"Kevin: [finally frees his left arm from his ropes] "Nope!" "Edd: "Stand clear, gentlemen! "Marie: "Yes it is. The factory is littered with the snakes. "Edd: "And a boat it is, Eddy." [packing again] "I thought it was those sore losers! ]Ed: "Ahh, comfy." ]Ed: [impressed] "Fancy trick, Eddy! Eddy's brother is a real jerk. ]Captain Melonhead: "No thanks are necessary, citizens." "Don't forget about me!" "[At this point, Eddy is clinging to the trailer door while his brother is trying to yank him back to be punished. If it means we bring down those three maniacs, we're takin a bus to justice! ]Kevin: "Eddy?" [He displays Eddy for all to see.] ]Ed: "No! A long-shot view of the cul-de-sac is seen. "Eddy's Brother: "Yeah, sure. ]Ed: "Dive, captain, dive! ]Marie: "Watch your back!" [He goes after them, tiptoeing from tiny island to tiny island.] "Psst! "[Edd is vomiting into a paper bag. "Eddy: [tearing the comic away] "Lemon Brook? ]Eddy: [annoyed] "Where's your fauna now, Mr. [She slings a bucket of clothespins at May. [He starts the climb. ]Edd: "EDDY! ]Jimmy: "Leave her alone! Hoop-ba-da, hee hee hee! "Jimmy: "Ow, ah! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . ]Kevin: [ranting] "I can't believe it! "Ed: [laughing and mocking him] "Aah! "Ed: [panicking] "Food for Ed! ]Sarah: "Okay, Jimmy. A close-up is shown of the sprinkler moving back and forth before looking at another house across the street. ]Edd: [astounded] "Pardon? [He begins to slip out.] Edd, now standing in a puddle of his own sweat, drops the glass. Edd hesitates. "Eddy: "I am? "WILFRED!!! ]Sarah: "You idiot! Rolf seems to have been mowing the lawn before suddenly stopping for some unknown reason. Suddenly, a loud snorting catches their attention. Main Page; All Pages; Community; Interactive Maps; Recent Blog Posts; Community. "[Eddy waves the flies away. I should have never let you leave the cul-de-sac! Wilfred? "Ed: [wearing a pair of gag glasses] "Looks gaggy to me, Eddy. I just wanted to see Ed, Edd n Eddy get clobbered! He then walks over to the trashcan and tosses away his mask before turning back to the file cabinet, labeler in hand. Give it up! Now get me down! Ed plunges his feet through the car's floor. What's that? ]Ed: "I will eat you now! You're sinking in QUICKSAND!! "Edd and Eddy: "Stay out of it, Ed! He's always been little. [He grins insanely.] Later. "Eddy: "What happened to Sockhead? "I am okay. [He and Ed follow Edd.] SHOOKEE! [He labels the rock. ]Edd: [rushing towards Eddy with Ed in tow] "Eddy, speak to me!" [He unbolts the door as Marie, Jimmy, and Sarah get closer to the others and he steps out.] Writers: Jono Howard Mike Kubat Rachel Connor Stacy Warnick Danny Antonucci A sprinkler is watering Kevin's lawn. "Nazz: "What was up with that? End of the line, dorks!" Outside, Ed and Eddy are still looking for toys. What'd ya, fall off the back of a truck? "Edd: "Mister Eddy's brother! Plaid? Gimme it!" You're headin back into the swamp!" You interrupt Rolf's study! "[Edd grabs onto Eddy and pulls, trying to work the grate loose. You're it! ]Kevin: "Sure could use another sandwich." "[Splinter the Wonderwood has commandeered the bus. [Ed is so close to being dragged out.] "Uh-oh. ]Nazz: "Kevin, stop!" "Ed: [uprooting a tree] "What? Ed, Edd n Eddy tells the story of three best friends, who band together to tackle life's most daunting challenge - puberty. Bad! Suddenly, Eddy grabs it. ]Rolf: "Wilfred!" [pointing to a snake] "This doesn't even look like a jellybean! They clamber on and ride out of the sunflower patch. "Man, you're such a sap! And some bacon! ]Sarah: "Gee, Lee, I love your toenail polish! Peeling it off, he has Wilfred sniff it to get the scent. Edd looks at them and then back at the wreckage of the car. Where are we going? Rolf brings up the rear, having managed to rejoin the chase. ]Edd: "Eddy, look! [He realizes who it is.] "Edd: "Ed, comic book, please. She then winds up and throws it into the swamp. "The Ed-boys shall riddle Rolf's rind no more! ", [Eddy is shoving things into his suitcase. "Accursed swine! "Edd: [angry] "NO!!!! [Ed falls out of the car.] Suddenly, he spots a glint of metal up ahead, and he leaps off. "Timber, the Dark Shard:The Gourd: "There's no time left? Ed dives into the grass and leaps out of it. ", [Rolf and Kevin ride into a field. "Where ya hidin at, ya big lug? [He runs off. What do we do? "Ed: [leaping out] "Down for Ed, Double D!" ]Rolf: "Hallo? "Nazz: "I'll get it!" ]Edd: "Oh, now look what we've done! My Melon Vision! Jonny then runs up carrying Plank. He looks down, and his eyes bulge. "Nazz: "That'd be the last thing they'd do. "Edd: "Perhaps the front doors will yield a response! ]Captain Melonhead: "Whoa! He gropes for shore; finding it, he hauls himself up. [Rejuvenated, he leaps on his bike and gives chase.] "Kevin: "Forget it!" "[May picks herself up off the ground. A secret door opens in front of him on the branch he is balanced on. [A bus pulls up to the curb. I've found the link to key communitives we have with your brother! "May: "No it's not. "[They toss the basket over the fence into Peach Creek Estates. He hits what looks like a fire alarm and slides down. The rope tightens and the melon begins to move, coming forward until it hits a mailbox. At this moment, the wood erupts into flame. ]Rolf: "What is you, insubordinate"[The tree slams into him. AAH! Suddenly, Ed grabs him. Sarah sets her basket down and seethes with rage. [showing him the boat] "It's a duck! ]Edd: "Eddy! [He looks for Edd. "Is that you? [He rummages through the closet.] He bounces off, back to his brother, and the torture is repeated. [whispering] "I'm frightened. ], Voice Actors:Matt Hill (Ed)Samuel Vincent (Edd)Tony Sampson (Eddy)Keenan Christensen (Jimmy)David Paul Grove (Jonny)Janyse Jaud (Sarah, Lee)Kathleen Barr (Kevin, Marie)Erin Fitzgerald (Nazz, May)Peter Kelamis (Rolf)Terry Klassen (Eddy's Brother), Character/Prop Design:Cory ToomeyHyuck Lee, Additional Storyboard Artists:Sabrina AlberghettiSheranne JohnsonSimon Piniel, Supervising Animation Director:Marlene Robinson May, Exposure Sheet Directors:Ron CampbellSherann JohnsonKaren PetersonMarlene Robinson May, Animation Directors:Kwang Jin KimChul Ki Kwon, Assistant to the Animation Director:Theresa Pukarnyk, Sound Effects Editors:Jeff DavisDean GiammarcoBill Sheppard, Dialogue Editors:Johnny LudgateJeremy Duayne Elzinga, Audio Technical Support:Gordon SprouleRobert Hunter, Studio Audio Assistants:David LivingstoneElla Pincknery. "[A huge explosion rocks the set. "Edd: "It's called a sextant." He spins it rapidly, pulling Eddy inside. Nazz clasps her hands in anticipation of a gift. [The tied up kids look up. ]Kevin: [groping for them] "You're going down, dude. "[The door is tearing off its hinges. [Jimmy's pants split, revealing his teddy bear underwear.] The Ed-boys must not escape! [He grabs a stack of random junk.] ]May: "Where'd they go? ]Captain Melonhead: [crazy] "This is your craazziest plan ever, Plank! "Ed: "Oh, oh! "Eddy: "Double D! Taking out a muffin, he proceeds to dab it in the oil. [sinister] "And cry." ]Kevin: "Lemme through! Wilfred is the first to fly off. "Breakfast for Ed, Eddy!" Kevin is on their left. [He walks off. Close. SLAHEE FISHMONGER! "Sarah: [annoyed as she walks towards the others] "Jeepers, Ed, you're still in one piece! I'll make the fire." Goodness gracious, when will this day of malfunction and mishap" [He realizes his friends haven't come out from under the board.] Good one, Marie. He reaches over and pulls the pin from one of the hinges. Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show (2009 TV Movie) : Cartoon Network/Warner Bros. Television/a.k.a. ]Kevin: "DOOOOORRRRRKKKKKKKSSSSSS!!!" [She giggles as Jimmy lies on the ground, twitching. ]Ed: "The hills are alive, Eddy! AAAH! ]Eddy's Brother: "Uuuuhhhh.unnnccclllleeee." ]Sarah: "Pigs are so gross. "Eddy: [smug] "Forget to pay the brain bill? These nocturnal luminescent beetles will help shed light on our journey. ]Rolf: "Wilfred! Ed falls onto Eddy.] ]Edd: "Motels cost money, Eddy." ]Edd: "Mondo A-Go Go! Teach em a lesson, May!" "[A thump comes and they turn to the source. [He slaps another mosquito. What are you doing here? "[The Kankers turn to the fiery-headed newcomer. For I, the great pirate, Heel-Haw Cruikshank, will swash your buckle, and yardarm your sealeg!" "[Wilfred noses into the bushes and peeps out. [He stumbles into a woman's rump.] Search metadata Search text contents Search TV news captions Search radio transcripts Search archived web sites Advanced Search. Suddenly, a rope with a melon tied to its end goes flying. "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "My melon rind senses trouble, chum!" "[The roof tears off, and Rolf, Nazz, Jonny, and Plank fly away. NO! Nazz sees this. Created Sep 10, 2011. "OH, WHAT HAVE WE DONE?! "Edd: "Edifying." These bugs are like freaking me out! Eddy meanwhile tucks his postcard back into his wallet. A bunch of clothes are on his bed, next to an empty suitcase. May giggles in anticipation, and her sisters join in. Behind the pool is a clothesline, strung with clothes. He is about to take a seat when the bus moves forward, sending him tumbling into a man's legs. Trouble! "[The bike falls into the machine, but Kevin grabs it. "[The horn honks again right before the truck hits Rolf. [disgruntled] "You got somewhere to be? The truck then pulls to a stop, and its' lights shine on Rolf's face. But Vekar's Cyber Squad's members: Kilobot, Labyrinth, Vanny, and the Panthogerms are working with Eddy's Brother to destroy Peach Creek as they'll chase them up . "Eddy: [cowering] "Okay! "Can we please get down to the business at hand?" "[Rolf crashes through the door, and Nazz, Kevin, Jonny, and Plank follow him in. ]Nazz: "Dude! ]Nazz: [forgiving him] "Yeahsorry about that, dude. [Eddy snickers, and Edd goes off to do something. When we follow it, we find it leads down into the earth into the Melon Cave. "[Kevin puts his arm around her, and Nazz reciprocates. "Nazz: "What? He turns on a lamp and picks up a magnet. "Ed: "I smell my fingers after I eat cheese. TAKE ME!" The car turns left, and Kevin follows. [crying] "Ahhaha, I'm such a snitch! Kevin's bike is leaned against the garage. Brain wave stuff! "Oh! ]Ed: [laughing] "Oh boy, Eddy, did you see him go flying? ]Marie: [picking him up] "Aw, my man doesn't need to give me any flowers." ]Kevin: "Gotcha!" Do not let your mutated lump slow you down! ]Marie: "Yeah, you heard her. As it was the series' final . [He approaches some stairs.] "[Sarah skips into the trailer park. "[Ed leads them into a clearing and sits down. ]Nazz: "Ow! "[Suddenly, a deep rumbling is heard, and an earthquake occurs. Can you see cartoons in it?" Knock yourself out, Dutch. ]May: "You bet, Lee! [Ed and Edd's heads pile on top of Eddy's. The car sails into the woods, hitting many trees along the way and snapping them. "Ed, you idiot!" "[Sarah and Jimmy race to the sidewalk just in time to see the car go by, followed immediately by Kevin, on his bike; Rolf, on his pig; and Nazz, running after them. Or at the very least, be a regular customer! ]Kevin: "Not my bike! "Kevin: [spotting the factory] "Dorks." The gum then proceeds to give him a severe electrical shock. ]Edd: "Eddy? Eddy drags Edd onto dry land with his upper lip, which has gotten wedged in Edd's gap. "Kevin: "They were here, I can feel it. [He collapses to the ground. [trying to grab it] "I think I can reach it, Kev. "[Ed reaches into his bag and pulls out Edd. My bro'll make us eat a barnacle if we show up while he's watching Matlock. ]Edd: "Eddy? Aah! [He grins evilly. Ed, Edd n Eddy is an American-Canadian animated comedy television series created by Canadian adult cartoonist Danny Antonucci exclusively for Cartoon Network, premiering January 4th, 1999, and ultimately concluding on November 8th, 2009 with a made-for-television film titled Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show. Hurry! ]Eddy: "Hey, muscles! ]Ed: "We are so in manure! ]Nazz: [angry] "How's your bike?! [He falls off as well.] "Edd: [sweating] "Make no sudden movements. "Oh, pardon me. "Edd: [considering] "I suppose one could get used to the confining nature of tights. ]Sarah: [annoyed] "What's the matter, Jimmy? "Eddy: [scared] "Quicksand?! [He plops a gourd on his head. [The torture stops as Jimmy comes running up.] The kid wants to be just like us! This is the transcript for the scene where Jonny and Plank take the bus and the heroes are in the swamp in Tino Tonitini, Ed, Edd, n Eddy's Big Picture Show. ]Edd: [staring at Ed] "Oh, umcute. ], [The car crashes down in the middle of a desert. Pain! "[Ed leaps on Eddy, pretending to be a crocodile. "[Splinter the Wonderwood is nowhere to be found. ]Eddy's Brother: "All for nothin, huh?" We coulda stopped there." I gotcha! It creaks open a few inches, revealing that it is bolted numerous times. The sign breaks off and falls. He pushes Edd to the door, and a piece of toast falls off Edd's back. The magnet pulls the bear trap from his head. Icky! ]Rolf: "ED-BOYS! Whaddya think they did this time, Jimmy? Uncle!" [He bursts into tears. "Eddy's Brother: "Anyone know you're here? "[The Kankers abruptly let go. At this moment, a truck horn honks and lights shine on Rolf's face. "[Eddy kicks the gate open, and he and Ed enter. "Ed: "I upped your chuck, Eddy! ]Rolf: "Peel your onions, Ed-boy!" The factory awakens, grumbling into life. "Eddy: [whispering] "Yeah, well, I didn't see you stop me! Beneath it is a periscope. [She grabs Jimmy's arm.] "Jimmy: [following Sarah] "Did we miss the Eds beating? A forest substrate. "[Ed chuckles, pulls up his shirt, and begins to drum on his belly. "Eddy: "Yep, my bro's a whiz at harpooning whales! "Ed: "Help! Suddenly, Edd jumps up.] ]Nazz: "THAT'S WHAT I THINK OF YOUR STUPID BIKE! When he makes it to the front, he clings to a pole for dear life. "[Kevin ducks behind him. Arr! "Eddy: "You better believe it! Eddy looks up and spots a congratulatory glass on top of the fridge. "[The postcard is a copy of the park's sign. "[Eddy's brother sets Eddy down and laughs as Eddy spins uncontrollably. "A peanut? Coincidentally, this happens to have a large paddlewheel contraption. "[Downstairs is nothing but silence. "[The Kankers grab Rolf. "Ed: "Gag factory, yay! [Ed grabs the peanut with his teeth. "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: [leaning towards his sidekick] "They did, didn't they?" ]Eddy: "In your dreams! ], [As Kevin screams at the sky, the camera moves back to the park. "Edd: [helping him search] "There's so many places he could be, Eddy! "Edd: "HEEELLLPPP! "[Kevin is torn off by the pressure, and he flies off, slams into the slide and falls on Rolf. ], [The door creaks open, and Eddy peeks in. "Kevin: "I gotta admit, pal, that was so choice. "[May pins him up and proceeds to nurse him with a bottle of ketchup. He milks it. [He hands the suitcase to Edd. ]Eddy: "Where is he? [He tosses it away. They pass by a mountain of trash. I like you, girlfriend." ], [Wilfred is following the trail. "Nazz: [handing him the label] "Hey Kev, check this out! After doing so, he turns to the crowd.] Below, yet another vengeance seeker is looking for the Eds. Ed rolls the window up, and Eddy pops out. Fortunately, it cracks as a direct result of this. Eddy fumbles with the key. "Eddy: "Give it back, Ed! "umend?" "Ed: "Does it hurt, Double D? ]Edd: [stepping over Ed] "Excuse me, Ed." "[He looks up and sees that Edd has labeled the entire campsite. "[Ed manages to shut the door, tearing it away from Kevin. [He follows Sarah down the trail.] I think he wants us to follow him! Oh I love them to death I do! The picture is only marred by a despondent boy wheeling his bike across the grass. "[Rolf begins to pant. "[Ed falls off the camel and slams into the wall. ]Lee: [leering] "Looks like we lucked out, girls. "[Wilfred pops out of the ground and heads towards Rolf, squealing. It's doors open and we see our heroes, ready to venture into the world so they may find and defeat the villainous scumbags Ed, Edd, and Eddy. ]Jimmy: [after a moment of contemplation] "I hope Kevin knocks Eddy's teeth out!" "[Jonny is stuck in a hole in the road. Quotes / Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show Analysis Awesome Characters Fridge Funny Headscratchers Heartwarming Laconic NightmareFuel Quotes Recap TearJerker Trivia WesternAnimati WMG YMMV VideoExamples Create New Edd and Eddy fight. "May: "Looks like someone left something in their pocket! ]May: "But that would mean we're lost! Splinter steers the bus downtown as Captain Melonhead joyfully rejoices in finding his friend again. [He dives behind the vacuum cleaner. Not after what they did. After Eddy's Brother gets defeated and Eddy makes his apology, it looks like the Kids are still coming after him (except for Johnny and Plank, who haven't even arrived yet). "[Edd spots Ed drawing on a cow. "Jimmy: "I'm not allowed to go in there, Sarah. [He falls out of his pants.] "Kevin: "Get a grip, Nazz! "Eddy: "That's his place!" "Edd: [realizing they've gone off a cliff] "Stop!" [moving Edd aside] "Look out!" "[Nazz grabs the whole sandwich and scarfs it. ]Nazz: "They're getting away, guys! "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "Huh? Ed! Kevin at first looks surprised but soon regains his confidence. I wouldn't miss this Ed-thrashing for all the shoulder pads in the world! The door starts to buckle as something pounds on it. "Like this one? "Sarah: "We fell off that stupid slippery pig all the way over here, Jimmy! [He punches himself in the head on the last few words, and then cries. "Eddy: [getting it] "It does? Pulling himself together] "That I regretfully con-fessto" [a few tears leak out] "I regretfully confess to my involvement in the inexcusable, unconscionable, reprehensible, abhorrent, detrimental, detestable, immoral, thoughtless, hurtful" [Edd's writing goes jagged, and he stops and wails.] I didn't mean to hurt you guys! "Sarah: "Ah ah AAAAHH!!! "[Edd stops dead. ], [A giant stack of items moves across the desert. The Eds scream as they go through the woods and fly over a ravine into the junkyard. ]Kevin: [crushing the rat] "Those three two-timing twerps are really getting to me, man. He then tries to yank his arm free. [Suddenly, he grabs his stomach.] "Sarah: "Golly gee whilikers, thanks, Lee! "Eddy: "Yeah. "I've followed all the rules! The bug flies off and hits a sunflower. ", [A bus pulls up to the curb. ]Captain Melonhead: "It's Melon time! Who's after our boyfriends! Answer me!" ]Edd: "It's no use, Eddy! "Nazz: "Like, thanks for the help up here, guys? [She pulls Jimmy out from the pile. Belly's empty. "[The kids strain at the door. The door flies towards Eddy's brother and smacks him squarely, knocking him over. ]Sarah: "Darn it! ]Sarah: "Cut, cut, cut, cut!" "[Rolf climbs down. Ed then grabs at the door and continues to run. Nazz reaches their back and grabs onto the open trunk. [He grabs Nazz in a hug.] ]Edd: "Why, thank you, Ed. "Thank you! ]The Gourd: "And his evil cohort, Timber, the Dark Shard!" "[A crowd of flies settles above Ed's head. [She turns to Sarah with a bucket of paint.] The wind blows, and some dandelion seeds come loose and float to another lawn, where a checkers game seems to have been in progress. "[Rolf turns back to the chair. I'm sorry! Jonny, Rolf and Kevin grab on to the car as it breaks through the doorway and smashes through the second floor, sailing outside. "[Eddy looks disgusted. They find the room, and Eddy begins to open the door. If I might partake in this chat? Has anybody seen my pal? May tumbles off, and the wagon sails forwards towards Lee. ", [The Eds are tromping through a grassy field. ]Marie: "Oh, way to go, May! The swing responds by ascending skyward, and another one descends, carrying a replica of Jonny and Plank. "Eddy: "You heard him, lumpy. Repost is prohibited without the creator's permission. Alien spaceships are attacking!" "Edd: "Really? With Matt Hill, Sam Vincent, Tony Sampson, Keenan Christensen. ]Rolf: "Wilfred?" "Kevin: "Dusty dusty dusty? "Sarah: "Don't touch it! "Eddy: "Poor little ol' Sockhead. The door creaks open a little more, and we see the kids, straining to get into the room. What do you think? Rolf opens the canteen and pours oil out of it, onto the seat. [He yawns. [Edd takes it from Ed. ]Eddy: "Here, hold this!" [He pulls his friend out.] By the time you read this, I will be longfaroh, dear." We're trespassing! ]Rolf: "Who goes there? Nazz warms her hands by the fire. The wagon tips over, spilling its load behind May. You just have to figure out where it is. "Eddy: "Um, I told the guys you'd put us up." "[Kevin leaves. "[The Eds run to the front doors of the factory. "Kevin: "Those thieves couldn'tve got far. That one day these short-sighted sophomoric shell games would go too far!" [He walks over to Edd. "Eddy: "Yeah, right. ]Sarah: "Ew, that's so gross! [Eddy climbs the steps to the trailer. [He grabs his hat back and cleans it.] Where are ya? Quit freaking me out, Plank!" "BIG BRO! "Edd: "You stop that! "Kevin: "You are so on fire today, Nazz. "Kevin: "NOOOO!!!! Save yourself" [He crumples to the ground. I just made things up so people would like me. ]Edd: "You and your nefarious scams!!! ]Lee: "It's those two runts! "[The Eds rush out of Eddy's room and head down the hall. "Plank:Jonny: [whispering] "You're reading my mind, Plank! "Aaaandaction! "Nazz, you're awesome, babe. ]Lee: "First one inside gets to give him mouth to mouth! He heaves himself up onto it. "Edd: "I'd rather face my consequences, Ed, than wander aimlessly with a so-called friend! "Marie: [angry] "Ain't nobody beating up on my man but me! You're heading back into the swamp! ]Eddy: "Lighten up, Sockhead. Worser than polyester chafing! [reaching him] "Are you all right? "[Kevin runs into the swamp and begins to clamber up the tree. Once the canteen is empty, he throws it and the cork over his shoulder. Edd and Eddy saving Ed from Rolf during the car chase scene. Centrifugal force is quick to act on the car, as the kids are pushed away from it. [He tosses the tree over his shoulder and runs towards the sound. "You got spunk. "Dearest Mother and Father. [A ladybug crawls onto Jimmy. "Edd: "Yes, wellwhat's our estimated time of arrival to your brother's sanctuary, Eddy? He finds Edd sticking leaves to a spiderweb. Whoa. [The postmark is smeared. The title flashes on the screen: A backyard is shown. "Where are you? [Nobody replies.] This." "Mama, assist Rolf! When he does so, he breaks the tree in three and falls in the water. When they come out, they are blanketed in dead flies. "[Ed runs off. "Trouble! Lived a life of decency and principle! ]Marie: "Pinocchio head." They then pick it up on the other side and continue to run, giggling. ]Sarah: "Let's go see, Jimmy! Pain! [He collapses. "Kevin: "Shup! "You won't be giggling when this unnamed device triangulates our position and gives us a precise heading to the true direction of the gag factory. [He shows off a postcard.] "Big bro ain't gonna be impressed." Eddy is on the right side and is forced to run with the car. 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: The cracked desert ground Rolf treks through as he's riding Wilfred. Suddenly, his door bursts open. He sees Rolf searching for him. High in the tree, Jonny reaches up and finds a bird's nest. "[They land next to a river. ]Edd: "So much undone! I'm taking you to my bro's house, smart guy. The door! On top is Rolf, directing it; on bottom, Wilfred, tugging it. "[Nazz and Kevin stare at each other for a few seconds. This is accentuated when he runs into a tree. "Ed: "Oh, let me, Eddy! Jimmy falters and falls. "Isn't that adorable? Another machine is turning on. From here on out, it's nothing but smooth sailing! "[Edd rushes away. "[Edd is hanging from a ledge on top of a waterfall by his hat. "Jimmy: Ed, Edd, Eddy, Jimmy, Nazz, Sarah, Kevin, & Rolf: [As the kids sing the song, Wilfred eats out of Captain Melonhead's downed helmet. He then looks at it. "Wilfred?" [He places his hand on her arm. [She hugs Eddy and gives him a big kiss.] He finishes up and places a label on the trunk reading "Out of Order. What's it called? ]Edd: [on a new tack] "Perhaps we should talk about you and Ed's immature behavior. "Eddy: "Umhey, Sockhead, where'd ya go?" "Nazz: "What about his brother? "Kevin: "Nazz. Cai! ]Edd: "By the authority vested in me, sanctioned by moi, I hereby christen this seaworthy vessel, the esteemed, um" [reading the writing on the side] "S. S. Mutant Almost A Chicken Duck?" ]Ed: "Stop! ]Kevin: "Right behind you, man. Get your mitts off my wallet.
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ed, edd n eddy big picture show transcript 2023