You want to . Comments are always highly encouraged and appreciated! We just need to talk instead of being irrational okay? Kissing you hard on the lips, he reached for a donut in the box, placing it into your hands. "hi,"you said while copying his wave. Louis tried to hand you a donut, but you shook your head, you couldnt bare to eat anything right now. Baby Styles had arrived in the world. Once inside, Harry helps her out of her coat and leaves both their jackets at check-in. Harry kept playing away at the piano, stopping every few measures or so to scribble away on the sheet music, testing out different melodies and lyrics the two of you pieced together. I should have never disregarded you, you are never second choice. He was your best friend and the last time you wanted was to lie to him or even worse, burden him with what was going on with you when he already did so much. Through the web of lies and destruction she had weaved herself, the last thing she expected was to surrender her heart in all the madness. Harry- she whispers, heart glowing as she looked at the man, setting down her flowers on the counter and quickly wrapping herself in him, this is so sweet, you did all this just for me?. You grin and lean in for a kiss. Fuck. She whispered, sitting up and her eyes scan Harrys bedroom, trying to think of anything she could do to not have to deal with this situation. This was it, he was going to end things with you. We could always start with that awful painting my mum bought us., Harry:I cant think with you in the car, Y/N and Im too pissed off to be around you right now.. Dont you think youve done enough? The words stung as they left his mouth before he turned away from you and continued to get ready. What do you need? Seeing Harry angry is something you will never get used to, even after dating him for three years. "Hey baby girl. Opening it slightly, you peeked in to see Liam laying on the bed on with his hands covering his eyes. I love this so far he whispered, looking at you quickly, I havent felt this excited about a song in so long. #spinoff, I turned around in bed, suddenly feeling my stomach aching badly. Yes. you smirk at him, a hand coming up to his face as you kiss his cheek before letting out a laugh, So you gonna give me writing credit this time?, Harry lets out a loud laugh, standing up at the piano bench and throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you back into the house, I knew I love you., i cant stop thinking about this and i was hoping u could expand on this!! Barcelona will be so lovely for you two. Anne and Gemma then begin to gush over your baby as you lean into Harrys chest, suddenly exhausted. You really do look beautiful. He added, intertwining their fingers and bringing her hand up to his lips and giving it a quick kiss, missed you so much, lovie., I missed you too. She replied, her free hand going around his bicep and leaning into him, pressing a soft kiss onto his ship tattoo, So, so much.. Come on, Y/N, answer me. Harry whispered into your ear, his hand continuing to run through your hair. Mustering up as much courage as possible, you walked up the stairs and stood in front of the bedroom door. He looked back up at you, closing the notebook and handing it back to you. I was being a hothead and well, I was a little drunk. he smiled, leaning in to kiss me. Harry was in the middle of attacking your face with kisses, huge laughs leaving your mouth, when you heard a loud banging on the hotel room door. Most definitely my favorite., Its about you. I cant do it, Harry. She cried, desperately clawing at his shirt as she tried to get him closer, but getting more and more frustrated as her belly gets in the way, causing her to cry more, Im so scared, I-I cant do it! "What happened?" I just decided to ignore it and moved on with fondling his beautiful chest.All of a sudden I felt his hand slip under the covers and beginning to caress my naked thigh. His plump pinky lips, his slightly rosy cheeks. Sighing in frustration, you walked out of the kitchen and into the bedroom where Zayn was throwing clothes all about. Y/N, youre finally here! You heard Harry exclaim and you drop your bags as you seem him run towards you, literally sweeping you off your feet and spinning you around his rental home. I shouldnt have treated you like that, I know that you didnt mean to. With you. Staring out at the pouring down rain, you would take anything at this point to not be in the car with him. Hey guys! I have nothing to say for myself besides the fact that I am in my ACOTAR phase and it has completely taken over every millisecond of my life and those of you who know, know. But she has never felt more scared in her life. I promised and began spreading the substance evenly on Harry's back and then massaging it. It had been nearly two months since it all and you still found yourself waking up in a cold sweat, fearing that he was going to show up again. His skin tone seemed more tanned than ever because of the white bedsheets we both layed in.Morning babe, I smiled. I know you wouldnt do that. Bringing your face to his, he gave you a long kiss on the lip, wiping your tears away. But youre in pain, I.. Tell me what to do now!, he continued to panic.Harry, seriously, you need to calm down its just pain in my stomach it will be gone soon. But Y/N its never been that bad., he said worried.I layed myself back down on the bed and before I could say something, Harry was out of the bedroom and I heard him clumsily hurry down the stairs.I closed my eyes and tried to relax. "y'all are too cute," Kath interrupted. The time to push was now. Your love, Y/N He began, is the most valuable thing you could ever give to me. I felt the pain slip away slowly and my stomach began to relax again.Yes babe, its better thanks. I only brought you here because I thought you would be nice to me!, Someones gotta keep your ego in check, You teased, tell the fans I say youre welcome for the arrogant son of a bitch lyric., Yeah yeah yeah, He chuckled, shifting his body weight and laying a bit closer, eyes looking deep into yours, faces a mere foot apart at most, speaking of, have you been writing much lately? You smile at her, glancing back at your long haired husband who was smiling down at his daughter, swaying her gently back and forth in his tattooed arms. Well soon you will be on break and I will have an entire year with you to spill more wine and ruin more of our home furnishings. You joked causing that mesmerizing smile to appear on his face. It was pouring and dark out and Harry just forced you out of the car because you accidentally said something you shouldnt have? Hey, hey. Never again did you want him to kick you out, it being the worst possible feeling in the world. When Y/N emerges back into Harrys room, dressed in his clothes and feeling fresh, her heart flutters more than ever before. Y/N, whats wrong? Wiping your face once more, you shook your head at him while staring at the floor, feeling so foolish. I just feel really guilty. All of your words seemed to jumble together as you tried to calm down your tears and express how you were feeling to your boyfriend. "Yeah, I think so." You were desperate to fix things and get him to listen. i just think you're cool Don't Hate Me - on hiatus Anne, being the angel she is, was excited and happy about the news, not seeming to care that you had just completely ruined the surprise. Her eyes fluttering close as she let out a shaky sigh, peaking one eye opening and gently lifting the covers to end up seeing the stain, heart plummeting. You jumped at the sudden tone of his voice and ran out of the room, reaching for your bag and keys. You let out a small scream as you push harder. Whenever your ready, no matter how long it takes., You never have, Ive just been so happy I didnt know what you were going to say or if you would even have wanted me stay. She admitted, cuddling herself into his warm skin, it just makes me feel so silly. You couldn't imagine doing this without an epidural, honestly. How was it? We all imagine things :) I am going to get used to this. You buried your head in your hands as they refused to let you, feeling so guilty yet so relieved at the same time. Clutching on to any amount of dignity you had left, you slowly began walking down the sidewalk, having no idea where you even were. He was very exhausted. I really hope you like how this turned out! He let out a low chuckle, a soft smile growing on his face as he admired the girl, slowly turning back into herself. Things can be replaced, okay? It was an accident. I like waking up next to you. At the start of the school year, I was a dumb, boring loner. I-I dont even know what to say. Ive been in a Coldplay vibe and decided to write some preferences based on a few of their songs. You shook your head, eyes closing with another yawn and your heart sinks as you feel the weight of the bed shift as he crawls out of bed, eyes fluttering back open and you give him a tired smile . As the girl cleaned herself a bit, she dropped in the prettiest pink bath bomb, watching it color the tub before her entering, feeling her mind body and souls relax as she laid down. could never love anyone more, especially if ya gave us a baby. He smiles shyly, his cheeks turning a tinge pink, but ya really think Imma be a good dad? his cheeks growing redder as you nod. it was the one and only, Harry Styles. The past few months had been hectic, Zayn going in and out of meetings and the studio working on his new album. :). Until now, you had promised Harry that you were getting better. He slowly scooted closer to her, licking his lips as he stared at hers, his thumb raising to the girls lips and wiping away some of the leftover residue, staring down deep into her eyes. Anne was in the middle of talking about how she was looking forward to having some time off to relax and you instantly thought she was referring to the vacation to Barcelona her children had planned for it. imagines stress The guys have already left for the airport, they are just waiting on us. He grabbed his light purple jumper from his luggage, tossing it your way to give you something to wear. Harry Styles Imagines @harrystylesanus. Harry hasnt said a word since you spoiled the news over an hour ago. Can I get you a snack or drink or anything before bed?. The couple had been reading all of the books, attending classes, watching educational videos, doing their research and asking their doctor every single question that has ever passed through them. Good job, Harry. She compliments her brother, smiling down at her niece. He was stressed out because he wanted everything to be perfect, he didnt want to fail. You leaving? He softly asked, wiping a stray tear on her cheek, I truly am so sorry if I made you uncomfortable or pressured you, that was never my intention. With tears rolling down your face, you tried to find the words inside of you to explain everything. The wood split on the surface, making one of the most haunting sounds in the entire world. And it was all great, until he convinced me to ditch a party with h. Kinda made me my mini series called Cant Help But Love Him! This was a gesture he always did when they were amidst mobs of people and flashing lights. "So you don't want the gel to get on the sheets 'cos it'll lose the chance to work on my back?" As Louis reached for your arm, you took a step back, not giving him the satisfaction of kicking you out. He said, starting to turn around, so he could lie on his back. You were cut off with a kiss, two strong hands grabbing your face as your best friends lips crashed onto yours. I felt his tongue on my neck and he began licking and sucking lightly.I swiftly wriggled out of his arms and turned away. you cant keep showing up like this! you were beautiful. The flat was never the same without him and constantly staying in new hotels with him wasnt giving you the routine that you needed with him. Breathe with me, baby. In a moment of not pushing he begins to do the breathing you had learned to do during labor and you mimic him, staring into his green eyes as you do it. My insides were screaming and making their pain noticed by the endless stream of tears leaving my eyes. ! He shouted suddenly, startling you. . We havent even been here a day and things are already going wrong. The words stung throughout your whole body. You are everything to me, I couldnt do any of this without you. I feel horrible. I didnt mean what I said, I am just cranky from being in the studio all day. "Nothing, just the sheets the gel is going to get on it and it won't stay on your back and have the ability to work there" I mumbled. We cant even fucking walk to the car without getting mobbed, its not okay. He whispered to you quietly, his eyes flickering with guilt. I am a brand new blog as of this week and would love to get all of the feedback, comments and requests possible! The two of you locked eyes and you could see the regret that filled his, flashbacks to the night before filling your head. It really means a lot. I overreacted. The two of you sat in silence, Harry biting his lip and mumbling profanities under his breath as he watched a bandage being placed over your hand. Theres no way he wont find out. Walking into the kitchen, Liam stood in front of the fridge, rummaging around for something to eat. Read with caution. You wanted to say, looking up at your best friend, but instead you say, help me finish it? Shall we clean her up now? The nurse was back and reaches out for your baby girl after you nod. You can do it, sweetheart. You wanted to cry. Im sorry. She whispers, I-It was an accident and Im sorry because I shouldve known it was coming but I totally forgot and Im not prepared and Im sorry Ill clean everything or-or Ill buy you new ones! Harry Styles Imagines on Tumblr - #harrystylesimagine
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