Now I am 5 months pregnant. My friend has been estranged from her parents for (27yrs); she came back into their presence again to be remove once more because of our friendship now 15yrs has passed since having come into PA 2yrs ago Im sold out by it, I asked her if she would like to join she said thats not for her I said fine but I believe in it and I will pray for your family restoration release from the grips of dark powers. 7. O Lord roll-away every barrier to my ?? Mom was authorized to come back home within a hospital at home (half a bulb of scopolamine was injected to her I was said it was for her breathing comfort) . Make sure you've given your heart to Jesus. 4. Wow! Thank you so much for the prayer points you shared with us.I am distressed,my son has been arrested for statutory rape,may any one share prayer points to pray for his release in the name of Jesus Let spiritual magnetic power that attracts and keeps wealth be installed in my finances in the name of Jesus. Dear Elisha, Now im 50yrs..married and childlessI still It is very difficult for a human being to forgive, unless there is Gods intervention and power. 9. Thank you for teaching us how to pray., that the King of glory may come in. Thank you Elisha for teaching me how to pray. AND BRINGING GODS POWER IN OUR LIVES.ENCOURAGING US TO PERSEVERE IN FACE OF ADVERSITIES AND DEVELOPPED A CONQUERORS ATTITUDE.PRAYING AT MIDNIGHT IS BECOMING OUR SECOND NATURE. Our lord Jesus encouraged us and said be of good cheer I have overcome the world, we heirs with Christ Jesus. He is all sufficient, our provider, with him nothing is impossible, He is our refuge our fortress. This took place in the presence of her elder sister who has been in marriage for over ten years without a child. I have been trying to write to Elisha to give more details onhow l should send the money when the given means dont work for me but all in vain. My outstanding miracles for this year, manifest by fire in the name of Jesus. Other peiple testimoney they give me hope trhat mine will be answered fully in Jesus name, DEAR ELISHA, PLEASE SUPPORT ME TO FOR THE PA BY WESTERN UNION. O Lord roll-away every barrier to my ?? Yesterday,7/4/2014 at 12.13p.m. 6. I pray that God please continue to strengthen the recovery of me and my wife from this terrible sickness. Now he is praying the prayers in the Cookbook. I thank God for her life. I used to enjoy a sinful life with my boyfriend until l recieved your prayer materials that really opened my eyes to see that sex before marriage was wrong. I come from a family that had 11 members. I had dreamt fighting hom when he came in a warship to attack and take me away with my son only to fight and bit off his arm. I stumbled over the website sometimes last year and since then l have vowed that l will enrol in the school. 1. Real self-defense system, designed By Swat Team Leader, even without any martial arts training.Here are link: Link: 8 secrets for self-defense without any martial arts trainingPenny Albritton April 3, 2018 at 19:36 PM GET YOUR SEXIESTBODY EVER BY YOGA?Here are link: Link: 9 secrets to get your sexiest body ever by yoga. Thank you man of God (Elisha) I belive next Iam writing I will be testifying. I too will like ta thank God for you Brother Elisha .God is so god to me .I was on my face book and a friend receive youre sight that a friend of hers send to her and I thought let me check it out and waw the testimonies encourage me me keep on praying but now with the prayer bullets and Iam busy at midnight with the prayer bullets I receive in the mail you send me .I experience on 31-3-2014 I was not feeling well and I was on sick leaf and wow I was on my laptop reading and I started pray the prayers and then on Thursday I went to a another docter for control and wow God is good she told me to go back to work on Tuesday today .Thanks be to God for his mercifull goodness toward me .I am now praying for my kids and its time to take back what the enemy have stolen from me .Thank very much and God bless you and team .Ineed to start with the prayer academy but financially Iam a little tide up . Trust me this is the most powerful prayer ever!! praise be to the living God. So I gave her these three prayer points: Elisha,can I have your new email address again? Aku mematahkan tulang punggung setiap roh kelangkaan dalam hidup saya dalam nama Yesus. Tuhanlah yang empunya bumi serta segala isinya, dan dunia serta yang diam di dalamnya. I woke up sweating and scared but picked my sapphire prayers, cancelled and prayed. My name is Ritah , I would like to thank God so much for transforming my life this far, prior to my introduction to the ElishasWeb ,my spiritual life was low but am so thankful to the Man of God (Elisha) for the prayer bullets I receive every day there are so encouraging and have made possible for me to move on. As I prayed for God to forgive me for any bitterness towards those i felt had hurt me and prayed against the spirit of rejection, I also let go of any hurt feelingsthen someone who had sent me a hurtful note, and implied i was not good enough for themdecided to invite me to dinner! Your boyfriend already respects you because of who you are, you are a child of the Most High God. The midnight prayers has made me very dangerous in the physical and spiritual realms. My giving has improved drastically. However, you do not need to submit the assignment given. Early February 2014 God Almighty restored my son back to our family ministry. Thank you Elisha Goodman and may God bless you! He sounds like he memorized MFM prayer pints and then customized them. May the Lord God Almighty keep you, guide you and protect you day and night as you are helping us to be weaned off the dependency syndrome- of being prayed for by others not knowing we have got the great potential in us which is lying idle. so help me with prayer points i have tried to do everything in my life with success 8. Need to go and take a drivers licence, but without money to pay bribe there is no success in Zimbabwe. What's his doctrine? O Lord my Father, speak mercy and favor to my ??? To Him be the glory for ever and ever Amen. Please ! 18 Let all spirits of fear, depression, worry and despair release me now in the mighty name of Jesus, 19 Thank you LORD for answering my prayers in Jesus name, Glory to God I thank God for introducing me to your website..I thank you for all the prayer bullets and emails which encourage so many like me..I started my midnight prayers in 2012 and I still continue.. Almost all African people have an ancestor within the last 100 years who was involved with ancestral/idol worship in the past so you need to demolish these sins with prayer bullets. Any support in this area is appreciated. by vooks: 3:50am On Sep 07, 2015 We are about to TAKE BACK by force everything the enemy ever stole from us. As I studied the on line prayers, I thought these prayers are nothing I know after reading all those testimonies I am next in line for my breakthrough and I shall sing my own song and dance my own dance in Jesus name. Heres a sample of how you should be praying in this season: GOD IS VERY FAITHFULL and all the glory and honor and power is unto him. I have had countless breakthroughs this year and the biggest being my husband getting permanent employment on the 2nd of April after being unemployed since 2010. but I have worn many of thm and I knw nothg is impossible in his eyes.God bless..Blessings after blessings unfolding right into my eyes..I wish I knew 10 yrs ago what I knw now..Next challenges in my marriage small.. but am taking the evil one to the real battle field Amen! For this is a case of Matt:11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. 1. I got to know about your website when my neighbour sent me a copy of your free e-book. The other thing you should know is that the devil does not like it because you have now chosen to walk in righteousness. MAY GOD ENDURE YOU WITH MORE ANOINTING. Am doing the Ester prayer now and I thank God for giving me another chance. For the bank details you can go to a lady by the name Jane at the top right of the firesprings web page and ask for the bank details. Virtues? because Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know., So continue Calling up Him and you will see and be blessed, Kenneth Reply:April 8th, 2014 at 12:06 pm. My sister came to me and gave me gift cards and checks worth about $200.00 that were gifts from the guests. I would like to have support for the following prayer. the baby has a asthmatic condition and he continue to put her health at risk whenever she is with him and also refuses to give her her medication. 1 Holy Spirit, cook my relationship in your anointing in the name of Jesus Christ. God bless you. She started her new job last week Thursday: I dont still understand why Christians struggle through life..This is the secret that should be taught in every church. I recently joined the Prayer academy and i did it through TT with my bank Barclay. One of ladies has children of marriage age and is trusting God for godly spouses for them and jobs for 2 of the girls I know God will do it for them even as He has done for me. I prayed this prayer point O LORD SEND YOUR FIRE TO THE FOUNDATION OF MY LIFE AND CONSUME EVERY EVIL FOUNDATION IN THE NAME OF JESUS. over a series of years, we lost 8 members, I am left with my brother and a cousin. O Lord my Father, speak mercy and favor to my ??? I reject the spirit of the tail in my employment and I claim the spirit of the head in the Name of Jesus. May divine harvest fall and fill my life in Jesus name Although I have not been able to join the prayer academy due to finances but I have faith that my God will provide. If you still have further queries, feel free to use chat option at the top right corner of this page. Make sure youve given your heart to Jesus. I cannot keep gradges. EVER. There was a time that they came to take my husband in 2010 to go and visit the other sister without my knowledge he went and never told me until after 2 weeks I checked where he was and said with his sister and then I moved out of the house bcs it is a family house of their father. The serpent disappeared. the name of Jesus. i have been crying to God to change the situation. I am an overcomer. possibility.Glory be to God for ever and ever.Thanks Elisha,for answering the call of our Lord to deliver million of souls. But the one I want to share is one that happened last week. Bro. Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen/met This Elisha Goodman Prayer Vendor? the is the doing of the Lord, Its like God used him to bring me closer to God, early 2012 my visa got rejected as my former employer told lies to the embassy where I had replied. After greetings I started sharing the Word of God with him slowly by slowly, and before long, the man started removing those things from his mouth. Ask prayer eagles. May God make u rise and arise as your enemies fall and fail in Jesus mighty name. I recover all my blessings from the storehouses of witchcraft in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank you Jesus . My Heavenly Father, in this monthly of April of A-v-a-i-l-a-b-i-l-i-t-y, by thunder, by fire, I prayed it with all my strength topping up with O great physician by all the powers for which you are known to be God arise and declare total healing to each and every damaged cell in.eyes. Even this happened to me while i was always praying. With the result of yet another prayer bullet. Pastikan bahwa Andaberdoa untuksetidaknyasetengah jamsetiap hari. i need prayer points for victory in the interview. Please help me with prayer bullets to use before going, l will not sell my soul. I prayed the Abraham and Isaac bullet and she was called back. We thank God for bringing you to us, Get the ebooks from Elisha related to dreams: I told my Lord when I stormed the gates of 2014 that this is my year, I am going to take back everything the devil has stolen from me and my family. Gates of employment whatever is holding you from real manifestation in my life, by the unchallengeable power of God, crash and open in the name of Jesus. Elisha Goodman Fasting Prayer Points Pdf Thank you very much for reading Elisha Goodman Fasting Prayer Points Pdf. if the fire is really burning in you to join then just pray to God and give him your last day of joining PA Ultimatum and see what happens. Itulah angkatan orang-orang yang menanyakan Dia, yang mencari wajah-Mu, ya Allah Yakub. Sela. ls it that the devil have been causing all these or what. 1. Sometime in March, I asked a friend if they are not hiring. My daughter had applied for University in the US and has been accepted plus a scholarship. Thank You bro Elisha for all the good you ar doing, helping people to be delivered and to put their trust in the Almighty God. help me i feel like killing myself. If it is illegal copy, I suggest not to pray using it, since you will be just wasting your effort. 2o,000/= ksh. For your info. 1. God bless Elisha and his ministeries. O Lord, open the heavens unto me today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. There are tons out there. Ensure that you pray for at least half an hour each day., im so happy im apart of this ministry because it has certainly chang my prayer life. Blessings. My husband used to be VERY rebellious in praying, so one day i came back from church on Sunday at noon, and started praying the "Cover prayer" from your "Passion prayer of Jesus The Christ", and as i was praying,the holy ghost instructed and gave me utterance on how to pray for my husbands turn around and the rest is history. The best way, if you can join Prayer Academy. THANK YOU MAN OF GOD. what is the job in website. I prayed for a classmate whos pregnant girlfriend was having having problems relating to the birth of the child and her own life, the following day after praying with this guy he came and told me that the birth went very well and they are all alive! Holyghost bulldozer clear the way, clear the way let the angels of God locate peter and restore him home safe in Jesus name. Same day, I received a call inviting me for interview. To share with friends on WhatsApp or Facebook click below:How to Pray Into 2020 | elisha ocial.praise the name of the living God, I have been waiting for the prayers points that opens up a year. [a], 5They will receive blessingfrom theLord Prayer Academy - Elisha Goodman - healing prayer, prayer book, christian book store. job situation in Jesus name. I started praying mymidnightprayers and this is how I was praying: The power that resurrected Lazarus from the dead Last year I started the midnight prayers and my husband was given an increase. 2. My God keep blessing you for teaching g us how to pray. You can pray using free prayer bullets for financial issue. Purge yourself with the blood of Jesus. 3. as a nursing teacher, the nursing school ask me to teach at their school I know there is more God is yet to show me. This was a worst challenge I suffered the whole of 2013. I am encouraged daily on this site, there is a comment that brother elisha once made, He said pray like a prayer warrior even though you are not one. for THAT job I was interviewed for and was competing with over 250 people for ONLY 14 positions. 2 Holy Spirit, cleanse my heart with your fire and the blood of the Lamb in Jesus' name. Greetings Elisha. Prophetic Prayers 27 minutes to midnight 2022 Elisha Goodman Crossover Prayer Points Day 5 Holy Ghost Fire Midnight Prayer Points with sis P 24.9K subscribers Join Subscribe 16 2.2K views 11. But today is a differet story, after repeating the prayer academy. To God be the Grory for ever for He is good and His mercy endures forever and ever. 7. Every satanic goal scored against me in the dream, be cancelled by the power in the blood of Jesus. You know i was down graded to a lower job (grade) which is so stressful and dangerous but left with the salary i was getting from my past post and was transfered to another location. Where does this kind of prayer come from? Your teachings have no comparison! I rise out of the dust of poverty by the power in the blood of Jesus I am learning new things about prayer and I thank God. King should died for me. God is awesome. hai elisia , iam happy to be part of the PA since february 25 , 2014. since then the lord has been so faithful in my life. 9. Keep on the firing line. She died 3 days later. Prayer bullet #39: Let spiritual magnetic power that attracts and keeps wealth be installed in my finances in I went from doctor to doctor but it was not helping. She then dropped it. On the day I ended the Esther fast, a friends fiance was delivered from a legion of demons on assignment to collect her womb and prevent her from child bearing when she gets married. Magnetize the miracle job to her as she kept firing the prayer bullets. I try by almince to forgive the people who did this to me but its difficult. Before l started phase 3 l found out my boyfriend was having an affair enjoying pre marital pleasures with some random lady. 8. Just like one prayer eagle said through the prayers that he has gotten so many prayer points even by going through the materials. 3. MintalahapiRoh Kudusakan datangatasmu. The Lord bless and keep you for generations untold in Jesus name. praise be to God for the wonderful things he is doing in our lives and for giving us this Elisha who is a teacher, prayer coach and mentor, hi man of GOD IAM SO HAPPY AND THRILLED TO HAVE THE PRAYER BULLETS AND THIER DEVASTATING EFFECT AGAINST THE WORKS OF DARKNESS;YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION TO ME AND ALL THOSE WHO FOLLOW THIS WEBSITE,I THANK GOD FOR YOU AND THE PRAYER EAGLES MINISTRY,WITH ACCURACY,ANOINTING AND THE RAW POWER OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD;THE REALM OF DARKNESS HAS BEEN HIT SO HARD,THE WALLS OF HINDERANCE HAS BEEN BROKEN,AND SHATTER INTO PIECES,THE PRATER ACADEMY HAS CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER AND AS A PROPHET OF GOD,THANKS FROM MY HEART;GLORY BE TO GOD FOR TRUTH THAT HAS SET ME,MY FAMULY AND MANY FREE.GOD BLESS YOU.AMEN. Two weeks later (last Sunday), I went to visit them in the evening. 4. praises unto the Lord, plus machine-gun prayers like this: -"I rise out of the dust of poverty by the power in the blood of Jesus" - Let spiritual magnetic power that attracts and keeps wealth be installed in my finances in the name of Jesus." - "I release my finances from the influences, control and domination of household wickedness in the As I write this email am overjoyed because much as I had prayed for a car this year I didnt know where the money was coming from and how soon I would own one but as I write this email my car has been imported and I have already paid the taxes. anything to do with dreams, their meaning and how to cancel them. Just to summarize: Ask for the fire of the Holy Spirit to come upon you. i am writing this to say that i have sen God in all areas of life last week i lost my job but on the same day i received a call from another employer and i was offered another. like I ever heard. my husband has been jobless for sometime over a year now and our bills have been overwhelming on me. Whenever I dont pray the midnight hour for a few days, I just feel down, restless and a spiritual ceiling over my head. God bless you and yours and God bless Firesprings! But that is about to change. =============================== MFM Official Website - Dr Dk Olukoya Facebook - God Bless You In Jesus name #drdkolukoya #drdkolukoyaprayers #olukoyaprayers =============================== #drdkolukoya #drdkolukoyalive #drdkolukoya #midnightprayers #midnightprayers #drdkolukoya #drolukoya2022 #drdkolukoya2022 #drdkolukoyaprayers #midnightprayer #drdkolukoya #mfmprayers #drdkolukoyamessage #drolukoya #olukoya2022 #olukoyaprayers #olukoya2022live #olukoya2022prayers #olukoyalivenow #drolukoyalivetoday #drolukoyasermon2022 #officialgospeltv #drolukoyamessages2022 #olukoyalive #danielolukoyalive #olukoya #olukoyamidnightprayers Official Gospel TV is a Religious Organization that Spreads the Gospel for Revival, Faith \u0026 Growth in the Spirit. More details in my blog-personal prayer request Thank you so much for the daily prayer points. I am joining the prayer Academy ASAP, Elizabeth Reply:April 9th, 2014 at 10:41 am, Glory to God! I have been praying for a baby in my family and we have been to see the doctors with my husband so they can help us. My husband and I have been active participants in the prayer academy for the past few years. I kept saying but I do not have even have my wedding dress yet. Every curse of slow progress and profitless hard work, be broken now in the name of Jesus. the world, and all who live in it; "DNA Prayer Secrets", September last year.This e-book has blessed me beyond measure God bless you all. HE used these prayers to do 2 extraordinary things for her: Destroy all satanic barriers hindering her blessings in the spirit. 9. * Masukkan masing-masing sebagai berikut: 3. I really need to hold my introduction and wedding this year .Thank you. Another thing is i know how to fire back any dream thats funny., This type of prayer is full of high praises unto the Lord, plus machine-gun prayers like this: Since I finally enrolled in the Prayer Academy I am finally able to truly serve God! thank you man of happy to receiv It shows my prayers are destroying the devils plans. i have added the prayerpoint i reject incomplete victory in jesus name. But those things which are revealed belong unto us and WhatsApp Print Tweet Telegram Like this: Loading. I reject the spirit of the tail in my employment and I claim the spirit of the head in the Name of Jesus. Since she is visiting them their health is returned. Seek help about the issue you face by using chat option at the top right corner of this page. 1. 6. Covenant keeping God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in the places where they have rejected me, cause them to call me back and fall over themselves to help me in Jesus name. Please teach me the prayers I should pray inother to break this yoke., iam your daily reader of the email you send to box, iam trusting God to join prayer acamedy before this year ends iam being blessed by every mail i receive, God continue blessing you and the enrear firespringministries. O Lord roll-away every barrier to my ?? I am not sure if the lady is using it because she decided not to talk to me. Pickup prayer bullets for excellence: Instead of hating him and the lady l made them both believe that God is the only way. I am on fire for prayer am looking out for April 15. Collides With Dead Womb. 2. Ive been in trials not many can handle . You did a good thing in that you confessed your sins to the Lord and to your husband. I am enjoying my marriage as never before. thank you man of God for teaching me to pray. Praise the Lord. Be Blessed Elisha Goodman. Rufus Kea. By searching the title, publisher, or authors of guide you in fact want, you can discover them rapidly. 7 Lord Jesus, wash away every anti-marriage stamp, label and links from my life with your blood. Praise the name of the lord,nothing is impossible with God,in fact every thing is possible by november last year i had some rear sickness that even the docters could not even diagnognise, i couldnot breath well,i had back pain that couldnot not go but didnot lose hope i kept on prayering and tusting my God for the healing power that he has and now am fine and healthy and aspecting a new baby .glory be to that covenat kepping God. If you try to download in March my boss released my commission that she had held for 3 months because am supposed to receive it in december and June. 2. Appreciate You, Hi just wondering if anyone could tell me of any prayer points to pray against marine witchcraft and to resurrect my marriage and finances would really appreciate it and please pray for me and val to get married this year and me and my family to be restored and reunited thank you God bless you all I pray for all of your families thank you. He daily unfolds right into our eyes..Bro.Elisha is a true O Lord, anoint my eyes to see divine opportunities in Jesus name. Ya Tuhan, biarkan musim campur tangan ilahi saya muncul dalam nama Yesus. 2. I am so happy and grateful to God. 2. I wake up with a prayer point in my mouth or mind. I CAN NOW PRAY AT. 6. May divine harvest fall and fill my life in Jesus name, 4.
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