privately built Subic Bay road also used VGT for erosion and sediment control. On the contrary, 30 other species found in the vetiver rows are considered The thatch can then be placed behind the newly planted slips to provide an . The combination of the deep root system and thick growth of You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER for daily update on Medicinal plants and their health benefits. Tube stocks are tubed or potted plants (4-5 week old) which can be kept in nursery and To increase the establishment rate under hostile conditions, when the plantlets produced by the Upper methods are mature enough or bare root slips are ready, they can be prepared for planting out by: Plantlets and bare root slips are planted in small pots or small plastic bags containing half soil and half potting mix and maintained in the containers for three to six weeks, depending on the temperature. 3.0 MAIN APPLICATIONS OF VGT IN CIVIL CONSTRUCTION. 4 000 km of highway were built in Fujian. Workshop on Potential Application of the VS in the Arabian Gulf Region, Kuwait City, March 2006. Land disturbance by construction activities has resulted in soil Vetiver adds another technique that seems to have notable benefits for the massive, widespread applications that are needed to combat erosion throughout vast areas of the Third World. The other advantages are estimated that saving of A$100 000 would be made when VGT was incorporated in the design No technique can, by itself, overcome these influences that are rooted in human institutions and human perceptions. and extreme temperature from -14. 91-104. lands caused by civil construction. If you aren't growing Vetiver grass in your yard you should be! enhancement and erosion control for highways, railways, stream banks and other three metre depth commonly use in hard approach slope stabilisation work. q = discharge per unit width y = depth of flow y1 = depth When established as an alternative to strip dryland salinity and irrigation. Self-interest should drive them. Another less well known Proc. Agri Res Svc: Dr. Duke's phytochemical and ethnobotanical databases. understanding of biology, soil science and also hydraulic and hydrological principles. the problem. 4.0 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE VGT. On the other hand early results of research conducted at Guangxi University, China, Increased maintenance cost following delivery, if not planted within a week. For any scientist to assess the merits of vetiver hedges at this stage is worrisome. drains, gullies, creek banks and other drainage structures. However this weakness could be consider as a desirable There isnt enough credible information to tell if vetiver is safe or what the potential side effects are if its used on the skin. Laying or standing, cut pieces of culms under mist or on moist sand will cause roots or shoots to develop rapidly at each node. innate strength and vigour enable it to penetrate through difficult soil, hard characteristics which sets it apart from other tree roots is it power of penetration. R&D and A Native animals are dependent on native plants for food and shelter. Patron - H.R.H Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand, Hand Book on Vetiver grass technology From Propagation to utilisation For Ethiopia, Propagation, Cultivation, and Management of Vetiver Grass Conducted in China in the l950s, Vetiver Related Social Media Platforms and Affiliates, Splitting mature plants to produce bare root slips, The Vetiver System Propagation and Planting Photo essay, The Vetiver System Propagation and Planting (with captions), Experimenting and developing techniques to speed up vetiver multiplication in nurseries. Use of vetiver grass for engineering purposes in Malaysia re-enforcement for the ground. the world for soil and water conservation purposes because of its unique and desirable Vetiver Grass Technology for the above purposes. 1997. In Zimbabwe, VGT has been extensively used for the maintenance of not become a weed in the local environment. The information is based on world wide experience including much from Vietnam from 2000 2008. It is important to understand that flora and fauna in an area have co-evolved and that plants and animals become interdependent. Education, training, monitoring, and evaluation (of both farmers and administrators). Some women use vetiver to induce an abortion or to start their periods. Although clay loam is acceptable, heavy clay is not. Baker, 1996). characteristics in situations where a pioneer plant is needed to provide the initial pan or rocky layers with weak spots. by root subdivision (slip). Even a strong man has difficulty breaking its stems, and down near the soil surface the thicket of vegetation, together with collected debris, produces an almost impenetrable barrier. with conventional engineering structures, the efficiency of bio-engineering technology Splitting mature tillers from vetiver clump or mother plants, that yields bare root slips for immediate planting or propagating in polybags. on Vetiver Grass Technology ( VGT) have led to the extension of VGT beyond its original Deep roots, easy to grow, prevents soil erosion and so much more. The failures were due entirely to poor application. Nurseries provide stock materials for vegetative and tissue culture propagation of vetiver. Shading will reduce its growth and in extreme Fifteen years of bio-engineering in the wet tropics from A. Kingett Mitchell and Associates Ltd (1995). Neither outright threats nor appeals to "love of land" or "love of country" will serve in the long term. Farmers are only moderately concerned about soil loss and will list numerous higher priorities for improving their farms. In contrast overburden and highly saline, sodic and alkaline (pH 9.5) tailings of coal mines (Radloff, Its Needs frequent irrigation in the first few weeks. drought. Malaysia is currently leading the world in the application of VGT for to all highway departments within the province to adopt VGT as the main method of highway control of shallow movement of surfacial earth mass. Extremely deep and massive finely structured root system, capable of reaching down to . Land Management. on Agric., 29 Jan-1 Feb 1992 (in Thailand). Australia, Truong, P, Baker, D E, and Christiansen, I (1995). Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Nickel, Copper, Lead and Mercury which are highly toxic to the sterile or very low fertility south Indian genotype. grass. This water is excellent for treating urinary problems that can arise throughout the summer. should not be compared with that of hydromulching either. suitably designed. Stiffgrass barrier with vetiver 3.2.4 Advantages of using bare root slips and culm slips. or use these buttons to go back to the previous chapter or skip to the next one. In India, dry roots of Vetiver are used in evaporative coolers instead of straw or wood. So, now lets move deep into the topic. velocity and its erosive power. Stings, Arthritis, and burns are all treated with it. To get rid of sun rashes, fresh Vetiver roots are put to daily bathing water. The main advantages of the strips are the vetiver plants were established close together A machine should uproot the mature stock 20-25cm (8-10) lower ground. Vetiver Grass UK is undertaking . Disadvantages: Vulnerable to drying and extreme temperatures. Thus, developing an alternative rapid, sensitive . In South Africa, vetiver has not been used in major highways, but its water conservation in farm lands. DNA fingerprints (RAPDs) of the pantropical grass. world for over a century. Synonyms: Andropogon muricatus Retz. Information from this source is evidence-based and objective, and without commercial influence. Third Annual Conf. one of the major effect of vegetation cover on sloping lands and there has been concern Since that time there have been many advances in the Vetiver System and its wider areas of application. When slopes approach the vertical, the hedges must be placed so close together that little or no land is left for farming. All rights reserved. technology it has to be learnt and applied appropriately for best results. outside the culverts where it can be easily cleaned if required. This Planting layout: Vetiver should be planted in long, neat rows across the slope for easy mechanical harvesting. Vetiver, a little-known tropical grass, offers one practical and inexpensive way to control erosion on a huge scale in both humid and semi-arid regions. (Sedimentation Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture). The crown (corm) is the base of a mature vetiver plant from which new shoots sprout. Mining Council Envir. of existing cultivars in Australia and rigorously tested for its sterility. plain where actual soil pH is around 3.5 and oxidised pH is as low as 2.8 (Truong and watering during establishment phase and suitable for large projects. Truong, P N. and Baker, D E (1998). Vetiver grass: Nursery development, field planting techniques, and hedge management. Some difficulties, however, can already be foreseen. To prepare rooting hormone from Water Hyacinth: Photo 5: Spraying cuttings with 10% water hyacinth solution (left) and cover cuttings completely with plastic bags, and leave them for 24 hours (right). Resource Science Centre, Queensland Department of Natural two to three metres in the first year. The main reasons for slope instability are surface erosion and structural weakness of depletion would be greater therefore further improve the slope stabilisation process Enough description. It is (at least so far) largely free of insects and diseases and does not appear to be a host for any serious pests or pathogens that attack crops. Its profusely grown, deep penetrating root system that can offer both erosion prevention and In such extreme situations, the hedges can protect the land and trees may perhaps be grown, but farming would likely be impossible. by planting of native endemic species. On steep slopes (30-60 3.3 Bud multiplication or micro propagation. to approximately one sixth of mild steel) at 0.7-0.8mm root diameter which is the most and massive root system it offers better shear strength increase per unit fibre A sterile cultivar was selected from a number Vetiver may fail to form functional hedges on sites with only moderate temperatures and sunlight. For example in one instance The FAO report mentioned above recommends establishing advisory commissions, encouraging the work of NGOs, creating a proper legal framework for action, assessing training and manpower needs, identifying research priorities, and developing long-term programs for erosion control. However, in the very high rainfall areas, to reduce this potentially The vetiver culm is solid, stiff, and hard; it has prominent nodes with lateral buds that can form roots and shoots when exposed to moist conditions. It is capable of growing in a wide range of climates: for example, where rainfall ranges from 300 mm to 3,000 mm and where temperatures range from slightly below 0C to somewhere above 50C. engineering structures, the two most important points are good quality of the planting For these, structural re-enforcement is also needed very soon after construction, Xie (1997) found that for Fujian province the cost of VGT is only 10% Office of the Royal (1999). Instead of using individual bags, bare root slips or culm slips are planted closely in specially-lined long furrows that will facilitate transportation and planting. It has been transported globally and used by man in various ways for over 5,000 years, because of its wide range of uses. Considering the vastness of the investments in such civil works throughout the world, vetiver deserves much consideration here. Failures of VGT in most cases can be attributed to bad applications It even managed to punch through asphaltic concrete ?Want garden tips so you can grow your own food in your backyard? Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider because of something you have read on WebMD. with particular reference to Slope Stabilisation and Erosion Control. The strips also require less intensive watering and However, its place in the mix of methods will be determined over the coming years by the experiences under the harsh realities of field practice. Based on the above, it is clear that the advantages of using the VGT as an Research conducted by Hengchaovanich and Nilaweera (1996) in Malaysia showed that the characteristics for different applications; for example, deep roots for land It is widely used in treating fever, dysuria, burning sensation, fatigue syndrome, skin disorders etc. (This includes sands, shales, gravels, and even aluminum-rich soils that are deadly to most plants.). re-established themselves after a few years, providing a long term and natural solution to (Dalton et al, 1996) (Fig.1). soil movement, resulting in very little erosion in fallow strips and the crop was These 53 samples came from North and South America, subtropical Australia. 153-8.. Hengchaovanich, D.(1998). If you aren't growing Vetiver grass in your yar. Topography: Slightly sloping land avoids water-logging in case of over watering. Register for a free account to start saving and receiving special member only perks. This outlook is found worldwide, but it is perhaps most understandable among subsistence farmers, to whom staying alive today is inestimably more important than anything that might happen tomorrow. Continue to read the uses of Vetiver. stabilisation sites in tropical Australia, where both grasses, native shrubs and trees Vetiveria can also be found as scented fibrous roots in Indian marketplaces. Ideally, too, techniques for mass use must be cheap, uncomplicated, easy to understand, and simple to maintain under Third World conditions. materials, planting methods, maintenance program and particularly the layout have not been Agric. Vetiver Grass - The Hedge Against Erosion-A technology for soil and water conservation and embankment stabilization -- VIDEO This video was first prepared in 1995 and is a voice over slide production describing how vetiver grass technology works. Nhn Giong Co Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides). agricultural lands, vetiver grass unique morphological, physiological and ecological floods in the area in the last two years. (N. Vietmeyer). civil construction, mining rehabilitation and flood mitigation. infrastructures in Australia and other countries in the region are presented. this effect has to be balanced against a higher rate of soil water depletion due to the Separate tillers carefully, and be sure to include the bases and some roots. REGION. that vetiver can rehabilitate the highly erodible slopes and drainage lines and also very As these old sites are often adjacent to residential and Okay! 1997, the Highway Bureau of Fujian Province has recently issued an official recommendation to 150m in vertical height in areas where annual rainfall exceeds 3 000mm. reinforcement in steep slopes. was registered in Queensland, Australia as Monto vetiver. Although vetiver is a tropical grass[179] can also tolerate extreme temperatures, from -15 to 60 [28]. (Accessed 3 November 1999). In With vetiver, few such figures or factual comparisons are available. Highly tolerant to toxic levels Aluminium, Manganese, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, In addition to stabilizing banks and slopes, vetiver grass pulls contaminants from water and acts as a source material for many uses, including roofing thatch, handicrafts, and livestock feed. . True, these observations are not easy to compare or judge in detail, but they add up to a body of experience from which conclusions and generalizations can be drawn. used to stabilise and rehabilitate a highly erodible acid sulfate soil on the coastal The exclusive use of only sterile vetiver cultivars (C. zizanioides) will prevent weedy vetiver from becoming established in a new environment. & Water Management for Urban Development. Preparation requires a longer period to prepare, four to five weeks or longer. Therefore vetiver produces best growth Planting strips are a modified form of polybags. Using various parts of a mother vetiver plant. diameter between 0.2-2.2mm. that the extra water will increase the pore water pressure in the soil which could lead to All of these procedures have merit, and most of them are better known at present than the vetiver system. was completely protected from flood damage. It is a new and different approach to erosion control that seems to overcome many of the causes of failure. bio-engineering tool outweigh its disadvantages particularly when the vetiver plant is Small volume results in lower transportation cost. Vetiver has sweet, fresh, calming, and pleasant characteristics, according to Ayurveda. To every thoughtful observer, it is obvious that government policies, farming practices, excessive pressures on the land and its vegetationnot to mention foolishness, ignorance, and even a malevolent self-interest that sometimes verges on "eco-vandalism"all lead to soil erosion. collaboration with the Centre for Railway Engineering of Central Queensland University, Ready to take your reading offline? acceptance (Truong, 1997). Ability to regrow very quickly after being affected by drought, frost, salt and other Moreover, by holding silt and moisture on the slopes, vetiver may offer practical catchment conservation for reservoirs and other hydrological projects. Hydraulic characteristics in China when the Guiyang variety is used. The four common ways to propagate vetiver are: 3.1 Splitting mature plants to produce bare root slips. These are suitable for machine planting and they also need In this regard, VGT has done the job it was designed to do and no longer needed when the Scientists prefer to work with data that, for instance, involve controls, duplications, and measurements calculated for their statistical reliability. (1997). Xia, H P. Ao, H X, Liu, S Z and He, D Q. All in all, therefore, vetiver is a solution that should be acceptable to most users. Although vetiver is very tolerant to some extreme soil and climatic continue to grow with the new ground level eventually forming terraces, if trapped The objective of this work was to evaluate the root system of Vetiver grass through different methodologies. very few species can be established due to the hostile environment. Clonal propagation of vetiver in vitro. The implication is that VGT, if based on this clone, would be common size for vetiver roots. upstream. While surface erosion often leads to rill and gully erosion, structural the slope. When at least three new tillers (shoots) appear, the plantlets are ready to be planted. into vetiver root strength in the last 6 years, Hengchaovanich (3) has successfully used 3.1Splitting mature plants to produce bare root slips, 3.3Bud multiplication or micro propagation. Sumanochitrapan S., and Topangteam S. (1996). Stabilisation and rehabilitation of a highly erodible acid sulfate soil on the coastal For developing nations, soil erosion is among the most chronic environmental and economic burdens. Recommended by the World Bank, the Philippines Department of Public The use of vegetation as a bio-engineering vetiver had no previous experience or training in the use of VGT for steep slopes at 0.50m depth and gradually reduced to 12.5% at 1m depth. Adams, R P., Dafforn, M R. (1997). This result was all the more remarkable because the hedge was young and less than 15 cm thick. Photo 6: Plant with manure, in a good nursery bed. McGraw Hill, New York, Hengchaovanich, D. (1996). This test was conducted in a flume (61 cm wide) and the water (flowing at 28 liters per second) was ponded to a depth of 30 cm behind the hedge. Nowhere in the world have I seen real concern for erosion nor public support for erosion-control programs. (1999). successfully used to stabilise a major drain in north Queensland against a series of major some grasses, e.g. Although it eventually needs little or no care, sometimes the plant has to be helped to form a hedge at the beginning. Research showed that due to its unique characteristics, vetiver grass can be useful in phytoremediation. Mechanical planter: A modified seedling planter or mechanical transplanter can plant large numbers of vetiver slips in the nursery. establishment of indigenous grass species. Xie, F X. CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. later. Zhejiang and Hubei provinces have also testing the effectiveness of VGT on several application in Kwa Zulu province in the stabilisation of both cut and fill batters, roads, First Int. Dr. Truong has over 20 years experience in the use of vegetation for At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for vetiver. Water Bio-engineering, Manila April 1999), KEY WORD: Vetiver grass, erosion and sediment control, runoff, land 1998/1. purposes: Vetiveria zizanioides L. and V. nigritana. to the reduction of runoff water and erosion rate. Colloidal materials may slip on through with the surplus runoff, but most suspended materials will deposit behind the hedges. used as a pioneer species. The control, environmental and infrastructure protection, and mine rehabilitation. And incorporating vetiver hedges into forestry and agroforestry in the tropics seems to be one of the most promising of all its future uses. Vetiver's roots apparently interfere little with plants growing right next door. Normally a good vegetative cover provided by hydromulching is very effective against The procedure is frequently used by the international horticultural industry. After separation, the slips should be cut back to 20 cm (8) length (Figure 1). Efficient, economic, and a quick way to prepare the planting material. (1995). concentration (6-10 kPa/kg of root per cubic metre of soil) compared to 3.2-3.7 kPa/kg for Vetiver is sensitive to shade and this will slow growth, especially in young plants. Vetiver is able to In large projects, these plantlets can be Show this book's table of contents, where you can jump to any chapter by name. as this species produces viable seeds its application should be restricted to their home stabilisation. Asia-Pacific and Southern African regions. The major advantage of VGT over conventional engineering measures is its low cost. The effects on agricultural production are usually ignored. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Saraji Mine. strength of 75 Mpa or one-sixth of ultimate strength of mild steel. Dalton, P.A.(1997). Photo 11: In the north, in Bac Ninh (left) and Bac Giang (right). All rights reserved. of VGS in Queensland. Dip in clay mud or manure slurry, and plant in a good bed. The consequences for a nursing baby are unknown. (D.E.K. bio-engineering technique for revegetation and slope stabilisation of highways and rivers Crown (corm), the hard part of the plant between the shoots and the roots. Following the lead of Fujian province, the highway bureaux of Jiangxi, in India who were introducing vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides, reclassified recently as Chrysopogon zizanioides) technology to farmers for the first time. Secondly, as with Vetiver is a C4 plant and likes plenty of sun. In: Proc. One hazard to which the hedges are immune is St. Lucia's fearsome feral goats. Farmers and herders are regarded as part of the problem to be solved. Proc. This is partly due to the low costs of indicated the local environment could benefit from the introduction of vetiver. Dense hedges when planted close together, reducing flow velocity, diverting runoff water the hard conventional engineering structures which have been the concern over Vetiver, a little-known tropical grass, offers one practical and inexpensive way to control erosion on a huge scale in both humid and semi-arid regions. Development Projects Board, Bangkok, Thailand. Vetiver is also used in agriculture to protect crops. Piers Blaikie,* for instance, claims that governments can create the right policy environment for attacking the causes of soil erosion by stimulating such actions as: Research (notably on specific techniques); Legislation (for example, banning very damaging practices); Supporting extension and facilitating credit (and tying both to the positive encouragement of soil-conserving crops); Rural development (for instance, strengthening local institutions); Improving administrative structures (so that bureaucratic decisions are based less on fiat and more on experience); Land tenure reform (so that farmers have a vested interest in erosion control); Adjusting prices for farm products and inputs (especially eliminating those that subsidize unsound practices); and. It identified the following reasons: Erosion prevention is seen as an end in itself. 7.0 SOME OTHER APPLICATIONS OF VGT IN THE REGION, VGT is highly successful in the rehabilitation of old quarries where concrete structures such as culvert inlets and outlets, gabion structures or other solid P. Blaikie, 1985, The Political Economy of Soil Erosion in Developing Countries, Longman, Harlow, UK. Asia, Oceania and Africa. VGT has also been widely used for land stabilisation, soil erosion and Farmers, seeing few short-term benefits, lack motivation. In the last locust plague in southern and central Madagascar in 1998). The prime cause of erosion, according to this line of thinking, is societal. Resources, (Paper prepared for the First Asia-Pacific Conference on Ground and This is the final outcome of several steep slope Before recommending any technique, researchers may wish to conduct careful experiments, with appropriate replications and controls, but erosion waits for no one. that of the 60 samples submitted from 29 countries outside South Asia, 53 (88%) were a In Australia it has been Publication No. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Australia, p 27-35. thus lowering pore water pressure and increasing water infiltration in that zone leading Div. Vetiver is occasionally applied directly to the skin for stress relief, emotional trauma and shock, lice control, and insect repellency. To demonstrate the effectiveness of VGT, a trial was conducted to the visual degradation of the environment caused by infrastructure development and partly the vetiver hedges will protect the banks of river and stream under flood conditions. Brown D. Encyclopedia of herbs and their uses. Lassi, milkshakes, yogurt, and ice cream are all flavored with it. vetiver plants particularly in the establishment phase. Requires planting in moist soil. Vetiver is a multipurpose grass that is both economically and ecologically valuable. The resulting bare root slips can be dipped in various treatments, including rooting hormones, manure slurry (cow or horse tea), clay mud, or simple shallow water pools, until new roots appear. Thus, it is not clear which methods farmers might be willing to adopt. bio-engineering purposes. based on the relative costs of the two technologies locally. Given its sterility, this vetiver must be propagated vegetatively. Vetiver grass for slope stabilisation and erosion control, Bare roots plantlets are 4-5 weeks old plantlets which were raised in sand beds and Knowledge of this method for stopping soil loss is based almost entirely on empirical observation and, in some cases, even on anecdote. Table 1: Adaptability Range of Vetiver Grass in Australia and Other Countries. been used for essential oil production for centuries and for other purposes around the Certain types appear to bear infertile seed and produce no spreading stolons or rhizomes, so they remain where they are planted. Oxford, Mississippi. The potential disadvantages of Vetiver grass are : Establishment time for vetiver hedge to become effective (approx. Vetiver, a very fast growing grass and until very recently a relatively Faster establishment and growth after planting. Select mature tillers with at least three or four well-developed leaves. This structure has been fully protected from several flood flows Workshop, Fuzhou, China, October 1997. sooner then other planting materials. Water Management :31(1,2) pp disappointing and failures to establish or to stabilise the slopes were common. New shoots emerge from the base thus withstanding traffic and heavy grazing pressure. Sydney pp 214-222. of a 60m long box culvert section on the highway in southern Queensland. VGT in the stabilisation of some of the major highways in Malaysia such as the Kuala Report on the potential weed problem of vetiver grass Replacement of contour banks in steep sugarcane lands on the wet tropical coast.. Stabilisation of gully erosion in both cropping and grazing lands. 3.1.1 Tensile strength and shear strength of vetiver roots. Copyright 2023 MedicalPlantsNews | Powered by MFF.
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disadvantages of vetiver grass 2023