Thank you for all the happy years we have enjoyed together and are still enjoying. You want to be the best parent for them, and you wouldn't want them to experience the tough life you've gone through before. May 1, 2023. May she always turn to You in times of need and give thanks in times of joy. Fertility is in Your hands and is under Your control, Lord. Daughters are miracles in life, so you would want the best for them. I pray that You shield her from deception, failure, lies and relegation. We know that you are the God of forgiveness and that you call us to forgive others as you have forgiven us. Whether your daughter is young, a teenager, a young adult or married, I pray that you treasure every precious memory you have with her. Grant them the patience to wait for Your perfect timing and the discernment to recognize Your hand in their lives. Prayer For Exam Success For My Daughter. Guide their path as they move toward one another, preparing their hearts for the commitment they will undertake. I place her future into your hands. I pray that anyone who meets her would see your presence in her and that they would be impacted positively. You are her peace! Pour out your requests before the Lord. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Can I Say These Prayers for My Nieces Too? You must protect your daughter at every turn, not only through calling and checking up but also through powerful prayers. Guide her in embracing the unique gifts and talents You have given her, and inspire her to use them for Your glory. In addition to drawing us closer to God and covering our daughters with our hopes and desires for them, praying for our daughters can also strengthen our bond with them. With all the dangers and cruelty in this world, you cannot help but worry about their well-being every day. To explore useful techniques for incorporating prayer into your daily routine, check out these Practical Ways to Integrate Prayer into Your Daily Life. Sure you can! The intention of wanting them to be happy and have the best life should be pure, but there will always be a conflicting situation on how to raise a. You ask God to help her keep a pure heart in your prayer. Be her refuge and shield, an ever-present help in times of trouble. Sometimes you will just want a short prayer to pray for your daughter. Everything has two sides to the coin, and so does pregnancy. Whenever she meets other people, give her the gift of discernment. Being there for your daughter through prayer is a priceless gift. 4 4) Beautiful Mother's Prayer for Her Daughter. Teach your daughter that true strength comes from God. Devotional for Today, January 24, Prayer for peace in the family Christian Source of Love, Harmony, Daily Devotional for 1 May Pray for guidance and wisdom, GODS POWER TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE Prayer for April 30, BUILDING A GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD Prayer for April 29, GOD MADE US ALL UNIQUE Prayer for April 28, GOD IS IN CONTROL OF MY LIFE Prayer for April 27, SHORT PRAYER FOR PROTECTION Against Evil, Harm, Enemies, Intercessory Prayer Example and Prayer Points in the Bible, 8 Prayer Points for the Family Most important for Breakthrough, St Anthony Prayer for lost things. Oh Lord, please keep my daughter safe in your loving arms. What area do you need to start praying for today? Also we trust in your great love for her and know that you are the source of all healing. Wives,submit to your own husbands,as to the Lord. Jesus gave us guidance on prayer by offering a straightforward yet significant outline in the Lords Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13 NIV). Give her a discerning spirit to separate falsehood from the truth and the courage to say no to any temptation she might come across. Daughters are a blessing from God, and we celebrate them by praying for their wellness. e ask that you would bless her on this special day and always. You have good plans for her, not to bring disaster but to give her a future and hope. Strengthen her resolve to follow Your path, and grant her the wisdom to discern Your will in every situation. The poem opens with a storm raging while the speaker's child sleeps, protected by . May she stand strong in her convictions and trust in Your plans for her life. The struggle of having a child is always worth it, especially when you see them growing. Parenthood is no easy task. As we prepare for surgery to. Amen." The message in prayer to a daughter is typically one of love, support, and guidance. Give her the strength to . Dont miss the prayers for your daughter below. Furthermore, consistent prayer fosters our trust and reliance on God, empowering us to face our own challenges and uncertainties with grace and wisdom. With the help of your prayers, she will lay the foundations for a successful life. Genesis 25:21. Your email address will not be published. Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! She has grown so much; it is my time to surrender her to your guiding love. That when people look at her, they will not just see my resemblance, but Your reflection. Amen. That she will desire to have a relationship with You and see You as her Savior and King. By praying for your daughter to keep her faith and grow up to be a decent and faithful woman, you are laying the foundations for her to have a successful life. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. This verse, among others, can help lead your daughter back to the righteous path if she has walked away from obedience and steadfast faith. As women today, we tend to deal with more body image issues and comparison. Yes. Keep evil far from her, and help her to trust You as her refuge and. You know her struggles more than I do, and so, I come to you, Lord, asking for strength and courage in her life, I have complete trust in you that you will help her get through any struggles she has right now, Thank you for helping me to raise her as a powerful, bold, and strong women. Make her happy in her skin and let her embrace who she is, Make her confident, and don't let any of her insecurities get in her way, Remind her that she is beautiful, she is worthy, she is strong, and she is valuable, Bring into her mind that she doesn't need to compare herself to others because her only competition is herself, She is more than her body and beauty, and may you surround her with people that will see her value and love her for who she is, Make her firm, so nobody will have to hurt her, manipulate and take advantage of her or bring her down, Help her build healthy boundaries with people around her, Please give her a sense of purpose and let her discover what she wants and, most significantly, what she doesn't want in life. She takes care of my needs. Grant her the courage to face any health challenges with faith and optimism, and bless her with a strong support system of family and friends to lift her up in prayer. I commit her care to You. (Joshua 1:9 NIV). Amen.. May you be kind and gracious to her and may you look on her with favor and give her peace. Not only will you want to pray for your daughters physical protection, but you will definitely want to be praying for protection against the schemes of Satan as well. But, sooner or later, they will lead their own lives and be independent. You are her Rock O Lord; may she stand on Your Word as her foundation. Help her to live according to your will. One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor,but the way of the wicked leads them astray. Proverbs 12:26. The Bible verses above should give you a great springboard of what to pray for your daughter. Joy, because this amazing soul leaves me breathless with wonder.. Besides, praying for her is one of the purest acts of affection. And, by being vulnerable about our own prayer life, we can help model for them the importance of seeking God during difficult times and nurturing a lasting relationship with their heavenly Father. New to Axis? In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. A Prayer for My Daughter: Prayer for Strength As our daughters endure the hardships set upon their path of life, let's offer a prayer for strength during difficult times and ask God to lend His strength to our daughters. Praying for your daughter to keep the faith and grow up to be a good, decent, and faithful woman can help to give you peace of mind, knowing that you have asked God to watch over her and guide her throughout her life. And if she is still young, you are responsible for monitoring what she surrounds herself with and guiding her according to Gods perfect will. Also we ask that you use her life to bring glory to your name. It is the only way for her to connect to the universal and divine power of the Holy Spirit. You may go. What about her focus on her body image and looks? Please help her to see that this is a sin that needs to be dealt with. Instill in her the aspiration to honor You in every aspect of her life, living as a testament to Your grace. Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,my salvation. Psalm 42:5, Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, Ephesians 4:26. You can use the above prayers as a model for your prayer. Allow her to lead a fruitful, abundant, and beautiful life in accordance with your will. Since most women eventually do get married, lets be praying already for our daughters future spouses. May you Lord bless her and take care of her. I have a daughter who is so looking forward to when she can date and get married. It will shake you to the core and make you realize that there are strengths you didn't know existed. 1 1) Protection Prayer for My Daughter. The Lords Prayer acts as a template for our personal prayers, enabling us to concentrate on Christs desire for that we connect with God and rely on Him. As women, we tend to struggle with what comes out of our mouths, whether it be gossip, criticism, or other negative talk. Therefore, being aware that your daughter is under attack should encourage persistent prayer. There are many forms of recovery, not just from ill health but also from depression, financial struggles, a failed marriage, and backsliding, just to mention a few. I know that when she does that, You will truly bless her. And we pray that you will guide the hands of the medical professionals who are caring for her and bring the best possible outcome for her recovery. 164 views, 5 likes, 1 loves, 41 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from St. Paul's United Methodist Church, Oakland, MD: Welcome to our 8:15 a.m.. Come revive her with showers of . You are a million steps ahead of the parents who do not pray. I believe Lord that you have designed her for your purpose and have carefully planned and prepared in advance your good works in her. A great verse to inspire her comes from Deuteronomy 31:6, which says: Be strong and courageous. We thank you for the gift of her life and for all the joy she brings to us and those around her. Amen. I know You have great plans for her! Wrap your arms around us and fill us with your love. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. As a parent, you may have various prayers in your heart, such as a healing and protection prayer for your daughter, a prayer for your daughter to give her strength, a birthday prayer for your daughter, etc. Walking the path of the Lord's guiding light is something you would love for your daughter. Pray that they will care more about what God thinks than what their friends think. (Jeremiah 17:14 NIV), Lord, I pray that You would provide my daughter with the strength she needs to face each day. A weekly email to help you stay up to date on the music, movies, TV shows, and social media trends impacting your kids world. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen. Required fields are marked *. We praise You for placing us in the same family and to be able to serve alongside each other in Your kingdom. Please be with her and help her to make the right choices, to put You first in all she does and witness Your doing in her life. Thoughts on God, motherhood, and simplicity. Encourage her to share her faith with others, inspiring them to draw closer to You. Prayer is a powerful tool that connects us to God and serves as a vital part of fostering a healthy relationship with Him. Therefore, say these prayers for your daughter, nieces, and grandchildren whenever you can. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. Proverbs 31:30-31. Help her to be God fearing so that she would desire only to please you. Heavenly Father, I come to you this morning with a heavy heart for my daughter. Use these Bible verses to pray over your daughter in order to help her to overcome obstacles in her life. Keep evil far from her, and help her to trust You as her refuge and strength. Please comment below to leave your prayer request. What does the Bible say about the role of a mother? God wants us to say powerful and impactful prayers for our daughters and their future. Fill my daughter with confidence in her identity as your child. The lines are written in iambic pentameter and iambic tetrameter. (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV), Heavenly Father, I pray that You guide my daughter in developing and maintaining her integrity in her thoughts, words, and actions. Prayer for our daughter serves as a crucial foundation for both our relationships with God and our connections with our daughters, helping us to navigate the complexities of parenthood with grace and wisdom. As a Christian parent, isnt your aim to raise a daughter who loves and serves God with all her heart? Ok thankyou so much for this amazing prayers for my nice daughter may God continue to bless her beyond Ameeeeeeen , Lord God I pray that you bless me with money so that I can manage to pay school fees for my kids and I build my own house. You are her comfort! However, the Lord proclaimed that your faith in him will send healing. Teach her to be a good listener and to seek the counsel of wise and godly mentors. Lord, I thank you for my amazing daughter. Give me compassion and understanding toward her when she makes childish mistakes; and help me discipline her in love when dealing with sinful attitudes and actions. Amen. Is it to have an amazing and high-paying career? Father, praise You for this life. Help her to have the strength to do what's right and resist temptation.