But in an altered state they believe they are fine. Valentines Day he gives me a card apologizing for his lack of emotion, his emptiness, unhappiness, etc. He realized he had everything he wanted and needed and it was right in front of him his whole life. Depressed State of Mind. But im afraid that if I let him go again, he will finally be done and not try. To this day, I resent the younger OW more, even though my CH had a PA with the somebody else. Those few days were SO bad for me, I really was backsliding emotionally and it was getting to me. I had an excellent therapist but I was sure he was leaving and I had no $ and children. Even though I know thats whats best, and I told him I do know that. He commits to reconciliation and helping you heal AND being the guy you married. Your H is not reconciling or fighting for the M AND claims he has not spoken to the OW in a month or so. What a big mess. Doing almost the same with you too, apart from, I never contact the AP neither push my son to it, though I have letter from my son, plead to my wife to love his Papa (Me) & stop the affair. K. I am sorry he has destroyed you. He is just too cowardly to say it. Even if illegal or in our case, immoral and against the M. The stupid thing is my H was ready to run off into Fantasyland with the OW. Eventually I made him realize he had to leave the house. Its all I had. Living like hes single but still getting to come home to me and the baby every night. I need to give him his freedom and show him im ok giving him that freedom, but then I have moments where I feel like im being walked all over. Every thing I say im worried is wrong. Unfortunately, hed driven the damage to hell and back before I got the resolve to take it away. This will never work. And living in limbo, walking on egg shells day in and day out was not a way to live. I stumbled on her secret email account by accident and discovered a lengthy email exchange lasting months that was both emotionally and sexually explicit. I am not sure how this works. He works hard every day to make amends. Because he knows I wont toletste anything else. You cannot get them to change UNLESS THEY WANT TO CHANGE! Here are my suggestions: Had he pulled this crap before the baby I probably would have told him to kick rocks, get his shit together, and get back to me when he woke the hell up and realized what a mistake he was making. He doesnt want to help you in any way. I just want to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be. Dopamine, I would hope he would change his mind, but I just cant beg. For context, I cheated and my wife and I worked through it. And I believed it. I said to him that when he met the OW he became a bar rat bc she was a bartender and he went to her bar everyday after work, and now hes doing that same thing at home, just without her involved. Which makes me think hes still slightly in the fog. They may think they won. Dont live with the disrespect. And then he met this OW and everything changed. Is that stupid? They are just blinded at the moment. Something. He admits now that my requests to please call if late was very reasonable. DO NOT mention the A or EA or whatever he is doing. After going through months and months of the fog, a lot of times, its just too much pain. Then, you started acting like This, so what all is there to know?. It seems that most betrayed spouses are desperately trying to figure out the affair fog and what the hell is going on in the minds of their spouses. In your case your H wants a M on his terms. No self respecting person jumps into another Relationship the next day. I said I know youre still talking to her and I cant do it anymore. I walked away, he followed me and said I was wrong but I shut the bathroom door and got in the shower and then I told him I needed a breather and i went for a drive. I think he convinces himself of things. Its called the Plan B. figueroa street shooting; jeffrey friedman chiropractor; gifted child humming; how to adjust sim max driver; midlife crisis when the fog lifts. And I dont say a word. But I also cant just live in limbo if he is giving me no inkling that we will have a future. we have been together for 7 yrs and got engaged at xmas. That is the first issue. But I am his wife. I couldnt agree more! Dont engage in conversations you dont want to. You know he is unreliable. It can be turned around. Second / I put up with his disrespect far too long. He said he didnt want a D. He said he was confused. i have not been supportive of her decisions. in the comment section below. You never had an opportunity to think, Gosh. Ignore what he tells lowlife losers. Wash, rinse, and repeat, and soon, they are deeply entrenched in the fog., Also a few years back, Linda and I recorded a session for the Affair Recovery Group where we addressed the affair fog. I thanked him for apologizing. The first 2 years of Reconciliation were not easy. You can live like roommates doing exactly the same thing. She tried to keep contact happening but I blocked her number and in the end she got the message. You need to know WHO is leaving the house, you need to have a plan on some custody and visitation schedules, etc. But I also dont want to be walked all over and disrespected. I didnt think I was being needy at all, but after reading somethings I see that thats exactly how ive been. But maybe im wrong. I do know these things. (He has ED, so..). As you all have experienced this pain, no need to go into great detail. He said a TON of stuff, as did I. Linda: A lot of the experts caution that even though you do come back, does the betrayed spouse want you back? Unfortunately I was. Your H is playing a dangerous game I keep hoping he wakes up soon. I would know more and more certainly if I had only investigated first, instead of trusting her. And then hes accusing me of turning his kids against him because they dont respond to him and why should they. STOP focusing on what HES doing. I have a close friend that cheated and is not 18 months post him coming clean and his wife calling it quits. She had aborted 2 babies because she tried to trap men with a pregnancy and they didnt go for it. I want to be me. Is there a way to contact you directly via email? They feel a new high, a feeling of being in love. I have no idea. But it was the most defining moment b/c I took back my power and restored my self esteem. You are very smart. It is absolutely limbo and it is HELL. I feel like an annoyance. I cant get out of my own head and out of my own way. Now in her 40s she had left it too late to have a baby and it had totally fucked her up. I said my 2-3 sentences calmly and left the room. I wish I had lashed out and told him to F off and get out of my life. You remove yourself from his manipulative behavior. He is probably cheating too but I dont care or try to know or find out. Any $ in my name or certain accounts is not considered marital assets. The concert would have gone until like 1 at the earliest. SERIOUSLY?! Youre right, he doesnt care, and that is unbelievably sad. I can totally relate. Over time, they really begin to believe all the lies theyve told themselves. Its the same with a cheater. Youre absolutely right, they are twins! You have told him he needs to move out. But I get so upset bc I know if he is still speaking with her, he should in NO WAY be living in our home. Im truly living in limbo, with a 5 month old baby, and the love of my life, who no longer looks at me like he used to. I dont know how he feels about this, but in my opinion this limbo sucks. And then the fog lifts and you see a tunnel and man it is far better than that tiny ledge you are standing on so you run, straight into the tunnel. As I said, I stayed predictable. I think I needed to be more honest with you, but I was afraid that if I was, you would leave. I need to TRY to just be positive and focus on ME and the baby, and stop focusing EVERY WAKING MOMENT on what hes feeling and how bad this situation feels. Youre absolutely right. 4. His addiction. Shes destroyed several marriages during her 30+ year career there) on his cell phone log. Please know it is typical cheater behavior. I think i was pushing her further it to his arms. Oh absolutely, he has blamed me for SO much. Prayers to you for all that you have suffered. K Im telling you this b/c I could never change his behavior. I drew a firm boundary and said that I wanted to work on saving our relationship. Dont be me. At the funeral my husband did say he would not create a scene he would quietly remove any whore who showed up I simply told him I would call 911 he was NOT happy with my plan I dont really care anymore what he thinks about my choices to his cheating. It blows my mind honestly. Im going to be honest as painful as it is. So then he could see clearly he does miss ME when he doesnt have me. He gets his head out of his butt and realizes what he has done. Exactly. And you have to go through all that before love can even begin to start being felt again. They got no validation or acknowledgement Their behavior was ignored. Again I think she is part of the problem but not the whole problem or ALL the problems. I cant wrap my head around it all still. But the minute I pull away, he gets a little scared. So, when he arrived home at 2am last night I lost it. Appointment with a D attorney to find out what the laws are in your state and what you are entitled to. During the conversation, you do not yell or get upset. Hes trying to punish me because I made him leave, but in the long run hes also punishing them. Now we are married (family influence I think and I kind of got blackmailed into it by him and my older sister with the nude pictures he had seen before when I asked for us to postpone the wedding) its just a rollercoaster of accusations driving me to do things everytime I start falling back in love with him. Fast forward seven hours later, and were walking into an awesome 55th surprise party including 40 family and friends that Id been planning for him for three months! And after two hours he agreed I was right. The second issue is the one I cannot figure out and it makes no sense to me (or you). Its like him proving a point that were not a couple. I know we are not working towards reconciliation right now, but I am not living in the same home with him if he is speaking with other women. I could no longer function under the black cloud of infidelity. I have been told to blame my husband not the OW. They kissed that night and he was do upset by his actions that he came home and told me. I thought we reconciled. Hahahahaha asking someone to call if they are going to be 4 hours late is so off the Wall. Regroup. You make no demands and ask no questions. They are living in cloud cuckoo land. He has started to be gone on the weekends, where he will go out Friday night after workfor all hours of the night and then go to work all day saturday (supposedly) and then go out saturday night all night. And I admit to my flaws, but its hard to look back at those flaws when im sitting here dealing with a man who had another RELATIONSHIP during our marriage. I wish he had any idea how this feels. I am trying so hard to stay busy to make him wonder what im up to, but its just exhausting me to feel like I always have to be gone when he gets home, or be doing things. But no matter what you do his decisions are his own choices and he cannot blame you for any thing that happens as a result of his cheating. The fog was bad. He left very early this morning for work and will be gone for 2 nights working in another city. Those days are gone. And then he stopped or curtailed his bar nights. And I probably made it worse because every time he did something bad, and we fought I would really blast him and make him more insecure. I havent heard from him today, which is upsetting because normally he would text in the morning. He makes sly comments sometimes. I became my mother. The stress and anxiety was hard to face. im just so confused. I think you are doing the right thing for now. The discussions about her can be addressed at MC or in another conversation. Its my thinking that gets me so upset. Even if we did reconcile and moved forward, how would I EVER get past what hes done and all the texts ive read and the things theyve said to one another. They usually come to realize every person has faults and they just They believe (wrongfully) they have something special. GOSHHHHH. Even though he kept telling me how great our marriage was and how happy he was he asked for a divorce. ???? I told him I will never be able to stop loving him if I see him all the time. Part of me really does believe him when he says they arent speaking. You have to make a choice. You have to be willing to face a possible second dday. It finally got through. I was in your position but my H had affsir fog for 6 months and was going to leave me. One who can guide you through this storm. The longer the fog goes on, the more damage that is done to the marriage. And now I feel like hes just gone to work and is thinking gosh shes so miserable. If you no longer want him to hang out in bars w/out you present, then you need to clearly state that during MC or in your talks to him. Like I said, he is still sleeping at home. He was no longer a bit arrogant. They believe this new love is real. I told him on a few occasions I am not standing in your way. Our life stayed secure. Until DDay2 and I found his A continued. If my H comes home and tells me something that I suspect is not 200% the full story, I metely look him in the eye and calmly say I am sorry you dont have the courage or respect to tell me the truth. And he would be nice for a few days and then it would start again. I completely understand what you are going through. Park your car at the mall or similar place where you can disappear from him easily if hes the type that would follow you, because if he knows what youre doing and you spent the evening alone, hed be even more sure of your devotion and actually become worse than he already is.
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midlife crisis when the fog lifts 2023