In honour of the deathbed request of their former ariki, Ngti Poutkeka was renamed Te Wai Huakaiwaka, also known as Te Waihua. One would assume that the earlier Tuteiwi was an important tangata whenua Waikato chief whose antecedents are not recorded. Mana is not only about ancestral rights, it is also about exercising rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga across successive generations. Whakapapa is an indestructible force within te ao Mori that connects tangata with their tpuna, te taiao (the natural world) and one another. Part of the New Zealand Herald obituary for John Cowell. Ko Werewere te tekoteko Another mission was founded at Moeatoa (on the Waiuku River) in August 1836, . The first trading station in the area was set up near the mouth of the Waikato in 1830 by Charles Marshall, . Although at the time Ngti Te Ata did not anoint Te Wherowhero as kingi, we still supported our whanaunga, for example, when we acted as a guard of honour for him on June 3rd 1858. He led a series of raids known as Te Raupatu Tihore, "The Stripping Conquest" across the Tamaki isthmus, before being killed at a pa at Waiherunga in South Kaipara.[7]. Whakaue was a recognised and well respected leader amongst his people. There are versions in Waikato which make Kumaramaoa the first husband of Tuparahaki. Auckland. My enquiry has elicited a version which, I am sure, if corroborated will be the right one. Ko Waikato te iwi Kuku, son of Parekiteiwi, is supposed to be the same Kuku that married Kahuroro and Tomirikura (Chart XIII). This Manukau-Kawhia Maori-language copy of the Teaty of Waitangi, with 13 signatures, & is the only surviving copy with the signature of Colonial Secretary Willoughby Shortland. It will be understood that the exact positions here of the individuals have been dictated by reference to numerous others not in this table. They have used what they retained for their own consumption, in some cases, by simply boiling the wheat; in others, as kororirori, or boiled flour and water; (with sugar, when it could be obtained) and very often in the form of bread. In 1840 another group of Pkeh, the Crown (the British authority), came knocking on the door of Ngti Te Ata. Te Aotroa Hne Waitere was a Ngti Te Wehi chief who signed the Manukau-Kawhia copy of the Treaty of Waitangi 15 June 1840. As this did not fit, application was made to Rotorua and the following was obtained from Mr. Haki Karawana(Te Arawa should know best):. After the 1821 warfare Ngti Mahanga/Ngti Te Wehi chief Te Aoturoa Hone Waitere and his Ngti Mahanga/Koura princess Pirihiri moved to Te Waihi on the Aotea peninsular when in 1822 his younger brother was taken by Nga Puhi. Mori gain a deep understanding of who and where we come from through whakapapa. Hne Waitere, sons born to Marutehiakina II. Film negative. =Tawhao=, Punuiatekore=, =Marutehiakina, Turongo, Whatihua=Ruaputahanga, =Uenukutuwhatu=, Te Kura=Uenukuterangihoka=, Uetapu, Raukawa, Rangitairi=, Tamaaio, Rereahu, Tuatangiroa=Pakurarangi, Pakurarangi, Rangianewa, Hotunui, Waitawake=Tutarawa, Hineaupounamu, Mapau=Huiao=Waengarangi, Maniapoto, Tuirirangi, Paiariki, Te Ariari, Uetarangore, Family tree. =(1) Rereahu (2)=, Rangianewa=, =(1) Te Ihingarangi (2)=, =Hineaupounamu, Uehaeroa, =(3) Maniapoto, =(2) Maniapoto, Kurii, Maniapoto, Waerenga, Ueterangore=, Hinemapuhia, =(1) Hinewhatihua (2)=, Rauti, =Paparauwhare, Tutakamoana, Koroki, Rora, Family tree. This is the first thing of.the kind that has been erected for the natives of New Zealand; and I am glad to learn that other three parties are now arranging to follow this praiseworthy example of our people. Let it be noted that Raureti Te Huia and Davis belong to the Maniapoto country and might be expected to be more interested in the antecedents of Waiharapepe than those of Tuteiwi. The captain of Mmaru was Te Parata who married Kahutianui. [6], Ngati Whatua had heard of Kawharu's bravery and strength in battle, and in 1680, asked him north to Kaipara to help fight Te Kawerau. Te Ata i Rehia had a Waikato husband called Tapaue. From the first two 1840 meetings with Ngti Te Ata, the Crown and their missionary aids were unable to secure any signatures to Te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi, . Tradition often provides a guide. Ko Hukanui te marae, To build a strong Marae whaanau that is: Whakapapa and Whaanau (Relationships), The kawa of Hukanui marae is TAU-UTUUTU and follows the kawa of Waikato, Ko te kotahitanga ki raro i te Kiingitanga, Hukanui Marae holds a traditional annual Poukai with 123 years to date from records dating back to 1898. While no Pkeh had set foot in the Maungatautari/ Karapiro region until the 1830s, their presence in Aotearoa was felt there in the 1820s. Ng iwi o Tainui; There are 5 buildings on the marae complex: Wairere was the son of Tamainupoo and Tukotuku. Inland Patea Genealogies., PIDDINGTON, Ralph, 1951. After the 1863 Land wars and after the Crown confiscated Ngaati Wairere lands, they resettled at Hukanui, now known as Gordonton where they are today. The few who are studying tribal history at the present time quite obviously find no reason to doubt the reality of the tradition, but a common difficulty is a suitable chronological basis for study. Also, Kawana (governor) George Grey commissioned a ship to service the Waiuku-to-Onehunga leg of the trade route, . It seems that through these trade interactions, Ngti Te Ata developed a positive, mutually beneficial early relationship with the Crown. Whatuturoto typically lived at Te Pane Mataaho but sometimes resided on the coast of Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa (the Manukau Harbour) from Maungataketake (Ellets Mountain) to Puhinui, an area which includes whatutroto near the famous Ihumtao. Rangianewa=(1) Rereahu (2)=Hineaupounamu, Te Ihingarangi, Maniapoto (1)=Hinemania, Uehaeroa, Te Kawairirangi, Waerenga, =(1) Hinewhatihua (2)=(2) Maniapoto, Paparauwhare=(3) Maniapoto, Rora, Tutakamoana, Family tree. One time chairman of King Koroki's Council. Paratai, Mahanga, Wharewaiata, Tukotuku, Wairere, Paretahuri, Maramatutahi, Tuteiwi, Waiharapepe, Takupu, Ngamuriwai, Waikauhoe, Kiringaua, Mahuta, Huapiri, Te Tikiorereata, Atutahi, Puakirangi, Family tree. Here, people of all styles get together, and the square is a reference for the old city center. Manaakitanga is a value for Hukanui Marae. Te Wehi moved to the Aotea Harbour after Pakaue his father was murdered for items only he could obtain, a very famous Dogskin Korowai cloak named Pptewai & equally famous sacred war club named Karioi-mutu was given to Pakaue by an inland chief named Te Rau who lived over the ranges in the Waipa Valley. Interestingly, Te Tawh and Wairkau were some of the only wahine signatories to the Treaty, , carrying on the Ngti Te Ata tradition of female leadership. As a result of the isolation of most of the Tainui country following the Waikato war, it is likely, as Princess Te Puea suggests in her foreword to Kelly 7, that the Tainui traditions, still virtually a closed book, are preserved in a purer form than some others. Shortly after singing the Treaty of Waitangi he got his uncle Te Moke to sell land at Raoraokaurere to the Wesleyan's so they had their own mission station and using old planting grounds at Raoraokauere were growing wheat and barley so Ngti Te Wehi had the first water powered water mills in the area. Various wives have been attributed to Tuteiwi:. Whakapapa from information provided by Mria Pmare Te Wehi is the founding ancestor of the Ngti Te Wehi iwi. Born in Aotea Harbor approx.1799 Te Aotroa(a.k.a. Source: Commissioned Drawing One. . 1931. Photo JTD-07E03205 From Huia Road to Manukau Heads. However, at the Waikato Heads in either late March or early April 1840, four Ngti Te Ata rangatira, Te Katipa, Maikuku, Aperahama Ngakainga and Wairkau, signed the Treaty. The above table is set out in chronological form thus:. By 1822, the chorus of gunpowder from the Musket Wars had reached Ngti Te Ata rohe, setting our nineteenth century history off with an explosive bang (so-to-speak). But the result is interesting.. In practice it has proved quite possible and not unduly difficult, using a large number of Tainui genealogies. So at around the time of signing the Treaty Kawhia Hne Waitere Te Aotroa Rangatira of Ngti Te Wehi, Hapu Ngti Paiaka of Aotea Harbor lovingly persuaded Rev. 2 From very early times the Native Land Court recognised oral traditions as history and was satisfied to base judgments on them. Three Ngti Whatua chiefs signed then (Kawau, Tinana and Reweti) but none of the Waikato chiefs. Some of the earliest inhabitants of Tmaki Makaurau were the Ng Oho and Ng Iwi peoples, two groups who were closely interrelated. In the accepted version Mapau and Waengarangi have the same mother as Tuatangiroa. Achieving this by securing back a sacred dog skin war cloak or Kahu Kuri[3] (dog-skin korowai were the most prestigious of Maori cloaks) also a war club or pounamu mere,[4] items that no other local chief could obtain but by the mana(prestige) of his father Pakaue, who got killed for them anyway by Tautini-moko (the son of Tuahu-mhina, the local Kawhia Chief) who was jealous as he was refused the High Chiefly and sacred items. . An extension of the above genealogy appears thus:. Match. Hekemaru, Maramatutahi=Paretahuri, Mahuta=Kiringaua, Tuteiwi, Waiharapepe=Matakore, Takupu, Ngamuriwai, Waikauhoe, Parewaru, Ngutu, Umuroa, Kiringaua=Mahuta, Mahuripounamu=Horotakere, Hikamoeawa=Tamatatai, Family tree. NGATI-KAUWHATA, NGATI-HOURUA, NGATI-HAUA. Although whakapapa is often translated as genealogy, this is an oversimplification of a complex concept. It follows, therefore, that the most reliable records are those which do not lend themselves to variation in the wording, particularly during the time when the trained tohunga have been disappearing and the records have necessarily passed through untrained people. Whanaungatanga: Who we are and where we come from; knowing our connection to each- other, Manaakitanga: Looking after our whaanau from our mokopuna to our kaumaatua -Koohanga Kokako, Mana Motuhake: Enhancing our self-determination, our identity, our confidence, our influence as a whaanau, marae, hapuu and iwi, Wairuatanga: Recognising our spiritual wellbeing and harnessing this in our connection to each other, our awa and our whenua, Kaitiakitanga: Protecting and preserving our taonga tuku iho of our whaanau, marae, hapuu and iwi, Tikanga: Making our decisions with integrity and wisdom ensuring we are acting in the best interest of our Marae whaanau. The Waikato-Manukau Treaty of Waitangi sheet (minus the signatories) signed by members of Ngti Te Ata. Then in mid-April a further two of our rangatira, Waihua Wiremu Ngawaro and Te Tawh signed on the shores of Te Manukanuka, probably alongside the second signing of Te Katipa. Enough has been said to demonstrate the principles and the method, and also to give some idea of the degree of approximation attainable. It seems that the rahui-esque abandonment of Tmaki lasted until the mid-1830s. Through the intermixing of Tmakis earliest inhabitants and people from the some of the significant migratory waka, like Tainui, came the Ngti Poutkeka people. Spell. In August 1855, Charles Abraham noted that Waiuku was a particularly bustling place of trade in Tmaki, It seems that through these trade interactions, Ngti Te Ata developed a positive, mutually beneficial early relationship with the Crown. Annotations indicate that the whakapapa was compiled by F D Fenton "Senior Judge C.C." probably in reference to a claim to the Compensation Court under the New Zealand Settlements . (4) By making use of interconnections between genealogies, long and short lines can frequently be chosen at will for the purpose of defining limits. KO NGATI RAUKAWA, NGATIKOROKI, NGATI WAIRERE, NGATI HAUA. Pita Mahu married Tirimata Karuwhero a Chieftess who occupied Maukutea before her marriage to him. It is likely that Kelly's Parehuka may be a miscopy of Parepahoro or Pahoro. Ngti Te Wehi is a Mori iwi (tribe) based in Kawhia on the west coast of New Zealand's North Island.[1][2]. Source: Archives New Zealand. In Chart I it can be seen that Huiao could not be earlier than 1500, and Rangitairi could not be much later than shown unless several discrepancies in ages are made elsewhere. Ngti Te Wehi is a Mori iwi Located on the West-coast of Kawhia in the Waikato District region of New Zealand. (5) The limits are progressively reduced as different pieces are put in juxtaposition. Source: Richardson, James D. Photo 4-7731. The only solution would appear to be detailed research over a very wide area. When near death, Huakaiwaka asked for wai from Te Pkaki tapu o Poutkeka, a tapu (sacred) spring southeast of Te Pane Mataaho. Terms in this set (20) Huakatoa. Te Rau had completed this very beautiful kahu kuri (dogskin) cloak and was coveted by many local Chiefs. Drawing on paper by Pellizzaro-Hurrell, Maya. When Tautini-moko returned, Te Wehi was living at Te Maari Aotea Harbour, & when the news reached him that his father's slayer was across the harbour, he decided to kill him. Representatives of Ngti Te Ata, including principal rangatira Te Katipa, were present at a large hui at Ihumtao in May 1857 where the Kngitanga was discussed. Signed Treaty on 15 June 1840, witnessed by John Whiteley. If 16 years per generation is conceded as a possible average over nine generationsand this is straining probability very considerablythe period from Mahanga to Puakirangi cannot be less than 144 years. To see more about the amazing architecture of the city you can walk on one of the most important avenues in So Paulo. Hotumatapu, Motai, Puhaanga, Ue, Putetere, Rakamaomao, Uetihi, =Kakati=, Houmea, Uenoho, Tawhao, Matuaaiwi, Ueraki, Uetapu, Tuhianga, Taipu, Punuiatekore, Marutehiakina, Poutama=Panirau, Tokohei, Turongo, Whatihua, Haumia, Tamapoto, Te Kura, Mango, Whataakai, Raukawa, Kaihamu, Raka, Tuheitia, Wharerere=Kurawari, Rereahu=, Kurawari, Te Urutira, Mahanga, Whaita, Raeroa, Rueke, Huiao, =Hineaupounamu, Pahoro=Tuteiwi, Maniapoto=Hinemania, Waiharapepe=Matakore, Maniapoto, Takupu, Paretahuri, Mahuta=Kiringaua, Tuteiwi, Family tree. Putikitiki references the gully area behind Hamilton East School which was part of the Putikitiki block that Ngati Parekirangi, a subtribe of Ngati Wairere, occupied prior to 1864. Starting from these, numerous points can be fixed fairly closely in earlier times by application of the limits formulated. Another signatory of the Treaty, Tmati Ngpora, was of mixed Ngti Te Ata, Ngti Mahuta whakapapa and he was Te Wherowheros cousin, highlighting the connection between Ngti Te Ata and Waikato. (Ngati Kauwhata) Biography TUM Hogan, Helen M. Bravo, Neu Zeeland : two Maori in Vienna 1859-1860, 2003. L. G. Kelly shows Hotunui as a son of Uenukutuwhatu, but the above is supported by a well known tradition. Auckland City Libraries Heritage Collections: Kura, Auckland. Description: Includes whakapapa on most iwi by waka, a parliamentary speech `The Maori Magna Carta', the creation of the `Maori Education Foundation' and the `Primary School Bulletin'; also includes a letter from Te Puea Herangi and a sympathetic letter from a woman who had an affair with a married man, Wally Jones Quantity: 1 folder (s). It may become necessary at times to shift whole sections up or down to make a new piece fit, but the general structure remains intact. Understanding historic Mori fluidity within Ngti Te Ata Waihua: An outline, Diversity of thought and action within historic Ngti Te Ata Waihua, The effects of the Waikato War on Ngti Te Ata Waihua, Download Tommy's Fully Referenced Writing Here. Originally named Tuututru-aa-Papa, Kamutu was added after the practice of Maakutu ceased. 6 Throughout the charts each date of birth is compatible with every other. Although whakapapa is often translated as genealogy, this is an oversimplification of a complex concept. On the basis of (1) and (3) the longest interval between children of the same mother is 20 years. If this is still considered within the bounds of - 52 possibility, there are further considerations. | The exercise of authority by a leader who weaves a group of people together in the process. Consider the following table of descendants of Rereahu:. King Taawhiao gathered tohunga together and abolished this practice. Surely traditions become myths or legends only when the system of recording breaks down, or is too primitive to keep a consistent record, and through changes in the telling, facts become subservient to drama. 1890. The contemporary decor comes as a pleasant surprise, with its off-white tones and the use of different building materials, which combine to provide a creative space perfect for an enjoyable . The renaming of the river to Wai (water) kato (to pluck) is in reference to the plucking and sprinkling motion during the rites and rituals performed by his grandfather Kookako. Turongo, Raukawa, Rereahu (2)=, Whakatere, Kurawari, =Takihiku, =Hineaupounamu, =(1) Maikukutea (2)=, Maniapoto, =Tamatehura, Te Rongorito=, Wairangi (2)=, Huitao=Hinetore, =Hae, Kapu, Parekarewa=, Taratioa=Hinearokura, Ngarongo (2)=, Ngatokowaru, Toreheikura=Huaki Tukemata=, Whatumoana, =Te Momo, =Te Weu, Paretekawa=, Hore, Family tree. For tangata whenua, understanding whakapapa gives an individual or group the key to the door to enact the mana of their tpuna and collective. Professor Piddington 1 states: In such an area as Polynesia, the amount of significant history which can be reconstructed is negligible . Davis, Maatapuna, Nov.-Dec., 1953Parepahoro. (4) The average interval between members of a large family is likely to be 1 years, and this is taken as a minimum. Waiuku sat at an important position along the Waikato-Auckland trade route thanks to the nearby water transportation network. Ngti Twharetoa is an iwi descended from Ngtoro-i-rangi, the priest who navigated the Arawa canoe to New Zealand. Concerning the date 1350, now universally accepted as the approximate time of arrival of the great migration from Hawaiki, he says: This date is arrived at by taking the mean number contained in over 50 genealogical tables, all of which will agree within 4 or 5 generations. 5 Without attempting to make a statistical analysis by modern standards, it is probably safe to assume that with these precautions the calculated date is sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes. Mr. Kelly 18 states that Pikiao married a Tainui woman, Rereiao, who lived on the slopes of Pirongia, where Hekemaru was born and spent most of his life. Te Katipa was again present in June 1858 when Te Wherowhero was anointed kingi (king) by Ngti Mahuta, Ngti Maniapoto and Ngti Haua. Through reading the roots of the Ngti Te Ata whakapapa tree, from its ancient source through mai r an (the pre-Pkeh time) to the mid-19th-century, we can understand the Ngti Te Ata claim to mana in Tmaki. With the death and destruction of war comes the proliferation of dangerous, even deadly, tapu. Ngti Te Ata traces our whakapapa back to these early groups, directly from their namesake ancestors . In March of 1822, a Ngpuhi taua, including the infamous Hongi Hika, attacked the Awhitu peninsula and was defeated by Ngti Te Ata on the Waiuku Awa. Mahuta begat Uerata who married Puakirangi, Koata's Auntie. IT SEEMS to be accepted as an undisputed fact by some social anthropologists that oral tribal traditions are unreliable and unworthy of serious consideration as history. John Bumby the Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church to set up a mission in Aotea Harbour, site of the landing of the Aotea Canoe and of an ancient Pa.[17] On the northern side 844 acres were gifted to the Wesleyans[18] for a boys school and mission station & the non-maori speaking Rev H.Hansen.Turton was re-appointed to that area.[19]. This whakapapa account lays out the foundation for understanding the Ngti Te Ata claim to mana (in this context meaning political authority) in Tmaki Makaurau, but it is not a definitive telling. At the same time, Ngti Te Ata had a positive relationship with the burgeoning Kngitanga movement, who the Crown saw as its enemy. It should be added, however, that the date, 1290, can only be given as a late limit. Another signatory of the Treaty, Tmati Ngpora, was of mixed Ngti Te Ata, Ngti Mahuta whakapapa and he was Te Wherowheros cousin. 2022. Great Whakapapa The rich history of Aotea/Great Barrier Island dates back to the initial settlement of Aotearoa by the East-Polynesian ancestors of today's Maori population, Ngati Rehua Ngati Wai ki Aotea, who trace their ancestry over many centuries to the original inhabitants. Potatau Te Wherowhero, first leader of Te Kngitanga and descendant of Tapaue. Source: Hooker, Isabel. Pakaue's cousin Tahu-mhina a son of T-irirangi & chief of the Ngti Ariari tribe, lived at Motu-ngaio pa not far from Karere-atua, His failed attempt to obtain these coveted items & remarks from the great Maniapoto chief Te Kanawa O Tahu-mhina, your prestige has been lowered by your younger relative Pakaue, because he has been able to obtain that which has been denied to you. The thought of this made Tahu-mhina very angry. There are a few versions to the whakapapa of who were the parents of Pakaue according to Ngti Te Wehi Kumatua and Kia during the Waitangi hearings held at Ngruawhia in 1908-09 both Kauki Tauira of Ngaati Te Wehi and Te Kamanomano of Ngati Reko state the whakapapa of Pakaue and reference to Tuhorotini a son of Tuirirangi and Koura Tuwhea of Ngti Wairere to be Pakaue's parents. News of the death of Tahu-mhina spread & reached the ears of Tautini-moko, who had fled to Whanganui, and hearing that peace had been made, he returned with the sacred Patu & dogskin Korowai cloak & occupied the pa Te Rau-o-te-huia, not far distant from Raorao-kauere. According to the 1874 census, Ngati Te Wehi were registered as an iwi. Before rejecting a genealogy out of hand, physiological limits should be stretched to the extent of possibility, bearing in mind that the necessity for extreme limits more than once in the same problem must be considered as straining probability. Ko Te Mokai te whare kai Ttemahurangi begat three known sons, and he married Metiria Waikato a Daughter to Te Riria Whareherehere, one of his sons was Pita Waikato later known as Pita Mahu Waikato of Ngti Te Wehi. This adds a further 16 years to the period, making 160 years. The Raukawa takiw is from Te Wairere, Horohoro, and Phaturoa. Trade opportunities also came to Ngti Te Ata at Waiuku.