I seen em poison before, but I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her. There are several different forms of, Lennie is rejected by everyone at the ranch, except George, because of his mental disability (Of Mice and Men 248). I want to wake up and enjoy every sunrise with you and vanish into your hand at the sunset of my life. Whatta ya think I am, a kid? I got both of em here. He didnt know why then, but now he does. Michele L. Rivera, How crazy it is to be "yourself" by trying to live up to an image of yourself you have unconsciously created in the minds of others. ", Crooks said darkly, "Guys don't come into a colored man's room very much." Lennie, who had been watching, imitated George exactly. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. Crooks is discriminated for being a black man, Lennie is discriminated for being mentally disabled, Candy is discriminated for being old and useless, and Curley's wife is discriminated against because she is a woman. When the men go into town after a long day of work, Crooks is left alone in his room in the barn. Some characters include: Crooks, Curleys wife, and Candy. That wouldnt have made the audience sad. The names she calls Crook, Candy, and Lennie represent her prejudice towards blacks, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Steinbeck shows how easily someone was discriminated against in the 1930s. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. Crooks and Candy give her a hard time and ask her to leave. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. Where we goin, George? The little man jerked down the brim of his hat and scowled over at Lennie. They say I stink. 2023 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. Unfortunately, Lennie's actions destroy their dream. Lennie puts his hand around her mouth and ends up breaking her neck. Lennie is the perfect target of discrimination throughout the entire book. But he's still pinching their heads, and he's still basically torturing the animals that he's supposed to be looking after. "Sure. Of Mice and Men is a profound novel that has many things to teach society. Sexism was a very prominant part of 1930s America and led to the mistreatment of women such as Curleys wife. Jesus Christ, youre a crazy bastard! I forgot, Lennie said softly. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. But Slim understands Lennies fate and that there will be no trial or mercy or for Lennie. In Of Mice and Men, intolerance is a important topic, because during that time period it this discrimination of minorities was socially acceptable as opposed to currently where we believe that intolerance has no place in our society. Lennie tells her he loves to feel soft things like fur and velvet. Discrimination is still a problem today. An he was dead (Steinbeck 87). The novella, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck , is set in California in the 1930s. In John Steinbeck's novel, Of Mice and Men, there are many example of prejudice. Later in the story, Lennies incredible strength causes two deaths, first he kills a puppy and then Curleys wife. Lennie interrupts their conversation as he comes in from the barn; Slim has given Lennie one of his puppies. As stated in the book, (Steinbeck 28) Candy is one of the many men who have judged her based on what they think they have seen. In Depression era, people discriminated African-American people by using derogatory terms, physically assaulting them and limiting their socialization. He accuses Slim of being in the barn with her, though none of them had seen her. He was an older man that lived in the bunk house, who lost his hand in a work accident. Give the stable buck hell? he asked. Done pretty good, too. His calm eyes followed Lennie out of the door. (1.44). Even though slavery has been abolished, African Americans dont have equal rights. One of these challenges is discrimination because not everybody in the novella is treated equally. Crooks "This is just a n***** talkin', an' a busted-back n*****. Most of the ranch workers display their feelings of racism against the only black worker, Crooks. Howd you like that? While George and Lennie dressed the same, thats where the similarities end. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 2. The boss gives him hell when he's mad. | Privacy Policy If some guy was with me, he could tell me I was asleep, an then it would be all right. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. I musta lost it. He looked down at the ground in despair. George and Lennie have been together since they were younger, as Lennie would come along with George while he worked, so they had become inseparable. When he tells Lennie about the rabbits he will get to tend, George shoots him in the back of the head. Yes sir. board with our, See The two begin talking, and she tells Lennie that Curley is not a good husband. Below are several quotes which reflect the racism on the ranch. The white kids come to play at our place, an sometimes I went to play with them, and some of them was pretty nice. Create your account. Lennie tells George about his dream of having rabbits. There are many examples of discrimination in the novel, Of Mice and Men. Racism is prevalent immediately upon their arrival. He aint much of a talker, is he? No, he aint, but hes sure a hell of a good worker. They let the n***** come in that night. George speaks in a sexist way about Curleys wife, saying she has no place on the ranch which should be for men only. You leave her be., He dont give nobody else a chance to win., George said, Shes gonna make a mess. Thus, through Candy, Crooks, and Curleys wife, Steinbeck reveals the powerful. Weve already seen he doesnt have a lot of the societal niceties down (like when to pet girls and when not to pet girls), but its actually pretty interesting that Lennie doesnt think of Crooks as being different from himself. Tell about what were gonna have in the garden and about the rabbits in the cages and about the rain in the winter and the stove, and how thick the cream is on the milk like you can hardly cut it. The men on the ranch ignore her and never want anything to do with her because she is Curleys wife and Curley gets angry quickly, especially when it involves his wife. Prejudice is a great time saver. Look what I done.. Well, you keep your place then, n*****. Aint I got a right to talk to nobody? In Of Mice and Men, the narrarator implied that "The old man came slowly into the room. He leaves the barn and runs to the pond where George told him to hide if he gets in trouble. We got a future. The guys said on account of the n*****'s got a crooked back, Smitty can't use his feet." He knows Lennie lacks self-control and understanding of his actions. I wouldnt eat no ketchup if it was right here beside me. If it was here, you could have some. But I wouldnt eat none, George. Youd drink out of a gutter if you was thirsty., Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water and wiggled his fingers so the water arose in little splashes; rings widened across the pool o the other side and came back again. He cant turn to some other guy and ast him if he sees it too. I aint wanted in the bunk house, and you aint wanted in my room." Curley's wife enters the barn, and Crooks quickly persuades her to leave. But because he cant control his own strength, Lennie accidentally kills the pet mice that he hides from George inside his pockets. George scowled at him, and Lennie dropped his head in shame at having forgotten. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. (A THREAD). Run us out, hell, said George disgustedly. You take a good big drink. He smiled happily. The men on the ranch often use racial slurs and derogatory language to show their superiority. Curley's wife makes her way into the bunkhouse, and George quickly realizes she could be trouble for Lennie. (A THREAD). Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you He stumbles upon light and sees it is in Crooks' room. All Rights Reserved. They say I stink. The final type of discrimination shown in the novel is discrimination against the physically and mentally disabled, in this case, Candy, Lennie, and once again Crooks. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. Marguerite Gardiner once stated Prejudices are the chains forged by ignorance to keep men apart (Gardiner). Slim appears to be encouraging George to carry out a mercy killing of Lennie. His language reveals the sexist between Curleys wife and the men on the ranch. Throughout the novel, these three characters face many hardships because they are harshly judged and often misunderstood. The guys said on account of the n*****s got a crooked back, Smitty cant use his feet. He paused in relish of the memory. Crooks is not used to having the upper hand. If them other guys gets in jail they can rot for all anybody gives a damn. I know there aint. Michael Meyer points out, the hardship for a woman to live on the ranch as presented in the novel should not be ignored. The story begins with the two men getting assigned to work as ranch hands in Soledad, California. For example, when Curley attacked Lennie, Lennie grabbed onto Curleys hand and held on. I wasnt doin nothing bad with it, George. Just like Candys dog can be replaced by a new, young pup, Candy can be replaced by a younger, stronger, and more capable worker. He was considered a swamper, the man who cleans the bunkhouse. In these two articles, one titled Of Mice and Men, Masterplots, Fourth Edition, by Angela D. Hickey and the other titled Of Mice and Men, Masterplots II: Juvenile & Young Adult Literature Series, Supplement, by Lynn C. Munro, the authors explain the way John Steinbeck wrote about prejudice. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. We dont have to sit in no bar room blowin in our jack jus because we got no place else to go. George said brusquely, Well he aint now. If he aint, I guess I better look someplace else, she said playfully. George also contributes to accusing Curleys wife of being a tart, by stating, In this quotation, George is warning Lennie to stay away from her. I dont know if I was asleep. We aint got nothing to say to you at all. She sees Lennie alone and acting a bit strange. Candy looks upon Curleys wife as inferior to him because she is a woman, and a young woman at that. Discrimination is a major theme in Of Mice and Men. Chapter 6 - As the lynch mob is searching the grounds of the ranch and surrounding area, George finds Lennie by the pond. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. However, Crooks quickly realizes Lennie has a mental disability and allows Lennie to enter his room. I aint doin no harm to you. After becoming sad the audience would start to see how bad Candy is treated because of his age and understand how the discrimination was. Theyll take ya to the booby hatch. I aint sure I want you in here no more. One night when all the men go into town, Lennie and Candy enter the barn. This shows Georges influence on Lennie. He is not able to think as highly as an average adult and often times does not make the best decisions. Slim and George see Lennie as a child. George acts like a parent to Lennie, who looks up to him as a role model. Strong as a bull. Lennie smiled to himself. George always knew that Lennie never did anything bad out of meanness and that is why he Lennie doesnt understand racial prejudice and why Crooks is not allowed into the bunk house because of segregation. He pushed himself back, drew up his knees, embraced them, looked over to George to see whether he had it just right. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. "An' Crooks been here a long time. Couldn we maybe bring him in an theyll lock him up? Done pretty good, too. He tells George that he does not have any relatives, so he would be able to give all of his money to him and Lennie. But since she is married she isnt allowed to talk to anybody but Curley or shell be accused of being a flirt or a tart. WebThroughout the novel Of Mice and Men, Crooks, Curleys wife, and Lennie could not reach their potential because of the discrimination against them. Entire Document, Discrimination in Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, Crooks: A Black Stable Buck with the American Dream Book Analysis, Of Mice And Men: Alienation & Discrimination, Discrimination in Of Mice and Men Chapter 3 summary, A Major Difference Between the Movie Of Mice and Men and the Book Analysis, Of Mice and Men- How Does Steinbeck Show Loneliness in of Mice and Men. They let the n***** come in that night. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. She parades her power over the men because she herself feels weak. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. They both had to make money to support themselves. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it aint even funny (Steinbeck 81). Curleys still mad about his hand. Since he was never taken to a doctor, his back was permanently crooked, therefore the name crooks. Designed for GCSE English Literature Examinations Prejudice and Discrimination. As the only black man on the ranch, he is shown extreme discrimination. Carlsons exit is related to the discrimination lawsuit filed by Abby Grossberg, a producer fired by the network last month, the sources said. WebLennie was just sitting there listening to her and he didnt say anything that couldve made her upset. Weve already seen he doesnt have a lot of the societal niceties down (like when to pet girls and when not to pet girls), but its actually Got a crooked back where a horse kicked him. Examine racism in ''Of Mice and Men'' by John Steinbeck. Curleys wife is only allowed to talk to Curley and always feels lonely because of it. She threatens him and says she can accuse him of raping her. Think Id let you carry your own work card? Lennie grinned with relief. They dressed identically and had much in common because of their close friendship. Lennie, Curleys wife, and Crooks are all misunderstood and discriminated against because of it. I wisht I could put you in a cage with about a million mice an let you have fun. His anger left him suddenly. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 3. Entire Document, See He sleeps in a makeshift shed alone because he isn't allowed in the bunkhouse, which reflects the racial segregation common during this period. Nobody cant blame a person for lookin, she said. Jesus, we had fun. But I jus dont know., Candy leaned against the wall beside the broken collar while he scratched his wrist stump. I was only foolin, George. He confesses that he accidentally killed his puppy and that George will be mad. Candy was seen as old and disabled and not capable of performing certain jobs. He accidentally kills Curley's wife, which inevitably causes a lynch mob to run after him. The author shows oppression of the characters through their effect on others, actions, and their dialogue. Sure you could play horseshoes till it got dark, but then you got to read books. Racism and prejudice works two ways. WebAs Crooks explains, his hope of fitting in is not possible, but it remains his greatest hope. He is used feeling weak and vulnerable himself. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. Yes, maam. Well, you keep your place then, N*****. The two men travel together throughout the Salinas Valley of California to find steady work. George may have foreshadowed trouble and disallowed Lennie to leave this particular place; this puts George as alpha male. Candy overhears the conversation and promises to give them all his earnings if they let him join them. Candy and his dog are a symbol of how the old, disabled, or infirmed are not valued in society nor are they wanted. ), She turned on him in scorn. Muriel Rukeyser, I am satisfied that all politicians were meant to be journalists and all journalists meant to be politicians." Youre a nice guy. Chapter 1- The audience is introduced to George and Lennie, two migrant workers on their way to a job at a new ranch. Furthermore this shows my point,George lay where he was and whistled softly to himself.There were sounds of splashing down the river in direction Lennie had taken. Lennie is a very large, strong man, however, people on the ranch don't believe he is a good worker because of his disability. George is tasked with looking after Lennie, a large man with a mental disability. She got the eye goin all the time on everybody I dont know what the hell she wants (Steinbeck 51). Achieving The American Dream is a great desire for all but rarely does it ever come true (website). Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. The social gap between blacks and white is still very apparent. Although the 1930s seems pretty far back, discrimination still occurs in society today and can either be intentional or nonintentional. Many people just misunderstand Lennie and judge him right away. In the novella Steinbeck romanticizes and idealizes male friendships. She threatens to accuse him of raping her, showing a white woman's accusations' power over a black man. Crooks is discriminated against because he is the only black man on the ranch. A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody. WebLennie is discriminated against in this way because of how he is misunderstood. They may be friends, but we know they are not equal, as one walks behind the other, like a follower behind a leader. These authors also demonstrate various kinds of prejudice can make it difficult for many to achieve the American Dream. This foreshadows what will eventually happen to Curleys wife. So when Candy or anybody on the farm tries to bully Lennie, it is because he is different from them and he is not the same as anybody else. Crooks has his own corner of the stable where he sleeps and puts all his things in because the other men dont want him in the bunkhouse because he is black. I wisht wed get the rabbits pretty soon, George. And if that day were to come, you would want it, wouldn't you? he asked. Thomas Merton You drink some, George. Just remember, someday you might be asking for forgiveness. Thiss the first time I ever been in his room. Crooks said darkly, Guys dont come into a colored mans room very much., Awright, she said contemptuously. Lastly, Lennie is mentally handicap so he discriminated against because of that. John Steinbeck has written 27 books and I have only read one, Of Mice and Men. John Stamos, A world is to be fought for, sung, and built: Love must imagine the world. One evening, George and Lennie discuss plans to buy their ranch. Steinbeck illustrates how the characters respond to discrimination, male friendship, as well as loneliness and companionship. Discrimination if often based on many qualities and abilities. He would never actually leave him, but his rants about wanting a life of his own symbolize his feelings of isolation. And just for that reason, he is drawn into George and Lennie?s dream of owning a farm. The conversation makes him momentarily forget his separateness. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 2. I dont know why I cant talk to you. Curly just wanted to shoot him in the stomach and make him suffer. WebA lot of characters are discriminated against in Of Mice and Men but prove it wrong in the end. Now, look Ill give him the work tickets, but you aint gonna say a word. Whatta they think I am, anyways? They also ridicule her, calling her a. Lennie didnt wanna hurt him but he is just too strong (Steinbeck 64). How I get to tend the rabbits., Lennie if you jus happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an hide in the brushHide in the brush till I come for you.. Each one of these characters experience discrimination in the book and it can be related to our lives today. Go on, George! The three are startled to see Curley's wife standing in the doorway. Throughout the novel, these three characters face many hardships because they are harshly judged and often misunderstood. If he coulda used his feet, Smitty says he woulda killed the n*****. Even though George cares about Lennie, he expresses how frustrating it is to look after someone so dumb. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 2. Chapter 2 - George and Lennie arrive at the ranch and are greeted by an older man with only one hand, Candy. George reminisces about their dream of owning their farm. She dreamed of being in showbusiness and movies. You know what I could do? Crooks seemed to grow smaller, and he pressed himself against the wall. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. To add on to this, Candy is also fairly isolated whether from his age or not it causes him to be an outcast, this is seen when he talks with George, "I gotta think about. Theyll tie ya up with a collar, like a dog., This is just a n***** talkin, an a busted-back n*****. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. They was so little, he said apologetically. Sometimes Curleys in here, she explained. Chapter 4- All the ranch workers have gone into town, and Lennie is left in the barn with his puppy. We're gonna go in an' see the boss. They aint so little.. Most of the characters are discriminated against for various reasons. An error occurred trying to load this video. George was small, Lennie on the other hand was huge. I didnt forget that, you bet., God, youre a lot of trouble, said George. Almost all of the characters who, in. All the men head into the bunkhouse for the night after a long day of work.
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