Chemical substances, including concentrated acids and alkalies, shall be stored to prevent inadvertent contact with each other or with other substances, where such contact could cause a violent reaction or the liberation of harmful fumes or gases. 57.9307 Design, installation, and maintenance of railroads. (a) Fired pressure vessels (boilers) shall be equipped with water level gauges, pressure gauges, automatic pressure-relief valves, blowdown piping, and other safety devices approved by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers to protect against hazards from overpressure, flameouts, fuel interruptions and low water level, all as required by the appropriate sections, chapters and appendices listed in paragraphs (b) (1) and (2) of this section. Suitable warning notices shall be posted at the power switch and signed by the individuals who are to do the work. Fixed, unburied, flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks shall be securely mounted on firm foundations. Static electricity dissipation during loading. An individual capable of providing first aid shall be available on all shifts. 57.19091 Signaling instructions to hoist operator. If the miner disagrees with the evaluation results of the PLHCP, the miner may submit within 30 days additional evidence of his or her medical condition to the PLHCP. When conveyances controlled by a hoist operator are not in use, they shall be released and the conveyances shall be raised or lowered a suitable distance to prevent persons from boarding or loading the conveyances. Damaged or deteriorated explosive material. Trolley wires shall be installed at least seven feet above rails where height permits, and aligned and supported to suitably control sway and sag. Unless platforms or safety lines are used, persons shall not position themselves over drawholes if there is danger that broken rock or material may be withdrawn or bridged. 57.9330 Clearance for surface equipment. When a misfire is suspected, persons shall not enter the blast area. Where metallic tools or equipment can come in contact with trolley wires or bare powerlines, the lines shall be guarded or deenergized. (c) Multiple-shot blasts shall be initiated with detonators encased in copper-based alloy shells. 57.12018 Identification of power switches. Main fan means a fan that controls the entire airflow of the mine, or the airflow of one of the major air circuits. (4) Category IV applies to mines in which noncombustible ore is extracted and which liberate a concentration of methane that is not explosive nor capable of forming explosive mixtures with air based on the history of the mine or the geological area in which the mine is located. Repairs involving the pressure system of compressors, receivers, or compressed-air-powered equipment shall not be attempted until the pressure has been bled off. (d) If the monitoring system is inoperable or malfunctions, the mine shall be ventilated for at least 45 minutes and the mine power shall be deenergized before persons enter the mine. (9) Statements by witnesses, company officials, employees, and other persons having knowledge of the mine or the occurrence. Smoking and use of open flames shall not be permitted within 50 feet of explosive material except when separated by permanent noncombustible barriers. If you would like to comment on the current content, please use the 'Content Feedback' button below for instructions on contacting the issuing agency. 57.4103 Fueling internal combustion engines. If you work for a Federal agency, use this drafting (c) Where such examinations disclose hazardous conditions, affected persons shall be informed and corrective action shall be taken. (b) Mobile equipment, other than forklifts, carrying loads that project beyond the sides or more than four feet beyond the rear of the equipment shall have a warning flag at the end of the projection. The records shall be made available to the Secretary or his authorized representative. (a) Open flames, including cutting and welding, shall not be used underground. 57.12003 Trailing cable overload protection. (b) This onsite firefighting equipment shall be, (1) Of the type, size, and quantity that can extinguish fires of any class which would occur as a result of the hazards present; and. Movement of two or more pieces of rail equipment operating independently on the same track shall be controlled for safe operation. (a) An adequate supply of potable drinking water shall be provided at all active working areas. [53 FR 32528, Aug. 25, 1988; 53 FR 44588, Nov. 4, 1988]. (2) Develop and implement a rock burst control plan within 90 days after a rock burst has been experienced. (1) Continuity of each electric detonator series; and. (b) Vehicles and equipment shall not be driven over explosive material or initiating systems in a manner which could contact the material or system, or create other hazards. (3) A copy of the Administrator's determination. If you have questions or comments regarding a published document please (1) Be accomplished by a main fan. A record of any part that is not functioning properly shall be made and dated. 57.19014 Friction hoist overtravel protection. (d) Diagrams, descriptions or sketches showing how ventilation is accomplished in each typical type of working place including the approximate quantity of air provided, and typical size and type of auxiliary fans used. 57.17001 Illumination of surface working areas. 57.22226 Testing for methane (IV mines). (c) Every floor, working place, and passageway shall be kept free from protruding nails, splinters, holes, or loose boards, as practicable. If the deficiency is determined to constitute a hazard, the hoisting equipment shall be removed from service until the deficiency has been corrected. 57.19003 Driving mechanism connections. Underground transformer stations, combustible liquid storage and dispensing areas, pump rooms, compressor rooms, and hoist rooms. 57.12019 Access to stationary electrical equipment or switchgear. [53 FR 32526, Aug. 25, 1988, as amended at 55 FR 37218, Sept. 7, 1990]. (d) A means to lock out the disconnect switch. (c) This provision does not apply to rail equipment. (c) A safety washer on each side of the wheel. Trolley wires and bare power conductors shall be guarded at mantrip loading and unloading points, and at shaft stations. Design feature means either the manufacturer's original design or a design approved by a registered professional engineer. (2) Kept in a totally enclosed cargo space while being transported by a vehicle; (i) Within 50 feet of any magazine or open flame; (ii) Within any building in which a fuel-fired or exposed-element electric heater is operating; or, (iii) In an area where electrical or incandescent-particle sparks could result in powder ignition; and. (h) When other tensioned and nontensioned fixtures are used, test methods shall be established and used to verify their effectiveness. 57.19108 Posting warning signs during shaft work. (d) Have devices to prevent accidental dumping where the bucket is supported by a bail attached to its lower half. A safe means of passage around open shaft compartments shall be provided on landings with more than one entrance to the shaft. When a locomotive on one track is used to move rail equipment on adjacent tracks, a chain, cable, or drawbar shall be used which is capable of withstanding the loads to which it could be subjected. 57.19008 Friction hoist synchronizing mechanisms. Where mine cars are hoisted by cage or skip, means for blocking cars shall be provided at all landings and also on the cage. (b) Persons attempting to free chute hangups shall be experienced and familiar with the task, know the hazards involved, and use the proper tools to free material. citations and headings (3) All information upon which the Administrator's determination was based. 57.12084 Branch circuit disconnecting devices. 24, 1988, 57.22601 was stayed until further notice. 57.19055 Availability of hoist operator for manual hoists. (2) Effective January 20, 2007, a miner's personal exposure to diesel particulate matter (DPM) in an underground mine must not exceed an average eight-hour equivalent full shift airborne concentration of 350 micrograms of total carbon per cubic meter of air (350TC g/m3). (3) The mine operator must provide a confidential medical evaluation by a physician or other licensed health care professional (PLHCP), at no cost to the miner, to determine the miner's ability to use a respirator before the miner is required to be fit tested or to use a respirator at the mine. 57.19062 Maximum acceleration and deceleration. Persons shall not work or travel between machinery or equipment and the highwall or bank where the machinery or equipment may hinder escape from falls or slides of the highwall or bank. Electrical connections and resistor grids that are difficult or impractical to insulate shall be guarded, unless protection is provided by location. NFPA No. However, where persons may be endangered by hoists and appurtenances used solely for handling ore, rock, and materials, the appropriate standards should be applied. 57.19065 Lowering conveyances by the brakes. 57.4561 Stationary diesel equipment underground. (c) Certification of examinations shall be made by signature and date. No employee shall be assigned, or allowed, or be required to perform work alone in any area where hazardous conditions exist that would endanger his safety unless he can communicate with others, can be heard, or can be seen. The containers or storage tanks shall be, (3) Located in areas free of combustible materials or in areas where any exposed combustible materials are coated with one inch of shotcrete, one-half inch of gunite, or other noncombustible material with equivalent fire protection characteristics; and. Crossovers, elevated walkways, elevated ramps, and stairways shall be of substantial construction, provided with handrails, and maintained in good condition. (1) Persons in shafts and slopes underground; (2) Persons with an incline hoist on the surface; or. (1) Installed on the surface in noncombustible housings provided with noncombustible air ducts; (2) Except in Subcategory I-A mines, provided with an automatic signal device to give an alarm when the fan stops. Asbestos is a generic term for a number of asbestiform hydrated silicates that, when crushed or processed, separate into flexible fibers made up of fibrils. (4) Total blasting circuit resistance prior to connection to the power source. Roll-over protective structures (ROPS) and seat belts for surface equipment. 57.11036 Ladderway trap doors and guards. Where necessary, toeboards shall be provided. If the main fan is located underground, (A) The cable or conductors supplying power to the fan shall be routed through areas free of fire hazards; or, (B) The main fan shall be equipped with a second, independent power cable or set of conductors from the surface. Equipment used in or beyond the last open crosscut and equipment used in areas where methane may enter the air current, such as pillar recovery workings, longwall faces and shortwall faces, shall be approved by MSHA under the applicable requirements of 30 CFR parts 18 through 36. (a) Switches used to connect the power source to a blasting circuit shall be locked in the open position except when closed to fire the blast. (a) Welding operations shall be shielded when performed at locations where arc flash could be hazardous to persons. High potential means more than 650 volts. If used as an alternative, routing the mine shop exhaust air directly to an exhaust system shall be done so that no person would be exposed to toxic gases in the event of a shop fire. (i) The miner must continue to receive compensation at no less than the regular rate of pay in the classification held by that miner immediately prior to the transfer. 57.3401 Examination of ground conditions. Special protective equipment and special protective clothing shall be provided, maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition and used whenever hazards of process or environment, chemical hazards, radiological hazards, or mechanical irritants are encountered in a manner capable of causing injury or impairment. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. When an overtravel by-pass switch is installed, the switch shall function so as to allow the conveyance to be moved through the overtravel position when the switch is held in the closed position by the hoistman. Under this standard, shaft mine means a mine in which any designated escapeway includes a mechanical hoisting device or a ladder ascent. (1) Maintained in good condition and shall comply with the requirements of subpart M of this part; (2) Equipped with sides and enclosures higher than the explosive material being transported or have the explosive material secured to a nonconductive pallet; (3) Equipped with a cargo space that shall contain the explosive material (passenger areas shall not be considered cargo space); (4) Equipped with at least two multipurpose dry-chemical fire extinguishers or one such extinguisher and an automatic fire suppression system; (5) Posted with warning signs that indicate the contents and are visible from each approach; (6) Occupied only by persons necessary for handling the explosive material; (7) Attended or the cargo compartment locked at surface areas of underground mines, except when parked at the blast site and loading is in progress; and, (ii) The wheels chocked if movement could occur; and. All detonators in a round shall be made by the same manufacturer. 22, Recommendations for the Safe Transportation of Detonators in a Vehicle with Other Explosive Materials (May 1993), and the Generic Loading Guide for the IME22 Container (October 1993). (a) Before a tire is removed from a vehicle for tire repair, the valve core shall be partially removed to allow for gradual deflation and then removed. (2) At least four feet wide, marked conspicuously, and provide a minimum 40-inch clearance from the farthest projection of moving equipment. Metal fencing and metal buildings enclosing transformers and switchgear shall be grounded. 57.11016 Snow and ice on walkways and travelways. Components of the system shall be approved by MSHA under the applicable requirements of 30 CFR parts 18, 22, 23, and 27; or be determined by MSHA under 30 CFR part 18 to be intrinsically safe or explosion-proof. Diesel equipment shall be shut off or immediately removed from the area and no other work shall be permitted in affected areas. Where restricted clearance creates a hazard to persons, the restricted clearance shall be conspicuously marked. Search & Navigation The notice shall specify the suggested changes and refer to the specific findings of fact, conclusions of law, and terms of the initial decision to be reviewed or appealed. Chute-loading installations shall be designed to provide a safe location for persons pulling chutes. (c) If the monitoring system indicates that methane in the mine is 0.5 percent or more, the mine shall be ventilated and persons shall not enter the mine until the monitoring system indicates that methane in the mine is less than 0.5 percent. Vertical clearance above stair steps shall be a minimum of seven feet, or suitable warning signs or similar devices shall be provided to indicate an impaired clearance. (a) For fighting fires that could endanger persons, each mine shall have, (1) Onsite firefighting equipment for fighting fires in their early stages; and. (Sec. Flammable means capable of being easily ignited and of burning rapidly. (2) Provided with an air lock when passage through the fan bulkhead is necessary. Surface fire suppression systems are exempt from these inspection requirements if the systems are used solely for the protection of property and no persons would be affected by a fire. developer resources. Explosives and blasting agents shall be kept separated from detonators until loading begins. 1291 (30 U.S.C. 57.3430 Activity between machinery or equipment and the highwall or bank. (a) Dumping locations shall be visually inspected prior to work commencing and as ground conditions warrant. Explosive material. (3) Located out of direct line with the forward and reverse airstream provided by the fan. (a) Manually-operated horns or other audible warning devices provided on self-propelled mobile equipment as a safety device shall be maintained in a functional condition. When any substance is said to be insulated, it is understood to be insulated in a manner suitable for the conditions to which it is subjected. Protection against moving or runaway railroad equipment. (c) When respiratory protection is used in atmospheres immediately harmful to life, the presence of at least one other person with backup equipment and rescue capability shall be required in the event of failure of the respiratory equipment. 57.4160 Underground electric substations and liquid storage facilities. Primer. (d) Provided with compressed air lines, waterlines, suitable handtools, and stopping materials. 811. Abandoned mine means all work has stopped on the mine premises and an office with a responsible person in charge is no longer maintained at the mine. Materials in a shaft, raise, or winze that could be ignited by hot metal or sparks. [52 FR 24941, July 1, 1987, as amended at 69 FR 38842, June 29, 2004]. 57.13010 Reciprocating-type air compressors. Slurry. (a) Persons shall not smoke or carry smoking materials, matches, or lighters underground or within 50 feet of a mine opening. Stopping distances are computed using a constant deceleration of 9.66 FPS2 and system response times of .5.1, 1.5, 2, 2.25 and 2.5 seconds for each of increasing weight category respectively. The ends of such conduit or pipe shall be sealed to prevent entry of explosive gas or dust. (c) A person shall attend the belt at the drive pulley when it is necessary to operate the conveyor while temporarily bypassing the automatic function. (a) Storage tanks for flammable or combustible liquids shall be. The plan shall, where applicable, contain the following: (b) The current mine map or schematic or series of mine maps or schematics of an appropriate scale, not greater than five hundred feet to the inch, showing: (1) Direction and quantity of principal air flows; (2) Locations of seals used to isolate abandoned workings; (3) Locations of areas withdrawn from the ventilation system; (4) Locations of all main, booster and auxiliary fans not shown in paragraph (d) of this standard. (c) The plan shall be updated as conditions warrant. (c) If any monitoring performed under this section indicates that a miner's exposure to diesel particulate matter exceeds the DPM limit specified in 57.5060, the operator must promptly post notice of the corrective action being taken on the mine bulletin board, initiate corrective action by the next work shift, and promptly complete such corrective action. 50 FR 4082, Jan. 29, 1985, unless otherwise noted. The velocity of air ventilating each face at a work place shall be at least 20 feet per minute. 57.14132 Horns and backup alarms for surface equipment. Reverse-current protection means a method or device used on direct-current circuits or equipment to prevent the flow of current in a reverse direction. (c) Not be used to ventilate work places. Roadbeds and all elements of the railroad tracks shall be designed, installed, and maintained to provide safe operation consistent with the speed and type of haulage used. (b) Detonators in quantities of 1,000 or fewer may be transported with explosives or blasting agents provided the detonators are. This incorporation by reference has been approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 1 Except for stainless steel and steel used for compressed gas cylinders, all other steel shells are defined as mild steel shells. (1) The health risks associated with exposure to diesel particulate matter; (2) The methods used in the mine to control diesel particulate matter concentrations; (3) Identification of the personnel responsible for maintaining those controls; and. Fork and other similar types of lift trucks shall be operated with the: (a) Upright tilted back to steady and secure the load; (b) Load in the upgrade position when ascending or descending grades in excess of 10 percent; (c) Load not raised or lowered enroute except for minor adjustments; and. (ii) Excursion limit. 51 FR 36198, Oct. 8, 1986, unless otherwise noted. Personal electric lamps (I-A, I-B, I-C, II-A, II-B, III, IV, V-A, and V-B mines). (a) At least once every twelve months, all persons who work underground shall be instructed in the escape and evacuation plans and procedures and fire warning signals in effect at the mine. 57.9260 Supplies, materials, and tools on mantrips. The miner must be transferred within 30 days of the final determination by the PLHCP. (c) At the completion of each drill, the mine operator shall certify the date and the time the evacuation began and ended. (a) An evaluation of the potential static electricity hazard shall be made and any hazard shall be eliminated before loading begins; (b) The loading hose shall be of a semiconductive type, have a total of not more than 2 megohms of resistance over its entire length and not less than 1000 ohms of resistance per foot; (c) Wire-countered hoses shall not be used; (d) Conductive parts of the loading equipment shall be bonded and grounded and grounds shall not be made to other potential sources of extraneous electricity; and. (d) Automatic fire suppression system and escape route. (3) Any group of containers used for storage of more than 60 gallons of combustible liquids. 3, 2006]. (c) Fire extinguishers or fire suppression systems shall be of a type and size that can extinguish fires of any class in their early stages which could originate from the equipment's inherent fire hazards. Life jackets or belts shall be worn where there is danger from falling into water. If any condition listed in paragraph (a) of this section is present, the person conducting the examination shall make a record of the condition and the date. 57.22240 Actions at 2.0 percent methane (V-A mines). 57.4460 Storage of flammable liquids underground. 57.12008 Insulation and fittings for power wires and cables. (c) Flammable or combustible liquids in use for day-to-day maintenance and operational activities are not considered in storage under this standard. Buckets shall be stopped about 15 feet from the shaft bottom to await a signal from one of the crew on the bottom for further lowering. (i) Installed at or near shaft stations of intake shafts and any shaft designated as an escapeway under 57.11053 or at other locations that provide equivalent protection; (ii) Constructed and maintained according to Table C3; (iii) Provided with a means of remote closure at landings of timbered intake shafts unless a person specifically designated to close each door in the event of a fire can reach the door within three minutes; (iv) Closed or opened only according to predetermined conditions and procedures; (v) Constructed so that once closed they will not reopen as a result of a differential in air pressure; (vi) Constructed so that they can be opened from either side by one person, or be provided with a personnel door that can be opened from either side; and, (2) Mechanical ventilation reversal. 3, 2006]. If methane reaches 2.0 percent in bleeder systems at the point where a bleeder split enters a main return split, mining shall not be permitted on ventilation splits affected by the bleeder system. (b) Other combustibles shall not be stored or allowed to accumulate within 50 feet of explosive material. 57.3201 Location for performing scaling. Hoist means a power driven windlass or drum used for raising ore, rock, or other material from a mine, and for lowering or raising persons and material. Main ventilation failure (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). These records shall include the individual's time in each active working area and the concentrations of airborne radon daughters for each active working area. (b) Explosives and detonators shall be stored in closed nonconductive containers except that nonelectric detonating devices may be stored on nonconductive racks provided the case-insert instructions and the date-plant-shift code are maintained with the product. Air in all active workings shall contain at least 19.5 volume percent oxygen. 57.19101 Stopblocks and derail switches. Fixed ladders shall not incline backwards. (a) At least 100 feet from fan installations used for intake air and mine openings; (b) Equipped with exhaust vents over the forge and ventilated to prevent the accumulation of the products of combustion; and. Protective clothing or equipment and face shields or goggles shall be worn when welding, cutting, or working with molten metal. All metal pipelines, 1,000 feet or more in length running parallel to trolley tracks, that are used as a ground return circuit shall be bonded to the return circuit rail at the ends of the pipeline and at intervals not to exceed 500 feet. The fire extinguishers or the manual actuator for the suppression system shall be readily accessible to the equipment operator. Permanent facilities are those intended to exist for one year or more; and. Air receiver tanks shall be equipped with one or more automatic pressure-relief valves. (i) Seat belt maintenance. A container of not over five gallons capacity that is designed to safely relieve internal pressure when exposed to heat and has a spring-closing lid and spout cover. 57.19056 Availability of hoist operator for automatic hoists. Electrical conductors exposed to mechanical damage shall be protected. (2) Have been tested and shown to be effective in supporting ground in an area of the affected mine which has similar strata, opening dimensions, and ground stresses as the area where the fixtures are expected to be used. The plan shall include: (a) Mine maps or diagrams showing directions of principal air flow, location of escape routes and locations of existing telephones, primary fans, primary fan controls, fire doors, ventilation doors, and refuge chambers. (b) Only persons engaged in making such ventilation changes shall be permitted in the mine during changes. The framework assembly of the door and the surrounding bulkhead, if any, shall be at least equivalent to the door in fire and air-leakage resistance, and in physical strength. In determining the blast area, the following factors, shall be considered: (3) Burden, depth, diameter, and angle of the holes. Other timber shall be coated with one inch of shotcrete, one-half inch of gunite, or other noncombustible materials. 57.14200 Warnings prior to starting or moving equipment. 57.22301 Atmospheric monitoring systems (I-A, II-A, and V-A mines). Categories and subcategories are defined as follows: (1) Category I applies to mines that operate within a combustible ore body and either liberate methane or have the potential to liberate methane based on the history of the mine or the geological area in which the mine is located. (b) Provided with a thermal sensor that automatically stops the engine if overheating occurs. A means shall be provided to guide the movement of a shaft conveyance. 57.11059 Respirable atmosphere for hoist operators underground. (1) The materials being hoisted must be rigged to prevent unintentional displacement. (a) Explosive material shall be protected from temperatures in excess of 150 degrees Fahrenheit. 57.18013 Emergency communications system. 57.4461 Gasoline use restrictions underground. (4) These standards do not apply to wire ropes used for elevators. Safety belts and lines shall be worn when persons work where there is danger of falling; a second person shall tend the lifeline when bins, tanks, or other dangerous areas are entered. (v) Testing speeds shall be a minimum of 10 miles per hour and a maximum of 20 miles per hour. Persons shall not be hoisted at a speed faster than 2,500 feet per minute, except in an emergency. (b) Storage facilities for the ingredients to be mixed shall provide drainage away from the facilities for leaks and spills. (a) Guards shall be constructed and maintained to, (1) Withstand the vibration, shock, and wear to which they will be subjected during normal operation; and. (B) An ignition of methane has not occurred. (c) At permanent storage areas for combustible liquids, means shall be provided for confinement or removal of the contents of the largest storage tank in the event of tank rupture. (6) The miner must be reevaluated when the mine operator has reason to believe that conditions have changed which could adversely affect the miner's ability to wear the respirator. (a) Detonators and explosives shall be stored in magazines. All foam-type blocks used for stopping construction shall be solid.
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msha hoisting regulations 2023