) and MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) being the largest are dispersed throughout El Salvador. international health insurance before traveling internationally. Osorio was charged on May 12 on two counts of femicide, a term used for killings that deliberately target women; prosecutors later added two counts of homicide. The PNC received 1,131 complaints of extortion from January to August. Review It is often quicker for people to allows authorities to initiate raids ex officio. There are 21 Of these, simple theft, including burglary, accounted for 63% of all reported Some of the marchers included Legislative Assembly staff and judges. The government generally respected these rights, although in many areas the government could not ensure freedom of movement due to criminal gang activity. for original OSAC reporting, consular messages, and contact information, some Physical Conditions:Overcrowding was a serious threat to prisoners health and welfare. The country has long been a dangerous place for women. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the governments Civil As of October the United Nations had found the allegation of sexual exploitation or abuse to be unsubstantiated but found evidence of fraternization and repatriated the perpetrator. Loss of life and damage to infrastructure results mostly from flooding and mudslides during the rainy season or tropical storm. The president defended the votes, claiming the Legislative Assembly had the authority to do this according to the constitution. The legal framework requires persons with international protection needs to file their claim within five days of entering the country; the criteria for case decisions is unclear; and the appeals process is decided by the same government entity that issues the initial decision. No threat of violent crime in El Salvador often leads to the curtailment of The constitution provides for the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association, but there were times the government limited these freedoms (see section 7.a.). Emergency services are more readily available in the capital city than in outlying areas, but city facilities would be overwhelmed quickly in the event of a mass-casualty incident. The U.S. The law requires parents to register a child within 15 days of birth or pay a small fine. The law prohibits workers from appealing a government decision declaring a strike illegal. procedures are not always clear or easily understood. receiving significant support from U.S. and other partners, the police often suffer the per-capita annual homicide rate has fallen from 81/100,000 in 2016, to 60 in Attorney General Delgado also issued arrest warrants for four more government officials, including former president Salvador Sanchez Ceren, who left the country in December 2020 and became a citizen of Nicaragua on July 30. possible, with multiple-vehicle convoys for safety. On June 4, President Bukele announced the termination of the cooperation agreement with the OAS, bringing an end to the International Commission Against Impunity in El Salvador (CICIES). The relatively small volume of drugs Property After the killing of a bus employee on July 2, there was a seven-day work stoppage of public buses on Route 151 in San Jose Villanueva, La Libertad Department, forcing approximately 5,000 persons who used the 24 buses on the route to walk or find more costly detours. Driving Overseas: Best Penalties for conviction of breaking the law include losing custody of the child and three to 26 years imprisonment, depending on the nature of the abuse. Most theft Between January and April, the Attorney Generals Office received 441 complaints of domestic violence, which encompasses domestic violence toward any member of the family, including children. The law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical, sensory, intellectual, and mental disabilities, but the government did not enforce these laws. Israel Ticas, a criminologist in charge of the investigation, was sanctioned by the government for suggesting to the media there could be at least 40 victims - information that Attorney General Rodolfo Delgado dismissed as unproven. The law includes provisions to shield vaccine manufacturers from liability and allows the government to bypass procurement and transparency regulations. Salvador is located in an active seismic zone, experiencing numerous Department of State has assessed San Salvador as being a CRITICAL-threat location for crime directed at or affecting The PDDH confirmed on February 14 that they opened an investigation into the possible discrimination against an army officer who complained of being discharged due to his sexual orientation. On July 15, Minister Villatoro stated the PNC would further limit access to crime scenes to prevent the publication of violent images. The law permits the executive branch to use the emergency broadcasting service to take control of all broadcast and cable networks temporarily to televise political programming. for all bills. They concentrate on street-level drug sales, extortion, arms trafficking, murder for hire, carjacking, and aggravated street crime. The law requires the Attorney Generals Office to prosecute rape cases whether or not the victim presses charges, and the law does not permit the victim to withdraw the criminal charge. Unions must meet complex requirements to register, including having a minimum membership of 35 individuals. companies. offenders can expect lengthy jail sentences and fines. On September 5,La Prensa Graficareported that PNC officers using professional equipment took photographs of persons protesting the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justices ruling allowing for the re-election of the president. There is Security on Public Wi-Fi, Traveling with Mobile risk of victimization. News media occasionally report that Salvadoran authorities have detected and deported persons attempting to enter El Salvador with skimming equipment. Your session will expire soon and log you out. A significant percentage of vehicles are in disrepair, underpowered, beyond their service life, or otherwise do not meet U.S. road safety standards. Adults from neighboring countries were forced to work in construction, domestic work, and other informal sector jobs, sometimes under threat of physical violence. On April 19, a Mr. Wings restaurant in Soyapango, San Salvador Department, fired an employee for being pregnant. maritime smuggling routes do exist in the eastern Pacific. counterfeit and pirated goods and the equipment used to produce them. No information on any investigations or prosecutions by the government was available. The government generally did not effectively enforce such laws. Mujer for most routine medical and surgical needs. well-armed street gangs MS-13 (. According to the DGME, Gressier failed to comply with the provision to remain in the country while his permit was in process. property crimes. In 2017, El Salvador recorded 10.2 femicides per 100,000 women, giving it Latin America's highest rate, according to the most recent United Nations data. Salvadors gangs are not major narcotics trafficking organizations. On July 21, the Original Blue organization, a local NGO that seeks social transformation and supports vulnerable populations, reported that young persons in areas identified as having high presence of gangs were victims of arbitrary or illegal detentions by the PNC. The newspaper disputed the finding, saying it was an attempt by the government to again harass and threaten the organization, and it vowed to fight the finding in court if needed. Local, Regional, and International Terrorism Threats/Concerns. Review OSACs The industry leader for online information for tax, accounting and finance professionals. to beds. Browse an unrivalled portfolio of real-time and historical market data and insights from worldwide sources and experts. Medication, Im Drinking What in My El Salvador has revised several of its laws to comply with CAFTA-DR's provisions on intellectual property rights (IPR), and has a National Intellectual Property Policy that recognizes IPR protection as a key element for the economys development and competitiveness. Refrain from driving common crimes committed in El Salvador, accounting for 47% of all categorized crimes. earthquakes. Bureau of Diplomatic Security Indigenous communities reported they faced racial discrimination and economic disadvantage. life and damage to infrastructure results mostly from flooding and mudslides Impunity was a problem in the PNC and armed forces. Private tour companies frequently employ national police officers from the tourist police division to accompany their groups for personal security. There were no legal cases involving instances of terrorism affecting U.S. citizens or facilities brought before the judicial system in 2018, nor were there any judicial developments that would appear to have a significant impact on U.S. counter-terrorism efforts. Before the February elections, the government failed to provide campaign finances to all political candidates as required by law, severely limiting the ability of the opposition parties to advertise their candidates. Seismic tremors of a magnitude of approximately 5.0 occur on a regular to the death of one person. Alerts and Messages for U.S. visitors to El Salvador. Carefully assess the potential risks of recreational water activities and WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. The PNC officers claimed they received information that the three persons in the vehicle were armed gang members, but the prosecutor showed that the PNC officers intercepted the vehicle and shot the victims without confrontation. Crimes against the person (e.g. WebThe Association of Journalists of El Salvador (APES) reported 173 press freedom violations between January and August 2021, including attacks, digital harassment, and restrictions few private hospitals. The law requires judicial and prison authorities to provide a video copy of the virtual trial to the defendants within 72 hours so they may exercise their right to defense. Complete travel Authorities generally apprehended persons with warrants based on evidence and issued by a judge, although this was frequently ignored when allegations of gang membership arose. Public buses are often in poor El Salvador is in an active seismic zone, experiencing numerous earthquakes. Discrimination in employment and occupation occurred with respect to age, gender, disability, and sexual orientation or gender identity (see sections 6 and 7.e.).
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