According to the Ketogenic diet drinking juices should just ignite the Cancer like pouring kerosene on a bonfire. WebThe Gonzalez regimen is a complex treatment plan based on the role of enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and other dietary factors. Although Kelley did prescribe a variety of diets for his cancer patients, these two exemplary patients followed a plant-based eating plan, high in carbohydrates with a minimum each day of four glasses of carrot juice, dense in nutrients but also dense in natural sugar. But he goes a major step further, stating as fact that since cancer cells depend on anaerobic glucose metabolism for energy, they can be stopped in their tracks by depriving them of blood glucose. In a further ironic turn, in December 2010, after approving the drug for treatment of women diagnosed with breast cancer, the FDA rescinded its blessing of Avastin for this indication when clinical trials failed to show any significant benefit. WebCancer patients are prescribed up to 45 grams of pancreas oral supplements a day. I also believe there is no one therapy that will work for everyone. I think it is too quick to blame the diet for a tumor, need to do more proper research to establish the cause.. Dr. Kelley and Dr. Gonzalez recommends pancreatic enzymes. Our liver cells can also, when necessary, convert certain amino acids such as alanine into glucose. In fact, long chain fatty acids with 14 or more carbons, which can yield the most ATP from beta oxidation, do not cross the blood-brain barrier. This website contains links to various affiliate programs and may earn commissions from purchases made through these links. Directly relevant laboratory or animal data concerning the anticancer potential of the Gonzalez regimen are limited. I treated cancer for 25 years with diet for chronic wasting; Cachexia, and INFLAMMATION was the biggest hurdle to stop. He called me with the good news, and in a collegial sense, suggested he might be teaching me, the cancer expert, something new. Many thanks! My question is in regard to using diet to promote longevity as well as prevent and treat cancer, chronic and autoimmune diseases. To me its a no brainer. In addition, the Gonzalez regimen includes the rigorous dietary protocols, nutritional supplements, and coffee enemas that can be found in the earlier work of Dr. Max Gerson. It was eye-opening, but I was able to figure out why my cancer grew so much during that diet. Hi Chris! People who prevented cancer there whole life, arent they survivers too ? Gonzalez N: Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on nutritional cancer therapy: a Moneychanger interview. All groups were fed the same basic diet. Nevertheless, anti-angiogenesis as the answer to cancer remains a big driving force in biotech companies, who have developed a whole slew of angiostatin and endostatin offspring, including the drug Avastin, costing up to $10,000 a month, though it doesnt work particularly well. To put this case in perspective, I know of no patient in the history of medicine with stage IV pancreatic cancer and biopsy proven liver metastases who has lived this long. Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System - Google Books He discusses the role of ketones and lactic acid in cancer as well as medicines such as Metformin which help against cancer. \. Despite Kelleys and my own positive experience treating cancer patients with non-ketogenic, often high-carb diets, can I muster any data, past or present to support what Seyfried claims? Like I said GO READ a Medical Biochemistry book and get your EDUCATION THERE instead of listening to QUACKS on the internet. And for cancer, the ketogenic diet just did not seem to work. 3rd issue (for me, personally) is this Dr. who originally came up with this sounds like a self-serving prick. To avoid cancer, it is probably wise to have a low carbohydrate diet, rich in non-root vegetables (except perhaps including carrots), to get plenty of exercise especially around meal times to avoid glucose-spikes, and to slim enough to eliminate intra-abdominal fat. All these ppl who die and this arrogant dude has the panacea but quits???? No data concerning the effectiveness of the Gonzalez regimen for the treatment of cancer patients with other types of cancer have been reported, despite claims that a variety of cancers can be treated. No clinical trials of this regimen have been conducted in children, and this extremely difficult regimen may be prohibitive in young children. [2,3], According to the developer of the Gonzalez regimen, the diets used in this regimen are chosen for each patient according to individual metabolic profiles established at the time of initial evaluation through various tests, including hair analysis. Each diet carries a particular focus and can range from strictly vegetarian diets to diets high in meat and fat. I agree Dr. Seyfried has done us all a great service by redefining, re-emphasizing and refining Dr. Warburgs remarkable research from 80 years ago. In subsequent months, reports of enormous toxicity, even patient deaths began to filter through the research community, serving to temper the initial hysteria. When I saw the patient in my office during this recent visit, he remarked that over the preceding months, he had been craving more carbs than ever before, so in response he had significantly increased his daily intake of carrot juice, fruits, and starchy vegetables, foods allowed on his diet with no limitation. A proper keto diet includes lots of veggies. The best responses reported in the more recent patient series were stable disease for approximately 6 weeks.. When he started with me in January 2010, three and a half years ago, he had been diagnosed with stage IV metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, with multiple tumors in both lungs and with evidence of metastases in his ribs. Within a year on his nutritional program, which includes a high carb diet, his pain had resolved, his energy, stamina, and concentration had improved, and scans confirmed total resolution of all his original extensive disease in complete contradiction to what Dr. Seyfried would predict or claim possible., I definitely agree with the part about Dr. Price and his observations that ppl all over have eaten varied diets and thrived. According to a 2015 review of the literature on the ketogenic diet for human glioma patients (32 case studies), Prolonged remissions ranging from more than 5 years to 4 months were reported in the case reports. As Dr. Board members review recently published articles each month to determine whether an article should: Changes to the summaries are made through a consensus process in which Board members evaluate the strength of the evidence in the published articles and determine how the article should be included in the summary. This works in vast majority of people with type 2 diabetes. I might add that for myeloma patients, Dr. Kelley prescribed, and I prescribe, a high fat diet but never ketogenic. After the tumors had taken hold, two groups were given a high dose of PPP (20% by weight) and two groups were given a lower dose (2% by weight). Good, MD, PhD, the famed father of modern immunology as he had been called. In one study, rats with human brain cancer implanted in their bodies lived 56% longer on a ketogenic diet combined with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. He tells a good story, but his claims are dubious at best. Chris can you kindly tell me if you know where I can buy pancreatic enzymes in Australia as they wont ship from the US? It is just not in my makeup to put out a book with lovely theory and two case reports, however inspiring they might be. According to Seyfrieds hypothesis, both should have died quick miserable deaths. Happy Marching to Type 1 diabetes to you!! Notice he used the word effective twice. The only way to get information from Dr. Gonzalez is to buy it. Kelley had treated thousands of patients, but despite his success stories he endured endless harassment by a host of government agencies who claimed he was practicing medicine without a license and guilty of other charges. In the case of permitted digital reproduction, please credit the National Cancer Institute as the source and link to the original NCI product using the original product's title; e.g., Gonzalez Regimen (PDQ)Health Professional Version was originally published by the National Cancer Institute.. What are your thoughts on a high fat plant-based approach? This article originally appeared onNatural Health 365. After day 16, patients had a 5-day rest period and then resumed treatment on day 22. In terms of our specific discussion, diet as cancer treatment, Dr. Kelley demonstrated more recently in his Dallas, Texas, and Winthrop, Washington offices, no one diet suits all patients diagnosed with the disease, quite the contrary. In mouse models, this approach is quite successful will a ketogenic diet alone is not. Is this truly the case, and does DON also inhibit alanine fermetation assuming that this also occurs? He would eventually die at a Mexican clinic under the condemning gaze of the media for his choice of an alternative method. at the National Institutes of Health, An official website of the United States government, Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM), Gonzalez Regimen (PDQ)Health Professional Version, Summary of the Evidence for the Gonzalez Regimen, Levels of Evidence for Human Studies of Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies, PDQ Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies Editorial Board, PDQ Cancer Information for Health Professionals,, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. A chest x-ray at the time revealed multiple nodules in both lungs, consistent with widely metastatic cancer. You dont even need to read this ridiculous article just scroll down to the bottom and look for where he tries to sell you something , I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. Brilliant Chris thanks for your time in putting this together for us to read. And, can history teach us anything about its efficacy against cancer, or any other disease? Dr. Gonzalez and his colleague Dr. Linda Isaacs MD have had remarkable success treating cancer patients with a non-toxic nutritional protocol that incorporates someof the principles of the late Dr. Max Gerson MD along with the late Dr. William Donald Kelleys protocol which includes high doses of pancreatic enzymes and individualized diets depending on body type and cancer type. The control group (13 mice) was given only water. 59th ed. Dr Gonzalez formulated pancreatic enzymes with the help of a vendor in order to offer large quantities of enzymes at a reasonable cost to his patients, they can be found here: Several coffee enema are performed per day to detoxify the liver which can become overloaded with tumor debris and toxins. Over a 20 year period beginning in the early 1960s, Kelley had developed a very intensive nutritional approach to cancer that came under harsh public scrutiny and media attention when he agreed to treat Steve McQueen. Look at the data, always look at the data, he said, not the media reports. I followed his advice, tracked down and studied the actual clinical data, which I found surprisingly unimpressive. Anyone using it as an excuse to eat bacon and sausage all day is akin to a vegan or vegetarian that eats pasta and chips all day. Gonzalez was also a firm believer in using a method called metabolic typing for finding ways of eating that are best for each person. !Georgie, MS, NS. ?.your prognosis was probably only 3 months !! News of Dr. Rosenbergs miracle was everywhere, in the print media, on the local and national news, and in an extended Newsweek story appearing December 16, 1985, with white-coated Dr. Rosenberg on the cover peering intently at the world. poor Georgie, clearly your excessively high carb diet has damaged your brain. But for cancer Im agreeing with those that treat people with cancer and get positive results with high nutrient, plant based, and Gershon methods. The preferred citation for this PDQ summary is: PDQ Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies Editorial Board. I do have a problem when scientists go a step further, insisting in the absence of any significant human data or even impressive case histories they have unraveled the mystery of cancer. I knew Bob quite well, and considered him a friend. Thanks, Hey Chris! A separate subsection headlined The Rise of a Superstar, From Reagans surgery to the frontiers of research chronicled the compelling life story of Dr. Rosenberg. My writer friend would not speak to me for 16 years, until we met at a conference in New York. One point. One of the first patients who consulted me had been diagnosed two years earlier, after a series of mishaps, with inflammatory breast cancer, the most aggressive form of the disease. Even a slight deviation from the diet, some ill-advised cheating with a cookie or candy, could stop ketosis in its tracks, and with it, the value of the diet. Certainly Dr. Seyfried has put together a most impressive achievement, chronicling in great detail his belief that cancer does not develop from genetic alterations as is generally believed but as a result of changes in fundamental cell physiology, specifically changes in energy production, that in turn lead to the cancer phenotype. They consist of proteolytic (or protein-digesting) pancreatic enzymes. Thats the most confounding factor. I immediately spoke to him about reversing it with 18 hour fasting and getting into a state of ketosis. Which then inhibits downstream enzymes activation Insulin Substrate Receptor and PI-3K (phosphotidylinosital 3 kinase) for GLUT 4 transport of glucose to insulin binding. So, you go right ahead with your Keto diet and destroyed your Beta Cell since it cannot metabolize Keto bodies without geting DESTROYED BY ROS (oxygen radical). How I see it, is that our immune system is fighting cancer cells every second in our body. My professor patient seemed quite taken by the ozone approach, which he thought I should start implementing in my practice. So if we ever want to win the war, we need to go upstream and stop focusing on the downstream nuclear DNA mutations. Having a strong, well balanced immune system is also essential. The Swiss herders did just fine living on raw pastured cow milk and cheese accompanied by a nutrient-dense, whole grain bread. Can you please give me an update on your health and anything that may have worked for you. At the time I had already taken care of dozens of patients who prior to consulting with me had been to the Mexican Clinics to receive ozone along with other treatments. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and everyone I know who has healed cancer with nutrition and natural, non-toxic therapies. Thank you so much for posting this article and addressing this issue. changes made to this summary as of the date above. I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. This Gonzalez doctor doesnt even seem to know or understand the difference between keto and low-carb they are NOT the same! (To be honest I havent read the whole article yet, but I sure will). The three from my practice include the stage IV 25-year survivor of metastatic inflammatory breast cancer, my 15 year survivor of stage IV pancreatic cancer, and my three and a half year survivor of stage IV lung cancer that has totally regressed on my therapy. I am perfectly ok with being proven wrong, and if so, will freely admit it, but it will be at least 10 years beforewe know if the keto diet really works for any type of cancer, long-term. Responsible for protecting the developing blastocyst and for mediating its attachment to the wall of the uterus, trophoblasts create the placenta. Prostate, leukemias, lymph, as examples. I am a Stage 4 Inflammatory Breast Cancer survivor and since I have been on a ketogenic diet, not only have I reduced inflammation, stabilized blood glucose levels and improved my overall quality of life. Hes a dentist not an MD, therefore he should not be treating those with cancer were the claims. We first met when I interviewed him for a nutrition story during my journalism days, and later on while I was a medical student, we kept in close contact. Im with Tuan on this. JAMA 269 (13): 1635-6, 1993. The article, titled Search for A Cure in large bold print went on for six pages, accompanied by photos of Dr. Rosenberg, one with a patient, another as the serious scientist in the lab. With the exception of the myeloma patient, all the other six patients, both Kelleys and mine, followed a high carb, plant-based diet, replete with frequent servings of fruit and multiple glasses daily of sugar-rich carrot juice. The traditional Atkins Diet was certainly high fat, in the range of 70% or more, nearly all from animal sources, and with minimal dietary carbs, less than 10%. Nutritional supplements that include a variety of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. One thing for sure, at the time I didnt, as I easily could have with my journalism contacts, think about explosive news stories, or a book contract. In the absence of clinical evidence, the next best thing is anecdotal evidence. Kelley kept meticulous records so that he could back up his statistics with factual records. Kolata quoted no less an authority than Dr. James Watson, the Nobel Laureate in 1962 for his discovery, with his colleague Frances Crick, of the structure of DNA, the basic genetic material. Dietary supplements in the United States are therefore sold without a requirement of a market approval by the FDA, as long as they do not claim to treat or prevent a specific disease or condition. In fact, The Gonzalez Protocol utilizes seven basic diets ranging from more vegetarian to more carnivore and combinations in between of various animal protein, vegetables, and fruits including 99 different diet variations for gluten-free, diabetic and dairy-free. First of all, myeloma patients, even when diagnosed with an aggressive form, often linger for years before the disease advances. After my original lengthy conversation with Dr. Kelley, my research mentor Dr. Good suggested that during my summer break I begin an informal review of Kelleys patient charts located in his Dallas office. Also prescribed are certain freeze-dried organ concentrates such as thymus and liver that are derived from range-fed beef or lamb. Accessed . Supplements that support the function of Natural Killer Cells include: The information contained in this website is intended, and shall be deemed to be, for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for the diagnosis or treatment provided by a qualified licensed professional. However, the authors admit the study was intended only to evaluate the diets tolerability and effect on glucose metabolism as determined by PET scanning, not treatment benefit or survival. He then explained, with obvious disappointment, that none of the hundreds of cancer patients they had treated or had been treating had responded to any significant degree, with the exception of those he had referred to me. Now intrigued, I asked why he would want to change jobs, since our practice was by design slower paced, whereas Bob ran a very busy clinic and active IV unit which would seem perfectly suited for this nurses expertise. Dr. Steven Rosenberg, already well-known as Ronald Reagans surgeon (the President had a malignant polyp), and a highly regarded basic science researcher running a section at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, had just revealed to the world at a press conference, as I remember his preliminary pilot study results with a new immune modulator, interleukin-2, that would provoke an extraordinary media frenzy. Its one of the few diets that make sense to me. It seems that you are giving out advice partly based on anecdotal evidence of survivors that you know. From my knowledge and time spent researching and learning about cancer and the ketogenic diet, the research I have read has said this diet may provide beneficial treatment. I have Mosss report and can fax you the info. Its all about keeping a long term eye on your own health, blood work and how you feel! [2,3] If these toxins could be neutralized and eliminated from the body, proponents believe, both early and established cancers would be halted, and general health would be restored. So the stress has to be dealt with, biofeedback using a GSR, fully described in my post on stress being the way to go as its easy to use and the result is measurable. A diagnosis of cancer may require surgery, radiation, possibly even chemotherapy to de-bulk tumor and give your immune system a fighting chance to mop up those sneaky cancer stem cells left behind. The initial pronouncements, released with such glowing enthusiasm, indicated that finally, yes finally, after so many disappointments we might actually be looking at a real, universal cancer cure. After a lung biopsy confirmed adenocarcinoma, his doctors discouraged chemotherapy, telling him and his wife conventional treatments would only ruin his quality of life while offering no benefit. Paul Jaminet wrote some nice articles about the harm of long term KD. The median survival rates for the treatment group and the control group were 43.5 days and 35 days, respectively. I appreciate your post, and I appreciate Dr. Gonzalezs perspective. Might Dr. Gonzalez obserations with regard tayloring the diet to the individual and type of cancer be valid here as well? However, an author would be permitted to write a sentence such as NCIs PDQ cancer information summary about breast cancer prevention states the risks succinctly: [include excerpt from the summary].. I Juiced to Beat Cancer and Turned Orange! After stem cells were discovered in the 1960s, scientists initially thought that they had a limited repertoire, that is, liver stem cells can only create more liver cells, but not bone marrow or intestinal cells, bone marrow stem cells can only create more bone marrow cells, but not liver cells, and so on. The environment appears to be the key, ultimately determining the direction of stem cell development. The term ketosis simply means the state in which, in the absence of sufficient glucose, our liver synthesizes ketones from acetyl coenzyme A. These oxygen treatments were an offshoot of Dr. Warburgs work, i.e., that cancer cells as obligatory anaerobes can synthesize needed energy supplies only via glycolysis. If the Eskimos hadnt adapted to such food, living as they did in such a difficult, extreme part of the world, they simply would have died off. 2021 Chris Beat Cancer. After that, she worked alongside Dr. Nicholas J. Gonzalez for the next 24 years. Though the patient seems quite enthusiastic about his response, he admits in his note that with the diet there has been no progression, presumably in terms of x-ray studies, and some improvement in the blood studies. Credence for me is based on TRUTH not status. Watson said Dr. Folkman would be remembered along with scientists like Charles Darwin as someone who permanently altered civilization., The writer also quoted an enthusiastic Richard Klausner, MD, at the time Director of the National Cancer Institute, who assured the world, I am putting nothing on higher priority that getting this into clinical trials.. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez treated cancer patients with a cancer diet therapy that included pancreatic enzymes and a host of natural compounds and vitamins as part of a total alternative cancer protocol - the Gonzalez Protocol. Bacteria also synthesize their ATP energy exclusively from glycolysis, in the process we know as fermentation. There are no adverse side effects from following this diet, if it is followed correctly. To sum up decades of Warburg briefly, mammalian cells create and store usable energy in the form of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule. Nicholas Gonzalez practices medicine in New York City, treating primarily cancer patients with a nutritional approach known as the Kelley Therapy. In this article, I have presented a number of cases, seven to be exact, four from Kelleys files and three from my own practice. He had treatable thyroid cancer but abandoned conventional treatment at the suggestion of his wife, a firm believer in the medical benefits of diet treatments, organic water, prayer, and other quackery such as the regimen of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, who fights cancer with coffee enemas. For this particular indication, in adults as well as children, the diet works quite well. In 1992, perhaps due to political pressure more than scientific evidence, the FDA approved the drug for use against cancer, despite the lack of comprehensive controlled trials. If a plant based diet helps one overcome cancer, great. Since he felt fine at the time, following his program religiously, he decided against any further conventional testing until 1998, seven years after he had started with me, when a series of CT scans confirmed total resolution of his once extensive cancer. Been there, done that. During the daily feeding window, patients can consume raw, fresh pressed veggie and fruit based smoothies that maximize the nutrients while leaving room for other highly beneficial plant based sources of caloric energy like coconut and virgin coconut oil, avocados whole olives, and raw nuts and seeds, fermented foods like kimchi and kombucha and both cooked and raw cruciferous and tomato based foods. In terms of cancer, after more than ten years of trying on hundreds of patients, his treatment had been a disappointment. Thanks again for spreading the word that there are natural cure for everyone. All this resonated with me, having studied the work of Weston Price so intently. treatment regimen. It FAT that re-esterified into diacylglyecerol that the inhibitor, so to say you reversed your insulin resistance by eating MORE FAT; TRIGLYCERIDE, did the trick, sounds contraindication. Its that simple. In this way, the developmental capacity of stem cells seems to be governed by the local environment. He was also a very driven and very smart physician, who clearly saw in cancer, and not in obesity, the ultimate challenge in medicine. It was during a postgraduate immunology fellowship under the guidance of Dr. Robert A. As the body detoxifies, the cancerous tumors tend to shrink. Chris, The world has lost a true hero. Feel free to post some links to the info you found most helpful. When a linked term is clicked, a definition will appear in a separate window. [2,4] At this time there is no scientific evidence that coffee enemas have any specific effects on increased liver function, effects on tumor breakdown detoxification, or a role in the treatment of any cancer. I know you focus your attention to people who want to recover from cancer, so I will not disagree with you on this. While you may have some novel information about cancer treatment, you detach yourself from the rest of the world by creating the barrier to communication. which allows inappropriate Angiogenesis, providing a blood supply to growing tumors. How utterly outrageous and a disgrace to his license. He also naively calls the keto diet all meat and fat. The Moneychanger July 1995. Nutr Cancer 33 (2): 117-24, 1999. I wasnt referring to your blog. So, he proposes, as the culmination of his exegesis, that on a high fat, moderate protein, no carb diet, a cancer patient will deprive his or her deadly abnormal cells of their only useful source of energy, blood glucose, leading to apoptosis, or cell death.
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