Ill pay to see the fat ugly Darlie finally pay. Two unidentified fingerprints left in blood at the crime scene. It barked at the police but where was it when Darlie and kids were being hurt. so please dont try to jump on the distance bandwagon and claim that she ran cross country or a marathon to drop the sock to send the police in another direction. And what mother names her daughter after herself? Secondly, It is painfully obvious the Dallas Police where very affected by the Susan Smith case which occurred shortly before the Routier boys were murdered in such a heinous fashion. Many people believe that an intruder broke into 26 year old Darlie's Rowlett, Texas home and murdered her young boys 5 year old Damon and 6 year old Devon in 1996, while gravely injuring Darlie. For me it will be an interesting experiment to see if I find folks who are interested in what I write along the way! If I were charged with a murder I had nothing to do with, especially someone I loved dearly. The fact that once in a while a convicted person is found to be innocent has no bearing on Routiers guilt. Your daughter had her freedom to gain because she was tired of being a broke mother. Very strange. February 1997: After a change of venue, jurors in Kerrville convict Routier of capital murder and sentence her to death for killing Damon. The transcripts speak for themselves. If your not to brain dead, its obvious that there was an intruder!! That only proves it may have been her sock, either laying on the floor or on her foot which came off during the struggle and when the attacker realized he had it on him or in his hand he dumped it. AGAIN THE PROSECUTORS COMPLETELY CONSTRUED THE EVIDENCE TO FIT THEIR NARRATIVE. Routiers wounds are plenty of proof that she was the 3rd VICTIM among more evidence such as the sock. The juror shown on 20/20 probably believes everything she reads in the National Enquirer. What were they thinking!! A deal was in fact made, and Darin was not implicated in the crime. Btw Kathy Cruz is personal friends with the killers mother so every article about this killer is biased just like TLD. Amen ! Labor and Epstain should have been called to testify and rebut blood evidence. I read an affidavit where her husband admits to looking for someone to burglarize their home as part of an insurance fraud scheme. Tunnel vision, power, and poor investigating equals innocent people getting convicted of crimes. A certain You-Tuber uploaded an hour long chat with Ms. Jovell a few years back, and I heard her say with my own two ears that there was indeed a burglary that was supposed to take place while the Routiers were in PA. As a matter of fact, she stated that Darin wanted her to be the one to discover the burglary and call the cops when she came to feed the animals and water the plants, etc. Just days after that meeting, I received a phone call from a producer for ABCs 20/20, asking to do a fresh interview with me for a hastily assembled two-hour episode focusing on Routier. The silly string video. Well said but long term hate makes people lose that reasoning. June 1998: Routier's relatives file a lawsuit accusing two police detectives and a prosecutor of invading their privacy by hiding microphones at the boys' graves in Rockwall. If you are so sure why not give her another trial. When seeing her talk you can clearly see she loved them with all her heart just by her body language which tells all. I wouldnt be surprised if law enforcement even planted evidence in this case. Its all trash why the are re-testing All the forensic evidence?? The signed partnership with the Innocence Project means that Routiers defense efforts have doubled and there is now financial backing for those efforts. She wasnt convicted because of sexism and character assassination, you lame ass liars. my rage would be so great and my attitude would be one of defiance, I would have to be removed from the court room for the entire trial. I think this whole thing was a botched attempt to collect from an insurance scam that Darin was the mastermind of. He is still pushing that intruder theory and so long as that happens Darlie will never see the light of day. However, there are aspects about this trial that I believe were fundamentally unfair to her and may have had a bearing on the outcome. Why? Take a good look at the crime scene photos of the sink and tell me that if it was your sink, youd consider that clean. July 2007: Defense attorneys file request to use DNA to test Routier's contention that an unidentified intruder killed her sons. I think a DNA test should be carried out on them. Jury of your peersscary thought. lies every case against the prosecution. IF SHES NOT RITE OF HER HEAD WHY SHE DIDNT KILL HER SELF. Darlie is INNOCENT!!! .and yet there is also more evidence not released by the DA darlie jailhouse calls the prosecution had a judge seal them in case shes retried How convenient that no license plate # was written down. Her supporters believe the sock proves that there was no way Routier killed her sons, stabbed herself, cut the window and had time to run barefoot down the alley all while leaving no blood trail of her own. This is just a last ploy to push it out further since her execution date will be set I believe in the next year or so. It is because they are keyboard warriors. The amount of banging in a drawner on a counter top would not make that shape. Are you stupid or something? I really dont know if Ms. Routier is guilty or innocent. And what the neighbor had for them- a black car. Thats going to be proven eventually. At any rate, if i were judging, that possibly would have created a doubt in my mind the darlie did it. Half the island cant pronounce the word with wiff this, wiff that WTF?! Same with a cut on her arm. Much of what you trained crime scene investigators have written gives so much insight to what Darlie was doing the night of the incident that Im amazed many of you are not in politics or at the very least a psychic. All these people were concerned enough to take note of this suspicious-looking car that didnt belong in the neighborhood, but no one was able to get a tag number? But its DARINs. DNA results will be released towards the end of this year. Even OJ let it slip. Im not happy with her defense attorney, either. Its possible there wouldve been cross contamination with evidence gathered. He just figured he was convicted of the first charge, and claimed this one was a freebie in his sick sadistic mind. Ive seen MANY shows where people have inflicted wounds to themselves to make it look like an intruder. I hate to break it to you Ms. Keethose IP attorneys arent God. Also consider Texas has sent for innocent people to death row than any other state. A sane well stated response. Bottom line is the system failed the real victims, these two little guys. I was so angry. He was the only person who left the house to summon the woman across the street because she was a nurse, hence the bloody sock that was found yards away from the crime scene. This is crazy that she is still being punished for a crime that she could never even think of committing. I also can tell he hates pretty women. NY IP and TX IP have turned Darlie down. She was railroaded, by everyone including her own family. I dont need to post reasons for my opinion. Darlie has had the same free loaders cashing in on this case for years including her husband Darlie Routier. They get seen, freak out, start murdering. Phil Ray. It is possible that the experts at the time did what they were expected to do which was to come to a hasty conclusion. Of course she didnt get a license plate #. I dont know if she did it or if she didnt, people commit crimes everyday without leaving evidence. Has everyone lost their minds. I know of NO SCIENTIFIC evidence that mothers who are different should be judged any differently than a man. Ive seen lots of videos of self inflicted wounds people have done to get away with a crime & they are NEVER that deep they r always superficial unlike Darlie who had 1 that was down to the bone as well as the other wounds that were also very serious!!! For anyone who doesnt knowinnocence is not needed for ANY defense attorney including Innocence Project. Innocent or guilty, I dont see what reinvestigating the case hurts? The last time I bruised that badly, I was thrown by my horse into the side of a stationary car at quite a speed, I had bruising down my legs that looked the same colour as the bruises on her arms, how would she have done that to herself ? It looked as if she was struggling against someone. They need to investigate Darin Routier. Most she should have received is life or life with parole. I think that Darlie had a form of post partum depression and was hyper irritable due to a combination of conditions: Her husbands business was declining, with the third baby there were more responsibilities, the kids (the older one particularly) were hyper active and difficult to control,now they were out of school and on her hands 24/7 maybe she was drinking or doing some drugs. He divorced her and is probably remarried livinggn the good life. He was the expert to whom the Rowlett Police Department turned for help in the early morning hours of June 6, 1996. My only hope is that you 50+ year old haters dont start dying off and deny me the pleasure of laughing in your faces. Then when she came back in, it was her turn she took off her undies and her husband cut her. Your work should tell the story. Maybe you should start expanding your interests here and start looking at the evidence against Darin that the jury never got to see. Folks, I was in jail twice for drug related victimless crimes and I would listen to peoples stories about how they robbed houses. This DNA testing is ongoing.". Impeccable reputations to this day. They are right in this case, however. Thats all. Since at least 2018, DNA tests have been ordered multiple times after technology has advanced. No one with a heart wanted to think she did it, but she acts like a classic sociopath. One car was in the shop so the car that was typically out in the driveway was now pulled into the garage; making it appear that the house was indeed empty. Darlie needs to come clean about what she knows about her husband. Routier has always maintained innocence in the stabbing deaths of two of her three young boys at the familys home in the early morning hours of June 6, 1996, while her then-husband, Darin Routier, and 7-month-old baby, Drake, slept unharmed upstairs. Cameron Willingham What convinced me more than anything of Darlies Innocence was the cut to her throat and the bruising she had all over her. Archived post. Dirty cops pleading the 5th when asked about it. If you really think shes the one that placed that vacuum on the floor like that, I have some beachfront property in Iowa to sell you. Site by, Dallas County District Attorney Henry Wade,, Lend an Arm: Help Texas Patients by Giving Blood. That Miss Parris who was interviewed during if documentary is a complete fool. How much money do you all make off of this? ANYONE who has ever study forensic science and criminal justice/law can see the story that the evidence tells just like His daughter had said their wounds show that there had to have been 2 different knifes used. As I have not read all the transcripts, etc. Are you allowed to use the Internet unsupervised? Seriously, she was doomed by her defense and the close-minded jury. The grandparents you are all fucking disgusting human shit. THRS NO WAY A MOTHER CUD BE LAUGHING SMACKING GUM THROWING A PARTY ON TOP OF HER TWO SONS DEAD BODY. So listening to the 911 call why did Darlie say Darin I promise. The only reason he isnt on Death Row is because if Darlie implicates him as an accomplice, she would inadvertantly admit to her own guilt aka the truth. The fingerprint is their one string. Right down the street from the Walls Unit where this spoiled, narcissistic, evil cunt will be injected with a shot of death. Again, thank you for your well-stated and thought-provoking comment. This was set up well in advance but somebody effed up. Abby, that is proof that the people who believe Darlie is guilty are barely literate and not too bright. The book said it was darlies sock. So youve seen the whole of the video from start to finish ?? Texas courts are very corrupt and this case is not all that unusual. You are a liar Darlie Kee just like your daughter. If shes guilty, further evidence will likely be revealed that shes guilty. I pray she is fully exonerated. I find it very bone chilling the way he or she was commenting and explaining how it happened. The transcript rebuilding, the DNA testing, and now COVID. She told police that Damon woke her up and she saw a man leave through the garage. One scenario is as likely as the other i think. It will be more merciful than what she did to those innocent kids. The idiot thought she could not only outsmart her husband and family but thought she could outsmart the police as well. On the outside, it looks like youve got it made. Her fans say necklace was embedded, had to be surgically removed but it simply fell off when bandage removed. Character judgement should never been allowed to the extent that happened. THANK YOU! Oh and as far as footprints, thieves usually do not wear shoes that leave prints often opting for socks. Its completely possible that the possible intruder simply didnt drop any blood on the way out? sure keep telling yourself that is not murder!! Poor lady has lived a nightmare and deserves justice. Actually, the Innocence Project helped to free Steven Avery for the rape he did not commit. There is no possible way that any jury would be able to convict Darlie in another trial. Even Darlies investigator couldnt corroborate it. In case you need some perspective the distance from her house to where the sock was found is the same distance between the 2 entrances of a Walmart supercenter. Darlie Routier, 26, has cut and stab wounds on her neck and . BYE. Darin has lied about every detail in his story and he needs to be investigated. Not every car that drives into a neighborhood & parks is there for sinister purposes. Body language interpretations. If they had not allowed Jimmy Patterson to take over that case and protect Darin, it wouldnt have been Darlie sitting on death row, it would have been Darin. Even the prosecutions expert witness conceded that an intruder would not necessarily have had blood on him or tracked through the house. I remember when this happened and imo she was guilty from the beginning. They did not show the first part of recording. Darlie deserves a new trial at the very least. Many of us who mourn children do these things to cope, to at least hold on to that piece of our babies. Darin basically admitted to his guilt and Greg Davis with held all that information from the jury. We share with you the RD Researcher's Newly Found Information that we have submitted to the In. I know who you are. Two appeals filed by Routier, who maintains her innocence, based on allegations of irregularities during the trial were denied. Lynda Im not the one supporting a baby killer. You know why some people believe Darlie is guilty? You have to prove your innocence. Routier has always claimed a stranger had broken into the home and killed the kids. How some idiot always has to y. please go away . Why wasnt it on when the first officer showed up 3 minutes after the 911 call. Detectives arent stupid. I dont blame her for wanting to delay her punishment for as long as possible, but at a certain point this has to end. One day, some of you will be on the other side of the law and you will think different and I think its exactly what some of you need. What about the dna under her fingernails as well as the sock. I, for one, can testify that is absolutely not true. Shes coming out of prison in a body bag, and her time is running out. The innocence project turned it down, but her lying ass mom keeps saying it like it might happen. darlie routier dna results 2021 darlie routier dna results 2021 (No Ratings Yet) . Her and Darin had a very serious fight just hours before the murders. She has suffered more then she should in one life time. All her defense wounds I guess you think she did that to herself too. So happy to hear this.. exetat 2019 province de lomami; mygrant glass account setup; pat phelan obituary; kansas city municipal court virtual court; mason ryan krejci obituary; carl yastrzemski daughters; . It involves the murder of two of Darlie's sons, Damon and Devon, while they were sleeping in their home. Proving her innocence , this will be a big hit with media news. He was never investigated and he sure as hell had no alibi in Darlie. We have all learned a lot about Darin since the trial and they need to open a new investigation into him and his many stories. If so, that is a stock photo and NOT a picture of the Routiers actual sink. Looking at all the evidence I do not believe this woman should be in jail. Blood underneath broken glass means tht glass was a staged prop she herself said she heard glass breaking so it wasnt planted by police she staged a scene I guess the family needs something to hand on to until that day. Although, I dont necessarily agree with the prosecutions theory of motive, Ive always believed that she was guilty. Her death was ruled a suicide in 74. So again Im asking you what forensic evidence do you speak of? Anyone that hears the name Routier automatically thinks LIARS. I owned a 250k home there. That comment sucked. Now he acts like he supports her. She loves the spotlight and her vanity too much for that to happen. All of you from Altoona to Texas are repulsive. Because I refuse to let them get away with not investigating or exposing Darin? Or is this where you say she ran 1 1/2 football fields with a slit throat to get rid of it right. Its clear the video was very misleading and to me says nothing about her guilt or innocence. They also collected the evidence by shoving many things in one zip lock bag so all the DNA got contaminated. Darin Routier is a sickening lying pig. The 20/20 episode was one sided. My my, what timing. Darlie will be executed for what she did to those little boys. Doug Mulder lied when he said the experts were not brought in because there was no funds for that? Guess where most slimy criminal defense lawyers learn their dirty tricks? But no one even looked at anyone but her. Fireworks and celebrations the eve of Darlies execution. A socks left ONE AND A HALF FOOTBALL FIELDS AWAY FROM THE HOME with the boys blood on it, yet she had time to do ALL they showed in under a few minutes? The weapon and glass and all that is better explained in the podcast than what I can sum up in a few sentences. They both ended up on the floor by the couch and the guy just stabbed blindly in the dark. Reasonable doubt! For someone who wasnt fighting for her life, she sure as hell had TONS of HUGE bruising all over her arms and legs. If and when those appeals are exhausted, Darlie Lynn Routier will be executed. A jury weighed the credibility of witnesses and the evidence and found her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. This was discovered after trial. Her husbands shady deals is what bothered me also I wish her luck, shell need it i wager. You comment about the distance as if she couldnt have done it prior to cutting her own throat. The general public does not have access to any of the pending cases theyre working on. He admitted to hiring burglars to scam the insurance company and Darlie had defensive wounds as well as the slash to the throat. Watch his interviews, read his statements he has changed his story so many times over the years he can not even keep up with those lies anymore. GUESS EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT THEY WOULD SAY OR DO. It was June 6, 1996, and the call was made at 2:31 a.m., with the police arriving merely three minutes later.
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darlie routier dna results 2019 2023