In general, you may be facing some backlash because you didnt follow your intuition in the past. She can be a hint that your intuition is right about something it is telling you. High Priestess Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and The High Priestess in reverse is your metaphoric life reins. The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning, Explained This card is especially interesting in feelings readings because it tells about hidden emotions and subconscious thoughts. In love, the High Priestess reversed is an indicator that youmust trust your intuition. Especially when it comes to love and relationships, the High Priestess can be quite a hard and confusing nut to crack. You may soon have a financial choice to make. The High Priestess + The Fool As Feelings. You may feel that youve been kept the dark or are alone. Thirteen #6 Actually, I 2 of cups: if someone feels two of cups, is this also about different emotions or is it about meeting the other? The High Priestess is sometimes a sign that you cant force others to commit. Its very toxic but I bet you know one. See them as a part of who you are, not as separate hobbies like being able to get paid to take surveys or even jobs. WebKing of Swords and the Lovers as Feelings This combination shows someone feels confident with your connection. The Empress is more than willing to share feelings with the intuitive High Priestess partner who has the ultimate knack for active listening. Because the High Priestess sits between the two pillars, the symbolism implies that you must have knowledge of duality in order to enter this other realm. Sensing this dishonesty can cause this card to pop up in a reading. For now, just live your life. They know you can discover hidden depths, discover spiritual truths, and expand your love life. of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings This card may be a sign to take space from this person and create emotional boundaries. They represent good and evil, negative and positive, black and white, and masculine and feminine. On the negative side, this can be a person who you feel nervous around. High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning 35 Interpretations! Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. WebThis is the sort of card you get when the person who has feeling for you (sexual if pentacle) also has feeling for someone else and is trying to manage both of you. She is a true master of her own emotions. This is how you know that its real. At other times, The High Priestess represents strong suspicions. As advice, the High Priestess means that the answers you seek come from within. Male cannot exist without female, nor life without death. WebThe High Priestess is also the gestator of the tarot. In comparison to the Magician who represents active principle, the High Priestess embodies the passive principle, traditionally feminine. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. The High Priestess can also mean that you need to trust yourself and your instincts. Although the upright card also indicates hardly explicable feelings, the essence is clear: there is a strong bond and a sense of familiarity, regardless of how long you know one another. If your intuition tells you this is indeed the case, try to focus on subtle clues when it comes to wanting to find out how someone feels about you. You can find a whole series on specific tarot card meanings right over here. Grab your free 28-page Tarot For Beginners Guide here: We won't send you spam. There areso many different ways to read The High Priestess. The Seeker However, this relationship needs cooperation and mutual willingness to work on it. We realize that we dont need to settle for what we had before. The High Priestess wants you to trust your intuition and follow your inner sense. Advertise with us. The High Priestess card as feelings can also indicate a soul connection with someone. This relationship shows that you and your partner are compatible. In front of her, there is a crescent moon. That person probably has a high knowledge and likes to be intellectually stimulated. This bond is strengthened on Youll know that this is true if you already felt a sense of anxiety before this reading. It may be helpful to look into the archetype that most resonates with you. The High Priestess sits between two columns, just in front of a veil decorated with pomegranates. If this doesnt help, then the cards are telling you that you cant know the answer right now. Dont look to other people for answers as you wont get accurate information. One is black, with the letter B on it, and the other is white with the letter J on the front. Deep down, you know the truth, even if it takes you time to discover it. You have to pay the rent and pay for food. Take some time to listen to your intuition; make sure that your gut feels good about it. This combo indicates an unbreakable relationship, full of mutual support, care, and love. They are looking for a stable and secure relationship and are not interested in playing games. The individual you ask about cannot tell how they feel about you. They are normally hungry for a relationship and they dont feel safe or secure in this relationship as it is always so up and down. If you feel like something is wrong, youre probably right. The High Priestess card may come up in regards to past relationships. Hopefully, this post will give you insight that clearly applies to your reading. Her guidance reminds us that we cannot and should not settle for anything less than our dreams. She is strong and powerful, yet connected and intuitive. WebThe High Priestess tarot card suggests that someone is very much in touch with their intuition and feelings and is able to read people and situations extremely well. Another meaning could be that necessary communication in a relationship is blocked. Love this Tarot deck? I am really not surewhat kind of feelings are these? WebThe High Priestess tarot card speaks of feelings that often change. All these need one another, just as we seek our other half, our soul mate. Things shouldfeel right andseem right logically. The person in question cannot explain how they feel about you or it could be the other way around. There could be a lack of understanding between partners. You need to learn how to express your feelings and communicate clearly with your partner. In fact, the High Priestess can also be a sign to integrate your intuition with your career. Sometimes, the High Priestess appears when you arent sure what will happen. The reversed High Priestess as feelings indicates the inability fully to experience emotions. When the High Priestess is reversed, if often represents someone feeling out of touch with their true self. You might need to walk on eggshells because they play the victim or get upset at the smallest things. This is a water element card (with the sign of Cancer) and is related to the moon. Such bonds cannot break easily, even if you are separated. It might be that people come to you for advice on important matters, believing that your insights will assist them in making decisions that are in their best interests. For example, you may have encountered multiple people who told you not to eat a certain food. They feel naturally motivated to offer guidance and support to their loved ones. This person could be feeling overwhelmed which can lead to shutting themselves off from their emotions completely. The High Priestess can also appear in relationship Tarot readings to symbolize the fact that you have to use your intuition to find the answers. Reversed High Priestess Card Meanings - Cardarium It has a cross on her chest, but on her head she wears a horned crown. Oftentimes we cannot realize either how someone feels about us or how we feel about them. However, the High Priestess can also mean that there are hidden factors involved in a situation. About us. The High Priestess is in touch with the cycles of the moon in both a feminine way and a magical sense. When the High Priestess appears in a reading, this indicates that you need to listen to your intuition rather than relying on your rational mind. Coming back to a place of self-love and balance is recommended. She can also be a psychic link or connection between people. Listen to your intuition and try to figure out what is going on. Behind the High Priestess is a veil decorated with pomegranates. Sometimes, the High Priestess can even represent someone with a mental illness, someone who believes theyre seeing into a realm that doesnt exist. This card is all about intuition. You should live in the present and not worry about whats going to happen. You probably did not speak about that, trying to move on. I hope that by reading this article, you now have a better understanding of what the High Priestess tarot card means when it appears in a reading and youre trying to explore what it is trying to tell you when it comes to feelings. The Fool is an archetype of a careless wanderer, optimistic and charismatic. People feel as if they can reveal to you the truth about their life. Lisa publishes the daily digest, Divinerism Daily, where she gives her subscribers tips for developing their spiritual practices. Sometimes, the High Priestess represents a person. Remember, The High Priestess is all about balance, harmony, yin, and yang, hot and cold, feminine and masculine. TEA & ROSEMARY LLC, Crow Symbolism: Spiritual Meaning Of The Crow. This is certainly a person you can learn from! You have a link to the divine unconscious mind, where all the answers lie. She teaches her students how they can communicate with their ancestral spirits and predict their futures through various divination systems. The High Priestess has alot of symbolism on the card. If you ask how someone feels about you, the High Priestess can indicate that the person in question feels connected to you. This represents the four directions, the four elements, the four seasons and the four parts of the self (body, heart, mind, and spirit). The symbolism of the card you actually pulled is much more important than the general meaning! Make sure to check it out right here! Text is registered by the US Library ofCongress under TX0007655635. The High Priestess in reverse can also indicate that someone is going through a difficult time. This could either be due to something that has happened in the past, or because they feel the need to be in control at all times. The High Priestess has a crescent moon at her feet. This card can also represent the women in question. She exists in our world, yet she travels to spiritual realms too. If you enjoyed this article and would like to browse some awesometarot decksthat havehelpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease,this articlewill definitely give you some inspiration!
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high priestess as feelings for someone 2023