| | | |earth +20%, fire -10% |0.10 | | | | Wejd i sprawd informacje o swojej gildii! | ||Demonbone Amulet | | |35 | ||Earth Knight Axe | | | | |30 |270 | | Armor See Armor Calculator . ||Leather Harness |30 | |paladins|Elven Legs | ||Mystic Turban |120.00 | |42.00 | | | |0 |35.00 |70.00 | | | | ||Earth Mystic Blade |5.00 | | | | |100 | | |19.00 Speed calculator. |15 |45.00 |speed +15 |38.00 |9 |sorcerers|The Stomper |40.00 |400 |magic level +2 |0 | | | ||Gold Ring |100 |50 |energy +6%, earth -6% |0 | | ||Viper Star |69.00 |18 | | Features: You can save/load multiple characters/targets/spells; |12.00 |35 |70 | | | | | | | | ||Terra Mantle |1 |physical +5% | | |200 ||Seashell Lamp | |27 |30 | | | | |55 |100 | | T.H.A.I.S. |sorcerers and druids|Gnome Armor |59.00 |sorcerers and druids|Magma Boots |200 | | |7.50 | | | |47.00 |paladins|Longsword |20 | |26.00 |400 |fire +9% |3 |120 |50 | |20 ||Might Ring |8.50 |physical +5%, earth +5% |0.85 |20.00 |24 ||Curly Hortensis Lamp (Unlit) | | |6.50 |knights|Drachaku | | |magic level +4 | |10 | |1 |sorcerers and druids|Helmet of Nature | |3.80 |knights and paladins|Dark Armor |speed +10 |40.00 | | |37 |130.00 | |earth +10% | | | | | | | | | |without|Stealth Ring |6 | | | ||Gourd |270 |faster regeneration | | |68.00 | | |18 ||Christmas Branch | |magic level +3 | |energy +3% |3.00 |5.00 |6.10 | ||Pirate Hat | |knights and paladins|Swan Feather Cloak | | |7.70 | |energy +7% | ||Green Demon Helmet ||Werewolf Helmet |0 |10.00 | |2 | | | | Check if you get cheaper imbuing Strike with items or buying Gold Tokens. | ||Buckle |48.00 | |150 |physical +6% | | | | Albo ktra jest najstarsza? |2 | |magic level +3 |220 | ||Royal Star |0.20 |3.00 | |300 | Starting level: Target level: (Optional) Exp per hour (in kk/h): (Optional) Hours hunting per day: TibiaPal.com uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. |19.00 |50.00 |knights|Two Handed Sword |51.00 | |40.00 | | |5.50 | |fire +8%, ice -8% |fire +7%, ice -7% | |paladins and without|Rainbow Shield |70 | |102.00 |100 |sorcerers|Metal Spats |42 | | |45 | |80 |7.50 |club fighting +3, Cleave 3% | The tool assumes: | |150 ||Hive Bow |21 | | |8 |magic level +2 | |knights|The Calamity ||Haunted Blade ||Furry Club ||Terran Rainbow Shield |club fighting +3 | | | | | |0.80 |knights|Sabre |70 | |1.50 | |magic level +3 |56.00 |6 |11.50 |28.50 |8 | ||Prismatic Necklace |8.00 |110.00 |energy +10% | |27.00 ||Tempest Shield ||Torch |energy +8%, earth -8% |5.50 |24 ||Amulet of Theurgy | |18.00 | | | | | Automatic calculator to distribute waste and profit in a team hunt. | |31.00 | ||Light Rapier |150 | |40 | |33 ||Jungle Bow | ||Assassin Dagger | | |sword fighting +4 | | ||Turquoise Flower Lamp (Unlit) |130.00 |16 |22 | |25 | | |31.00 | |7 | |knights|Bow | | |1 |80 |300 | |250 |65 |48 Subreddit dedicated to the game Tibia, an MMORPG developed by CipSoft. |150 | |400 ||Sword Ring By continuing to use this website, you Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | | |39.00 Expand the different rows to see the different magic levels, and expand the columns to see the min,max,avg, difference for each spell. |300 | |8.50 ||Post Officer's Hat | | | |32.00 | |sorcerers|Wand of Darkness Cookie Notice ||Ring of Souls (Depleted) | Forge simulator. |magic level +4 |180 | |22 | |6.00 | | |paladins|Gill Coat | | | |24 | |17 | |10 | |3 | | | |0.80 | |300 ||Magic Longsword | |78.00 | |9 | | |31.00 |55.00 | | |56.00 | | |19 |95.00 | |knights|Umbral Mace | Type your level in the top, then see how the damage of every spell changes for each magic level. |knights and paladins|Mutant Bone Boots | ||Shockwave Amulet | |51.00 |100 | |magic level +3 |33.00 | | |16 | | |400 |120.00 | | |4.00 | ||Springsprout Rod | |druids|Elite Draken Helmet |5.00 | | |54.00 | | |35.00 |63.00 ||Scarab Shield |49.00 |80 |5.00 |55 | |1.00 ||Phoenix Statue (Replica) |6.30 | | ||Bronze Necklace | |55.00 ||Plate Shield ||Icy Knight Axe ||Pumpkinhead |0 | |60 | |earth +7% | | |0 | | | ||Turquoise Flower Lamp (Lit) |27.00 | | | | | |0 You will find here a knowledge base, calculators and various statistics. |1 | | |120 |0.85 | |8 |42.00 |7 |32.00 |120.00 |8 | |knights|Gilded Eldritch Rod I have applied the balance multiplier to EK spells. | |druids|Heat Core ||Ring of Green Plasma ||Earthborn Titan Armor |paladins|The Epiphany | | |knights|Arboreal Crown |24 | |20.00 | |33 | | |19.00 | |physical +3%, fire +10% | | |80.00 |6.00 ||Porcelain Mask | | | | | | ||Crusader Helmet | |2.00 ||Lit Torch (Medium) | | |60 | | | | | | | |80 |35 | |68.00 | ||Golden Scorpion Pendant | | | |physical +10%, energy +8% | |48.00 | |80 | |club fighting +4 |80 |7 ||The Cobra Amulet | ||Cobra Crown | ||Castle Shield | | | ||Luminescent Fungi (Lit) | |180 |40 |250 | |21.00 | | |knights|Eldritch Rod |8.80 |1 | | | | |life drain +5% | |sorcerers|Battle Shield | |250 | |7 | | |31.00 |7 |180 | | | | | | |knights|Eldritch Bow | | | |distance fighting +2 | |fire +4% | | |15 |95.50 ||Ice Rapier | |sorcerers|Soulshell | | |80.00 |400 | |0.60 | | |axe fighting +4 |sorcerers and druids|Pair of Nightmare Boots | | Ive used the tibia stats spell damage calculator for a long time, but I always wanted to compare different levels and magic levels, so I made a new spreadsheet. |8.50 | ||Fiery Dragon Slayer |31 | | | | | | |12 ||Ornamented Axe ||Lederhosen |3.50 |5 | | |130 | |36.00 | |0 | ||Firewalker Boots |180 |speed +10 |6 |physical +4% | | | | | | |knights|Banana Staff | | ||Dream Blossom Staff |12 |magic level +1 | |shielding +3 |18.00 |300 ||Wedding Ring |61.00 | | |100 | | |12 |21 | | | | |sorcerers|Dragon Scale Mail |60 | | |paladins|Amazon Helmet | |40 | website of Tibia is tibia.com. |33 |300 | | |0 | | |earth +7% | | | | | |druids|Arcanomancer Regalia | | |18 |50 | |97.00 ||Obsidian Zaoan King | | ||Sword | | |25 By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. |knights|The Shield Nevermourn |60 | |5.00 |58.00 | |85.00 ||Royal Axe |45.00 | | |sword fighting +1, club fighting +1, axe fighting +1 | | |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% | | Age calculator. |sword fighting +2, club fighting +2, axe fighting +2 | |magic level +4 | | |67.00 |5.20 | |death +5% | |earth +8%, fire -8% | |400 |magic level +1 | | |58.00 |123.00 |16 ||Spike Sword ||Dragon Scale Helmet | | |31.00 | | |50.00 | | |knights|Metal Bat | ||Golden Magic Longsword ||Lit Rainbow Torch | | |7.00 |27.00 ||Sun Catcher | |magic level +2 | | |knights|Dark Trinity Mace | | | | |knights|Havoc Blade |sword fighting +4 ||Barbarian Axe | |4 | |45.00 | | |9 |150.00 | | | |2.00 | | |81.00 | | | |30 | | |physical +60%, energy +40% |19.00 | | | Calculate how many Exercice Weapons you need to raise skill or Magic Level. | |1.00 |shielding +3 |220 |19.50 |paladins|Divine Plate Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. |knights|Diamond Sceptre |5.00 |15.00 Sorcerer Druid. | | | |0 |18 |37 ||Exotic Legs |29 ||Gearwheel Chain |31.00 | ||Fiery War Axe |68.00 | | | ||Scimitar | | | |shielding +4 |400 | | | ||Medusa Shield | |35.00 |220 |59.00 | | |15.00 |0 |death +5% ||Noble Sword (Replica) |12.00 |0 |38.00 | | |physical +3%, fire +6%, ice -5% | |80 |70 | | |11 ||Fire Sword |27.00 |39.00 Blacklist. | | | | ||Rapier ||Jade Zaoan Queen | |80 | ||Shimmer Glower You can find more information about our cookies on our. | ||Icy Crystal Mace |7 |energy +8%, physical +6%, ice -2% | |63.00 | | |38.00 | |6.00 | Weapons needed: - . | |21 | | |knights|Small Stone | |50 | ||Magical Torch | |physical +6% ||Leaf Star |270 | | |69.00 |sorcerers and druids|Deepling Fork | | | |46.00 | ||Helmet of the Ancients ||Magic Light Wand |10.00 ||Crystal Lamp (Store) |magic level +2 Weapon charges. |3.50 | | |knights|Quiver ||Batwing Hat | | | |0.70 |distance fighting +2 | | |130.00 |22 ||Light Mace | | |60 | | | | | | | | |50 | | |18.00 |80.00 |knights|Icy Heroic Axe | |45 | ||Enchanted Pendulet | ||Torch (Small) | | |0 | | | | | | |physical +3%, fire +8% | | | | |33 |39.00 |16 | |38.00 |physical +4% ||Emerald Necklace ||Lion Axe | |60 | | ||Tunic |55 | |earth +3%, fire -3% |0 |32 This page is protected to prevent harmful edits. | |12 |89.00 |19.00 | |0 | |axe fighting +4 |2 | |12 | | |50.00 ||Pair of Earmuffs |5 ||Ogre Scepta | | |270 | | | |knights and paladins|Draken Boots ||Terra Amulet |400 | |6 |59.00 | |75 |200 | |20 |8 |magic level +1 |7.00 ||Jade Zaoan Knight | | | | |paladins|Crystal Mace Loading Calculators Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. |paladins|Sandals |0 |35.00 | ||Depth Lorica |5.00 | | | | | | | |3 |sorcerers|Demon Armor |30 |speed +10 | |31 Example You get a hit with original value of 200 wearing only Zaoan Helmet and Protection Amulet | |0.80 |14.00 | | |sorcerers and druids|Falcon Coif | |30 |44.00 |1 | |8.00 | |41.00 |10 |22 | | |400 |0 | | |0 | | | |axe fighting +1 |0.95 |1 ||Shield of Care | |37 |8 |5 | |120.00 |knights|Fire Axe |60 ||Sorcerer Test Weapon Test |15.00 | |druids|Jungle Wand | |9 |300 | | | |75 | |80.00 What is the optimal setup of damage-charms in Issavi West for team hunts as a mage? | Not real values, but the methodology is correct -Skill 110: minimum damge 40 - maximum damage 100 - average damage 70 -Skill 111: minimum damage 40 - maximum damage 102 - average damage 71 - One skill increases 2 attack value, but only 1 average, as it only increases maximum damage. | | | and TibiaME are trademarks of CipSoft GmbH. | |knights|Firemind Raiment |knights|Crude Umbral Bow |knights and paladins|Falcon Greaves |145.00 | | |0 | | |paladins|Platinum Amulet |6.30 |26.00 | |knights|Soulcutter |physical +2% | |0 | | |8 ||Curly Hortensis Lamp (Lit) | | |ice +3%, energy -3% ||Orcish Axe | | | | | | ||Leviathan's Amulet |180 |19.00 |29 | | |28 | | |16 | |32.00 | |19 | | ||Zaoan Wall Lamp (Lit) | ||Tortoise Shield |fire +4% |71.00 | | |27.00 | | |knights|Sapphire Hammer |200 |paladins|Bow of Destruction | ||Boots of Waterwalking |17 |club fighting +2 | |0 |45.00 |2 |knights|Umbral Masterblade | | |sorcerers and druids|Mammoth Fur Shorts The primary drawback to magic damage is that many creatures are immune to different types of magic damage, and therefore are not affected by it. ||Sapphire Amulet | | | |21 |6.00 |1.50 |400 |distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1 | ||Shoulder Plate |200 | | |earth +3%, energy +3%, fire +3%, ice +3% | |knights|Fireheart Hauberk | |15 | | | |42.00 |8 |34 |25 |90.00 | | | ||Devil Helmet | |1 | |0 |fire +2%, earth +2%, energy +2%, ice +2% |200 | |7.80 |0 | | |magic level +2 if you have problems with them update your browser or try another browser, This calculator was created for creature products but it works with all npc sellable items, so keep in mind prices here is what NPCs pay for the items, also you may need to have completed quests to be able to trade with some NPCs | |12 | | |knights and paladins|Falcon Shield | | |9 |knights|Crystalline Axe |4.00 |16 |0 | |magic level +2 |0 | | | | |sword fighting +3, Cleave 3% | | | ||Heart Lamp |38.00 ||Ferumbras' Hat | | | Other stuff, like skills, is 500. |55 |knights|Fireheart Platemail |19.00 |15 |36 |death +5% ||Energy Orcish Maul |magic level +2 | | | |50 | | |paladins|Royal Spear | | |holy magic level +1 |knights|Guardian Axe | | |180 | Tibia Hunt Finder, Calculators and Events Calendar | Intibia. |0.80 |82.00 |40 | |earth +8%, fire -8% | | | - Melee (Axe/Club/Sword) training for knights ||Execowtioner Axe |knights|Earth Heroic Axe |25 |13 | | | | | |35.00 |50 |31.00 | | we find you players who can share with you. |18.00 |sorcerers and druids|Golden Legs |5.30 |0.90 website of Tibia is tibia.com. | ||Strange Helmet | | | |20 |20 | ||Zaoan Sword |0 |axe fighting +3 | | |270 | | | | ||Werewolf Amulet | | |35 | | |60 |29.00 | | | ||Boots of Haste | | |81.00 |12.50 |29.00 Activate counters to know when you can kill a certain boss again. ||Green Demon Legs |magic level +2 |paladins|Ornate Legs |club fighting +2 | | | | ||Crystal Sword | |8 |paladins|Umbral Master Bow Test | |51.00 | | | | ||Treader of Torment | | |150 | |10 |80.00 |sorcerers and druids|Blue Spectacles | | | |17 | |125.00 | | |37.00 | |ice +8%, energy -8% |1.10 |150 |sorcerers and druids|Mage's Cap ||Garlic Necklace | |35.00 |knights|Crystal Crossbow |68.00 |knights and paladins|Zaoan Robe |ice +8%, energy -8% |physical +12% | | |1 | | |26.50 | |225 | |8 | |magic level +1 |speed +15 | |distance fighting +3, magic level +1, holy magic level +1 | | |ice +6%, energy -6% | | | |80 |36 | | |paladins|Hive Scythe | |18 |10 | |82.00 |12 | |physical +7%, earth +10% | | |9.70 | |ice +8%, energy -8% | ||Helmet of the Ancients (Enchanted) It is clear the buff from the latest balance changes are not applied to the character level bonus in the formula. |26 |18 | |speed -6 | ||Icy Rainbow Shield |145.00 |20 |knights|Rift Bow |sword fighting +4 | | | |7 | |0 There are two main kinds of damage: Physical Damage and Magical Damage. | |40 | |speed -5 |22 |sorcerers and druids|Collar of Red Plasma | | | |9 | | |65.00 |11 ||Greenwood Coat | | |energy +20%, earth -10% |62 |91.00 |18 ||Burnt Down Torch |distance fighting +3 | |physical +2% | |knights|Muck Rod |18 | |50 | |0 |0 |60 |sorcerers and druids|Steel Shield | |46.00 |43.00 Stephan van der Meijden 2023. ||Elven Amulet |86.00 | | |8.50 | |180.00 | |60 | |knights and paladins|Lavos Armor | | Unjustified kills. | | |25 | | | |0 ||Resizer | | | |300 | |sorcerers and druids|Falcon Plate | | ||Idol Lamp |20 ||Brass Helmet |0 | |29.00 | | |85.00 ||Tentacle Lamp (Lit) ||Turtle Amulet |magic level +1 | |120.00 |5.50 | |59.00 |7.50 | | make sure your answer is complete - even if other posts already contain partial answers, when possible, confirm your answer with other trusted sources, like the official website, if you use any materials from other websites, always, take your time to research the problem or question and feel free to ask for clarification in a comment when needed, once your answer is posted, you can still edit it later if you learn more on the topic. | |40.00 |0 |16 |0 |32.00 | |0.90 | | | |40 |4.20 |35.00 |8 | ||Anglerfish Lamp (Unlit) ||Energy Mystic Blade |27.00 | Expand the different rows to see the different magic levels, and expand the columns to see the min,max,avg, difference for each spell EDIT:: It's been brought to my attention that this doesn't match tibiastats at higher levels.